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![]() Although the 2012 hype can be frightening - the predictions, the uncertainties, and yes, even the notable worldly events - it can also mark a time of significant endings that we can collectively celebrate. Most of us can welcome the ending of "bad" things, and are certain they couldn't have come a moment too soon! However, losing a home to foreclosure, a marriage dissolving, or the death of a loved one are not generally something we celebrate. And, although there are those moments of acceptance (usually well after the fact) when we can see the "reason" or "gift" of an ending of something we hold dear, facing it as it approaches or surrounds us can be quite uncomfortable. Yet, what if, in a whirlwind of changes we remain completely open to endings - or any other phase of life cycles - without knowing their specific outcomes, or the gifts that might one day emerge from them? As we awaken to Divine Consciousness, we begin to experience more trust, allowing and presence - all factors in releasing our fear of endings. Rather than struggle to accept What Is, or force ourselves to make peace with endings, our time would be better be spent on engaging in our own awakening process which inherently offers such gifts in their own time. As we evolve and learn to hold space for natural cycles, we will eventually recognize that the only thing we need to end is our tie to living a non-joyful life.
![]() Spiritually speaking, the Autumn Equinox introduced a huge wave of cosmic energies to help our physical bodies adjust and ascend with the 2012 shift. These extremely high vibrational frequencies didn’t just penetrate our body’s auric field, they elevated the human system allowing our DNA to “open” and “upgrade.” Though there are many spiritual-scientists working to prove the existence of quantum mechanics in our DNA, there is much to learn on this linear plane. The Universe, however, has nothing to learn and is doing what it does regardless of whether or not we have understood or proven anything. The energetic shifts of 2012 are happening and it’s the spiritual-intuitives who are tuning in to, and bringing us information about, these changes. Thus, as spiritual-human beings, we are learning to find balance in this life experience; relying comfortably on the left-brained practice of science and reason while growing exponentially in the skills and conviction of our intuition – both collective and individual. It is through meditative and heart-opening practices, as well as a dedicated intention to follow our spiritual paths, that we can feel and know inwardly a spiritual Truth when one emerges. (And, as we align more closely with Truth, paradoxically, we recognize the illusion of any Truth being absolute!) The Equinox energies could be described as exhausting, to say the least. Most of us slept and dragged ourselves through the first Fall weekend. Insights, ideas and confusion have been plummeting our minds ever since, while our bodies have felt an urge to either collapse on the couch or unite with some kind of loving movement and take on a new approach to radical self care. For simplicity’s sake, it would be beneficial to refrain from over-doing, forceful trying or deep intellectualizing about ourselves, our lives, or our next big move. Rather, if we imagine the Fall Equinox as a pouring of grace and ease from our cosmic Being into our human bodies we can feel the hugeness of this merging. With this picture, it makes sense to allow for down time and simplicity as we adjust. As October unfolds, and we edge closer to the Winter Solstice of 2012, we will discover an onslaught of choices and changes. If we align with our cosmic gifts, these choices and changes – infused with grace and ease – will guide us toward a more ascended state of being, expressed (relatively smoothly) in human form. Throughout humanity, many spiritual masters have incarnated or been initiated into a state of enlightenment. To help relieve our (perceptions of) human suffering, the masters have illuminated our way. Unfortunately, the tools and skills have often been unattainable for most humans; they were either too ascetic, rigid or simply did not energetically match the human’s biological system. This is not to say that the average human couldn’t attain enlightenment, but rather that the methods were often incompatible on many levels, including physical, making enlightenment very difficult. In the New Age our intention as a collective has been twofold: we desire enlightenment for the masses, and we want the body and our humanness to enjoy higher states of consciousness as well. In other words, what is the point of enlightenment for the singular human being if the being has to sit isolated on the mountaintop without the juiciness of living on such an extraordinary planet? Today’s ascension is for the whole being – soul, mind and body. In this age there are many striving for their own spiritual evolution and in so doing, their work resounds and