Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
![]() I have to admit I am super excited about 2015! Though "predicting" time-frames and events aren't exactly my specialty, I can certainly feel the potentiality of what lies within the collective consciousness and the year ahead. What I see for 2015 are some HUGE expansions. Like childbirth, they may not always feel so good, but are (oh, so) necessary for new things to emerge! And, I see some pretty major things emerging! Specifically, I see the emergence of TRUTH. As the "veils of illusions" continue to dissolve, light will shine into those areas which have been hidden - from the public, in relationships, within ourselves. This, of course, can cause backlashes from fear. As much as our essence wants to be revealed, there is still a fearful need to stay hidden. Police brutality, corporate corruption, government agendas, infidelities and the like will continue to be exposed and the results won't always be so pretty. In fact, seeing the truth can be heart-breaking and life-shattering. Yet, it is instrumental to ignite our passion to be free and joyful! Along with the emergence of truth comes CHOICE. In 2015, we will see MORE CHOICES than ever - from job opportunities, to places to live, to the selections of products and services, to ways to interact with each other. The massive amount of choices we have reflect our growing awareness in our choices. We are beginning to really understand that in any given moment we have an infinite selection of thoughts and feelings available to us... and those are the foundation of our future. What future are you building for 2015?
![]() As a non-astrologer, I have no idea what's happening in the sky unless a full moon illuminates my dark woods at night. Yet, as a sensitive soul myself, I feel energetic influences that touch my own life, as well as collectively. Similar to the ebb and flow of the tide, shifts are constantly taking place under these influences! The most recent pattern I have noticed in several of my clients is a sort of "re-configuring" of the brain. In our expansion process, it is important we learn to "understand" the world in a whole new way. For some, that understanding will be as simple as learning to view others with compassion. For others, they will see themselves in a profoundly deeper way. Many are trying to bring more light into their bodies which opens them up exponentially. This light affects every part of the body, including the brain - which is where the current shift is happening for many people. Brains are incredibly powerful tools in the human body and our relation with our brain is immeasurable. Yet, if we want to evolve to the degree that we can consciously and lovingly affect our lives and our world in amazingly powerful ways, we must be able to bring an entirely new level of effectiveness in to our awareness; into our brains. If you notice head tingling, movement, confusion, new interesting thoughts and other "different" experiences, focus your awareness and welcome the expansion of your brain's capacity. Trust that your soul is working on your human behalf to help you activate new, powerful areas of your incredible brain. ![]() No, we will not be running an endless marathon, though for many of us it was beginning to feel that was what we signed up for in this life. After years of crumbling, shifting and assimilating into new paradigms, we are surely needing some relief! And, believe it or not, it's here! By no means are our lives now "perfect", or we as human-spiritual beings are "complete" with all of our "upgrades" and changes, as we are ever evolving! However, the energies have shifted, ever so slightly, into "Ahhhhhh." What does this mean exactly? First, it means nothing... Yep, NO THING. Energetically, the shift has helped us drop into no thing. We are feeling surprisingly freer, lighter and less attached (though there may still be some strings hanging on). Second, with the lightness and "ahhhhhh", comes a feeling of "I think I'm gonna be okay." Again, this may come and go, and we may not even know what triggers it, but the space between the concerns is growing wider and calmer. And lastly, only because I want to keep this short and to the point, there is a solidness within our soul. Though all the answers haven't been discovered, the questions have quieted just a bit, there's more certainty floating around for us to tap in to, and the ability to become fully present seems truly attainable. ![]() As I look at the energies the collective is moving through now, I know - adamantly - that it is time for us to step out from behind our veils! Many on the spiritual path believe that there are veils of separation that keep our world, our consciousness, from connecting with the other realms of higher knowing. Yes, this is true, and this is far less significant than the veils we ourselves hide behind in day to day life. Most of us are somewhat unconscious about these veils, as they have been part of our "protection" since we were small. Yet, all the veils are dissolving, and this includes our personal ones. Where in your life do you still hide? What I find is that most people simply want to fit in with the world around them. They conform, become comfortably numb and wait and hope that something is going to change so that eventually they can be themselves and do what they want. Well, this is not how it works for most spiritual seekers! Your life has become more and more uncomfortable because you have been refusing to allow yourself to connect with and step in to your true self. You are far more powerful than you wish to know. Your soul has incarnated to help awaken humanity, and this cannot be done by the small you. So, dear one, I suggest you cooperate with your soul by tuning in to your true calling and