Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
![]() Have you been feeling physically, emotionally or psychically bad this last week or so? What are you feeling in your body or energy fields right now? Take a minute to scan yourself and notice what’s going on before you read my story. Last week I began my day feeling unusually tired. Interestingly enough, two of my friends had also felt the same way just before we went on our hike. In nature, amongst the rocks and stream, birds and breeze, and the warmth of the sun, the exhaustion dispersed. Seems reasonable, right? What we discovered, to our surprise, is that as soon as we returned to the city, with the people, cars and hustle and bustle (albeit a rural version of hustle and bustle), we noticed that we were once again wiped out! There was a noticeable difference in the two spaces and the congested area seemed to affect us directly in a negative way. Additionally, last week, feelings of “fuck it” began to surface. “What’s the point?,” swelled within me more times than one. By the weekend, I had an intense melt down. It was triggered by a desire to have the simplicity of my family together, which was not unfolding as I had wished. I felt a deep rage… mine… others’… the collective’s. I laid down for a half hour or so and the rage softened, but never completely dissolved. Sunday was my twin daughters’ birthday and we went to breakfast. It was lovely, but I chose to eat the gluten free pancakes that came with my meal… with butter… and syrup… of course. Well, as I have not been doing (many) grains recently, I enjoyed the delicious high but crashed hard by noon! I took a wiped-completely-out-and-drooling kind of two-hour nap. Yesterday, I paid for the two-and-a-half-not-so-big-GF-pancakes-with-butter-and-syrup with a horrible, toxic headache… all day. I was sure by the time I got home and into my pajamas at 4 pm I would feel better, but I didn’t. The headache weighed me into another exhaustion and left me non-functional and even more so “fuck it.” By night, I had received a text from one of my hiking buddies that she had a migraine. This friend, like me, is extremely tapped in to the collective and our planet. Thus, just before crawling into bed, I sent out a Facebook status asking if others had been feeling the intense heaviness, and threw in a request for healing energy. Of the 21 comments I received yesterday and today (many of which were offering xoxo’s, <3’s and healing), more than half commented that they, too, had felt similar symptoms:
Thus, I’ve decided to “look” at this, as I am on day two of the headache and have been GF-pancake-with-butter-and-syrup-free for two days now and have been sensing that there is something more to what I and others are experiencing. It feels unusual and “bigger” than what meets the eye. As I was talking to another friend (the non-migraine hiker who’s been having a hard time sleeping), I started getting pictures and downloads and strands of possibilities. What’s interesting to me is that I told her that I felt like this had something to do with the missing airplane – Flight 370 – story. Strange, I know. It surprised me, and as I often get analogies and symbols, I kept this as a possible interpretation for something. There are a couple of things I want to say before I continue. First, I don’t have a television or pay attention to the media, mainstream or otherwise, and haven’t learned much about the Flight 370 incident. As well, I am not a “conspiracy” type person – at all! – though I do believe we as a whole have been living so far out of alignment that we have allowed suppressive systems to grow and flourish for eons. And, finally, of course I could be wrong about what I see energetically! I don’t claim to be right about anything, really, but I have learned in my practice as an intuitive to just allow whatever it is to come through me. In fact, it’s all I really need to do and it’s up to others to evaluate and resonate (or not) with the information I bring. What I see is that we are at the verge of making a collective “quantum leap” if we wish. As many of us know, things have been shifting for many years and people are really waking up and beginning to accept their power. Yet, what I also see, feel and know is that there is a lot of resistance. In fact, it sometimes seems as if the resistance is greater than the pull to evolve. The resistance is both internal and external. And, if you think about it, the internal resistance that we are generating as a collective is equally matched with external resistance; aka entities and situations that keep us out of alignment and out of our power. So, what does this have to do with Flight 370? When I first heard of the flight I thought, “Hm… that’s weird, but I’m sure it’ll resolve soon.” But it didn’t. And the tidbits I caught just seemed fishy. No, I haven’t looked deeply into “what happened” to the flight, as I don’t feel it is in my place (nor my interest, honestly), but I do have the sense of foul play… as many do. What I see is that this flight was “hijacked” from the “inside.” This does not seem like a terrorist act, or even something related. It feels like an act of force and misused power on a really big scale. Big, not because it’s a large plane with lots of people, but because it feels like governments are involved. It feels like a “trade” or a “deal” of some kind. Obviously, (to me) it was important to make this happen and cover it up. The stakes feel big – some kind of bargain that has far reaches. So what do the headaches and the discomforts have to do with all of this? What I see is that there are huge, powerful manipulations of forces going on and they are taking place because of the consciousness shifts, because of our collective resistances to them, and because of the huge leap we are close to taking. I say ‘close’ because it is as if our collective flight has been hijacked in some way! To me, I am seeing the same “government” powers involved. I am not sure “which” government (which actually doesn’t matter) or how the two are specifically – on a material level – related or how exactly the