supports the spiritual evolution of the collective. Concurrently, cosmic forces are bringing us closer to a spiritual consciousness which is aligned with bliss and pure Love. This could be described as heaven if you worked only on the spiritual planes. Bringing these forces into our physical bodies is how we can live in heaven while still on Earth. Ascension of the human body is a key element in this work at this time. The high frequency cosmic forces offered in the Equinox are forces of Love. To “upgrade” our human bodies so our infinite spiritual abilities can manifest on the physical plane, Love Consciousness is being infused into the core of our DNA. These energies are changing the patterns, blocks and programming that kept us confined, simultaneously revealing our incredible gifts. We can sense it, feel it and with special attention to the care of our bodies help nurture it. Gentle kindness is the best choice we can make during these system upgrades (though there are some of us who learn from harsher life experiences, which is always an option, of course). With that in mind, allow your October focus to be around grace and ease for your body. A critical mind does not help your body feel loved; do your best to tap into Love Consciousness and act and think accordingly. Likely, you will naturally feel inclined to take care of your body, but resistances may arise. This is okay; Love the resistances and move gently forward on your body care path. When it comes to body care, it is imperative you listen to the wisdom of your own body. As this Autumn unfolds, here are some suggestions for gentle body care:
Incidentally, isn’t it Divine timing to receive such gifts for our bodies at a time when we are reaping the abundances of our Earthly harvest and our instincts are aligned with the gathering of resources to take care of our bodies? In one-on-one readings, I often make "predictions," but absolutely know that people can change course at any time. I love to use my mom's analogy when we teach our Intuitive Skills classes together: If you are driving from Sacramento to Reno, heading up I-80, you might pull over at a gas station and ask, "Am I going to Reno?" After figuring out where you came from and which direction you've been traveling, the attendant would say, "Yes, just keep heading up I-80 and you'll get there." Doing a reading about someone's future is similar. The person telling you that you are going to Reno usually predicts where you are going based on where you've been, what road you're traveling on, and your intended destination. The choice in whether you stay on the road, or turn around, or pull off at any other exit is yours. ![]() Several months ago I had "seen" that the energies brought with the Equinox would be huge, but didn't think about it again... until I felt them. Last week, my mom, Rev. Tess Pender, experienced a stroke. Though I don't believe that the energies of the Equinox caused it, or that they are inherently bad, I do see a correlation. We are rapidly moving into at time where patterns are clearing, hearts are opening, and life is expanding. This can be seen in an infinite array of manifestations. As you see and sense the shifts around you, I offer you these words, "Breathe and Trust." Of course, I'm doing my best to do this very practice! For those who have been offering prayers - with Facebook comments, phone calls and in your hearts - my mom and I sincerely thank you! I trust that this next phase in our lives as mother, daughter and family will bring deeper heart connections. ![]() Between those to do lists, daily planners, online calendars and everything else to help keep us on track, we have become slaves to our left brains and, strangely enough, have relied on back up systems because of our lack of trust in our own ability to retain important information! Imagine, for a peaceful moment, a true letting go. We often picture our feet in the sand somewhere; margarita in hand and a silenced cell phone. Wait! Is that Jimmy Buffett serenading you? No, it's your snazzy ringtone... probably Eminem rapping Back to Reality! Now imagine your heart. Feel it. Breathe deeply. As you focus on your heart and breath, be willing to release all other thoughts. Breathe, feel, allow, let go of anything not related to your breath and your attention on your heart. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is actually not the releasing of thoughts. The yogis knew the persistence of the monkey mind. The breath calls us back to center whenever we find ourselves engaged in our thoughts. Of course, meditation is not the only way to slow down the monkey mind, but here's a thought: What if you gave yourself permission to stop thinking? Or, maybe not engage so much in the thoughts that arise. No need to criticize your thoughts or yourself for having so many random, and likely useless, thoughts (which most are, by the way). Rather, just think about giving your left brain a vacation once in a while. |
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