take a courageous step out! Your time has come to reveal yourself and your gifts! ![]() Part of the transition from October to November includes passing through the time of the year when the veils between this world and the realm of "death" - recognized in our observances of Halloween, All Soul's Day, Dia de los Muertos - are frighteningly thin. Though the traditions can be light and lively celebrations, our intuitive selves may sense things that feel slightly "darker." This year, you may have been feeling particularly "heavy" and wondered about what was going on. We not only crossed an annual threshold, we are collectively clearing much of our own "darkness' and allowing those parts of ourselves that are not in alignment to "die." As such, the thinner veils can make our sensing of "death" and "darkness" feel hauntingly raw. As structures collapse and forms fade to nothingness, new patterns have been taking shape for a very long time within us. Between the energetic, astrological, collective and soul impulses, we are at a pivotal time in our world where we can make incredible choices and quantum leaps. Thus it is imperative, in my humble opinion, that we do so! And NOW! ![]() For many, the July Mercury Retrograde seemed to last longer than the typical three weeks. It's as if time and energy were holding us still. Though I am no Astrologer, I know enough about the pattern to listen to the wisdom of the stars and simply ride the energy, laying low and patient. In addition to Mercury Retrograde, we are in a larger collective pattern which is also holding us "still." In my last post, Built for Propulsion, I offered the picture of a catapult as well as information about our pending energetic launch. Thus, this sense of being held is part of the catapult energy! Like a race horse anxiously snorting in the stall before the gates open, we are experiencing the energy buildup of what's to come. We are keenly aware of the stall, the race, the crowd, the adrenaline, the vision and the finish line. Though, of course, there is no real finish line, our visions do see an end to the limited track we've encircled round and round again. Our inner knowing and truth trust in absolute freedom. In spite of your perceived stuckness, keep your focus on the trophy - the freedom, the exuberance, the emergence of YOU! Though you may feel trapped in your confined space, know that the gates are about to fling open for you to charge forth! ![]() Recently, my son built a catapult for a high school project. One of the final parts to go into this project, once the frame was built and solid, was a rope. This was placed in the catapult through holes in the side panels, through the arm, and woven back and forth numerous times in a sort of an infinity-meets-infinity pattern. The purpose for this fundamental piece was to create a "torquing" mechanism that would make the catapult a catapult, rather than an interesting wooden contraption. Not only was the installation of the rope significant, it had to be twisted to such a degree that it would make the unit work! Hence, with might and enthusiasm, my husband and son torqued away!
Did the two builders throw out the catapult and call their efforts a failure? No! They went and bought a stronger rope! These past few weeks, many of us have been feeling as if we are on some kind of "crunch" and have been extremely busy. We've been doing and exerting and creating and doing some more. Personally, I can honestly say there was a time I almost forgot HOW TO BREATHE; I thought I was getting pneumonia since I know I don't have asthma. It was wild, to say the least. In our efforts, we may have felt "off track" from our "real work", or as if all this doing energy was task-oriented or insignificant. And yet, we kept on. What's beautiful, if we look closely, most of our doing, though in many cases quite mundane, were actually in alignment. What I mean by that is although there are those things we feel we had to do (dishes, errands, etc.), there was a newer quality to our doing-ness. Like the catapult's base, we have been working for years to create the foundation of our authentic lives. Some of us have used raw materials and others have painstakingly crafted a thing of beauty. Either way, the fundamental components of our structure were the activities we channeled our efforts toward, our dedication and service to our intention, our alignment with a pattern of our vision and our unquestionable patience. *deep sigh of relief* And as for the rope... it's the lifeline, the mechanism, the weaving of a multitude of strengthening strands. The Universe wants to try her catapult. She is ready to propel you forth from where you stand. She is turning and turning and wringing out the stuff that takes up too much space; those things you no longer need. Our past few weeks of busyness, dear friends, have been in alignment with our work, our intention and where we are heading. Small, insignificant steps it may seem, but there is a higher frequency in your being which is willingly taking those steps. Carry on... and you will FLY! And as someone recently shared with me: FLY = First Love Yourself! Ah... but, of course! ![]() Recently, while I was feeling "high" from the sweetness of my day, I ended up talking with someone who was very angry and who was sharing some "ugly" energies of life. I listened with an open heart, trying not to judge, defend, pity or change anything that was shared in our conversation. I simply wanted to hold space for this person and all that was. As much as I wanted to fix or at least wish for a better "ending" or future for all humans on the planet, I refrained from projecting in any direction and simply stayed present with Love. After our conversation, I was trying to remain in that open state while trying to "understand" and