discomforts are “produced” or if they are produced from an outside force at all. What I have been seeing for years is that one major “outside force” is really an internal one; our soul’s agreement to expand with the collective and the pressure cooker we feel we are in as that which no longer serves us is pressed right out of us! Going back to Flight 370 and our collective hijacking, I could only imagine the fear, pain and suffering of the passengers, can’t you? Yes… and that’s why we are feeling this intensity. Not only are we becoming highly attuned to one another, and the plights of our sister-beings, but we are attuned to the leap we are ready to make, and we felt this hijacking. But what do we do? Again, what would you do if you were on a flight that was being hijacked by our “leaders?” Shock, rage, fear, confusion, and likely the will to survive would unfold within and around you! Would you sleep in your horribly uncomfortable squashed seat? Ask for another drink? Jump from the plane? Would you band together and take action in spite of your fear and uncertainty of your future? By no means do I wish to judge or make light of an actual airline hijacking situation, or instill fear in you in any way. Yet, what I see – and feel, unfortunately – is the affects of a passive, overpowered collective that has so much inner resistance to our quantum leap that it is subject to hijacking (or worse). What we’ve been experiencing recently, feels to me that we are – right now – being hijacked from our intended course! So how do we release our resistance and reset our course? First, and foremost, we must be gentle with ourselves. Eat well. Sleep. Keep things simple. Go on hikes. And do whatever you can to nourish your body and soul. Just as I have with this headache situation, feel into your own suffering and look at it with as much neutrality as possible. Is it yours? Is there an underlying message? How can you shift it with love and care? Keep things simple. Oh, did I already say that? Yes, I did! Our busyness keeps us distracted and out of our power. It distracts us from our feelings, our fears, from doing things we really love, and from noticing things we should be noticing. Stay in alignment. Keep the faith. Stay on your path to your soul’s calling. Be the light for the world. Be your authentic self. Cultivate joy! Encircle yourself with loving protection. Visualize yourself surrounded by white light, a golden shield or use any other intention to preserve your body and energy field from things that don’t serve you. This isn’t about fear, it’s about intention and boundaries. Notice and set them. Own your power. No, you don’t need to fix every aspect of yourself. In fact, trying to “better” yourself is often dis-empowering because you align with a belief that there is something wrong with you. This is not true. Owning your power simply means you say yes to who you are and act accordingly. Change the world. Yep. It’s what you came to do. It’s what many of us are here to do and we can’t keep procrastinating. By being complacent, we allow things to happen that don’t need to happen. Our power, especially when we band together, is extraordinary! We envision a world that is peaceful and fair and safe and healthy and abundant. It is our duty to manifest this vision one mindful step at a time. Now, as you finish reading this, scan your body for two things. First, does this information resonate with you in any way? Second, how is your body or energy field feeling now? Did something shift or soften when you read this? Personally, I still have a slightly dull headache, but a sense of relief and renewal has enlivened me and my “fuck it’s” are gone!
![]() Although we may not want to admit it, most of us have some kind of resistance to owning our truth, power and joy. In spite of our striving, we often settle for far less and become comfortable with good enough. However, as a collective, we are opening to deeper parts of ourselves than ever before. Globally and individually, we are discovering there are significant consequences to whether we choose to reject or accept ourselves. With rejection, we experience blocks, depression, feelings of worthlessness, confusion and a general emptiness in our lives, and our actions reflect even the most subtlest of our rejections. Aligning with authenticity, self-empowerment and joy, on the other hand, drives our actions to support a promising world and meaningful lives. In centuries past, living with mediocrity was accepted as status quo with only a minority seeking and cultivating truly fulfilling lives. Rejection of self and joy was considered humble, and even holy, while power was limited to a select few who usually misused it. Unfortunately, some of these limiting patterns are deeply embedded in our consciousness. Thankfully though, as we've evolved, not only have we recognized that the individual has worth, we've deemed the pursuit of happiness to be a fundamental right, as is personal empowerment. Yet, declaring such values and living them may not always go hand in hand. With financial demands, social constraints, and a plethora of obligations, we often find ourselves unconsciously disconnected from our truth, power and joy even when we believe we are pursuing them. As we navigate our way through the bombardment of have-to’s, limiting rules and beliefs, and our occasional bouts of unworthiness, we may find ourselves living within the confines of partial-truth, just-enough-empowerment, and semi-joy. Yet, our soul’s tolerance for mere survival and unsatisfactory living has reached its limit. As conscious individuals, we came here to enlighten the world and mediocrity is no longer an option. Our personal disappointments, whether or not we believe we’ve contributed to them, stem from our rejection of, or misalignment with, our essential truth, power and joy. Fortunately, since we have been collectively resisting who we are and are now ready to awaken and realign with our true nature, millions of people are seeking ways to heal these misperceptions, and various tools have become available to us. As practical individuals, many