observe what was going on energetically with our bigger, collective work. What came to me was fascinating. I clearly saw our patterns of polarities - as if slivers of mirrors - set side by side in a sort of "light" or "dark" pattern in which "either" reality can be viewed as distinct, separate pieces. This may not seem unusual to those who are used to duality, but for all we are doing collectively to awaken to Oneness, I thought it was strange. What I realized in the pattern of these "mirrors" is that in some ways there is actually MORE separation between the "light" and the "dark" - like the illusion must show up as distinct dual pieces in order to "allow" the illusion of darkness to shift. Image the the "dark" mirror shifting to a side view, so that only a thin line remains. What I saw were the parallel realities that are happening all around us. The mirrors represent a choice of how we wish to view the world. As well, they are essentially portals to each reality, side by side, shifting and moving as our awareness of of dimensions shift. ![]() For the next several years, we will continue to make quantum leaps, both collectively and individually, in our manifestation of higher-consciousness living. Though there may be times you feel stagnant or stuck, if you take a moment to examine where you were energetically just a year or two ago, you'll say, "Wow!" And, in terms of the collective, just look around at who's waking up and you'll likely be surprised by the changes you've seen in the people you know. Of course, there are those who don't seem to be going anywhere, and that includes those really "dense" parts of ourselves, which can make a quantum leap seem more like a miracle. And, in essence, it is a miracle! We are living miracles! Allow yourself to join in this cosmic leap in humanity. We've come to our Earth to share, assist, watch and play as she and her inhabitants co-create a whole new world. Our incarnation was miraculous, as are our awakening and our shifts. And, just as they are miracles, they are absolutely ordinary. The beauty of the more awakened state of consciousness is that we can integrate the paradox; we can allow What Is without separating everything into duality. At this time in your life, notice the paradoxes. Look at ways in which you do "have it all." The more comfortable you are with paradox, the easier your body will adapt to the physical changes occurring in the quantum leap. In short, your spiritual self is fully enlightened, your mind simply has a hard time understanding that fundamental truth, and your body is simply working through a slower transition to become the physical manifestation of full alignment. In this respect, time is our friend. It helps the mind and body adjust with greater ease. Therefore, it is wise to be patient with all aspects of yourself as you make your personal quantum leaps into the ordinary miracle of who you are. ![]() Have you ever been in the midst of a joyful celebration, surrounded by friends and suddenly noticed that you were feeling lonely or loveless? The primary impulse for our spiritual awakening is heart-centered Love. As the energies expand and contract to make room for more love in our hearts, we can feel an odd emptiness. Why is this? As beings of Love playing in the game of duality, which includes wounds, stories and occasional bursts of joy, we have tried to adjust our Highest Selves to participate in the human's see-saw of emotional experiences. And as we awaken, there will be those unpredictable moments when we notice the illusion of it all, or feel the massive gap between where our human selves have defined joy and the eternal bliss of Divine Love. In those moments, know that there is nothing wrong with you. You aren't being ungrateful or haven't found the right friends, you are simply awakening to a higher form of Love. And, at those times of raw awareness, know that the gap is shrinking. In essence, your soul is experiencing the discernment between alone and all one. ![]() Are you losing your mind or just experiencing the awakening process? A common pattern many experience as the illusionary veil lifts is feeling a bit out of it. Whether the mind starts to question everything, confusion arises, or there's an occasional dizzy spell, you can rest assured (once a doctor affirms nothing is actually wrong with you!) that your body and mind are simply adjusting to your spiritual ascension. Some ways to help ease the shifts include connecting with other like-minded people and comparing symptoms, taking a warm bath, journaling, reading spiritual literature, connecting with Nature, drinking clean water, and communicating with your pets. Yep! Communicating with those wise, unconditionally loving companions will help you through the changes, but only if you take their advice. (Specifically, the advice of Mother Nature and your pets, that is!) As a natural influence of spring, we often feel the impulse to engage in some sort of deep cleaning. Whether we de-clutter our homes or garages, offer TLC to our gardens, re-organize our schedules completely, or do a body cleanse of some kind, we instinctively know that spring is about renewal and fresh starts.
As we move into the intense and rapid energies of 2012, we may feel we can't stand the clutter, heaviness, or impurities during any of the seasons, or in any areas of our lives. Though many believe 2012 is the "end", like any cycle of death and re-birth, 2012 represents the beginning of a whole new way of being. We sense this in our souls and will likely notice our desires to prepare, cleanse and renew as recurring urges over the next several years. Let yourself release the old to make room for the new. What is your intuition telling you to cleanse today? |
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