of us benefit from step-by-step guidance or outside assistance to overcome our obstacles. Yet, as we embark on this journey to connect with our essence, we will increasingly experience the layers, dimensions, and formlessness of our souls, as well as our perceived obstacles. We will see, and perhaps appreciate, the multifaceted complexity we face. We can let this overwhelm or stop us from clearing old patterns and realigning with our core, or we can delight in awe over the incredible interplay of spirit and matter. The complexity of our soul, as well as the issues we face, are indications of our incredible nature. If we think of our blocks as protective veils that have been put into place by our higher selves to preserve us for grander times, it helps dissolve the shame and blame that our egos might want to seize and use against us. We can recognize the forces our spirit had to employ to make us believe we are anything less than holy. As well, we can use those same forces to release this fundamental misconception. In reality, our veils are as thin as light and can be released at any time. For a moment, let’s look at the basic ways we avoid – consciously or not – our truth, power or joy:
Fortunately, it really can be that simple! Acknowledging your challenges, opening to their gifts and offering them Love are the simplest ways to integrate your truth, power and joy. Whether you choose to seek support from another person, find resources to guide you, or take an individual approach, it is important to incorporate Love. Not necessarily easy or instant, the bottom line is that pure, unconditional Love changes everything. Are you ready to let Love help you align with your Truth, Power and Joy? You can take these suggestions in and contemplate them over a period of days or weeks, or focus your attention on one area of your life and use them as the foundation of a dedicated processing session you offer yourself: Recognize your essence is Truth, Power and Joy. Though your ego may forget, or your circumstances may look otherwise, you are Divine, Perfect Love – right now and always… and in all ways – and are simply experiencing the interesting parameters of being human. Observe your “shortcomings” with neutrality. Whether you feel inadequate, are frustrated with a particular area of your life, or have come across a confusing obstacle, learn to sit and be with the situation, including your feelings about it, with neutral wonder. Become aware of the obstacle. Observe it. Feel what comes up for you. Notice and allow. Look deeper. Open yourself to exploring the “whys” beneath the surface. Were you shamed as a child? Does having power frighten you? Do you feel guilty when you’re happy? As you discover the obstacles, ask, “Why is this here? What do I have to gain from this?” Explore your questions with wonder. Hold space for your revelations. You don’t need to chase your “whys” down a rabbit hole, but once you discover the underlying causes, again sit with them. Allow them to expand, feel into the stories and concerns, let them become a tsunami and wash over you. Feel, watch, and allow your issues to become as deep and expansive as your soul. Stay with your experience for as long as you can. Discover the need. If you imagine every aspect of you craving recognition, you may also notice all the former attempts at communication. Was your body growing sick or weary? Do you keep falling into the same pit? As you become keenly in tune with the core energies that keep you from your truth, power or joy, ask if there are any messages that wish to be conveyed, or needs that yearn to be met. Listen with an open heart. Bring the information your blocks are trying to convey into your conscious awareness.
As a being of Love, when you return to it, you recognize that your truth, power and joy begin and end with Love.
![]() As I look at the energies the collective is moving through now, I know - adamantly - that it is time for us to step out from behind our veils! Many on the spiritual path believe that there are veils of separation that keep our world, our consciousness, from connecting with the other realms of higher knowing. Yes, this is true, and this is far less significant than the veils we ourselves hide behind in day to day life. Most of us are somewhat unconscious about these veils, as they have been part of our "protection" since we were small. Yet, all the veils are dissolving, and this includes our personal ones. Where in your life do you still hide? What I find is that most people simply want to fit in with the world around them. They conform, become comfortably numb and wait and hope that something is going to change so that eventually they can be themselves and do what they want. Well, this is not how it works for most spiritual seekers! Your life has become more and more uncomfortable because you have been refusing to allow yourself to connect with and step in to your true self. You are far more powerful than you wish to know. Your soul has incarnated to help awaken humanity, and this cannot be done by the small you. So, dear one, I suggest you cooperate with your soul by tuning in to your true calling and take a courageous step out! Your time has come to reveal yourself and your gifts! ![]() What do you find Beautiful? Whether you find beauty in art, Nature, your partner's or child's face, or in various objects, beauty awakens our soul. It reminds us of who we are. In the simplest forms, beauty radiates from an exquisite dance of physical, energetic and emotional forces, that draws us in. Rather than wait to discover beauty by chance, we can learn to cultivate beauty and make it a part of our daily lives. From the objects we bring into our home, to the way we lay out our garden, to the styles we choose to adorn ourselves with, to how we arrange the food on our plates, beauty can be created everywhere. In the world of Design, one of the fundamental rules is "Form follows function." Yes, things need to be functional, but form is what makes us love it! How will you bring Beauty into your life today? |
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