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![]() Regardless of the current economy, many people have struggled with money matters throughout their lives, trying to discover the "secret" to financial success only to come up a dollar short. Interestingly enough, many of these adults consider themselves "lightworkers,” but have not consciously made any vows of poverty. Why is it that a spiritually centered, bright person – even one who has learned the tools of manifesting – still struggles with creating financial abundance or security in this age of enlightenment? It is not coincidental that many awake beings have incarnated with this "issue.” In actuality, it is part of the shift. We know that children being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are on the rise. Spiritual leaders often see them as "indigo" or "crystal" children who have come in with new ways of being to help change the world. Indigos have been incarnating for decades. These trailblazing adults have spent much of their lives struggling with, adapting to, and sometimes changing society’s linear structures and misaligned systems. In some cases they, too, may have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD; or perhaps they have found themselves in the artistic or social areas of the workforce, including the healing arts and services, which are usually not as well paid as the left-brained jobs. Whether they are indigo, ADD, artistic or simply have incarnated with a pattern that doesn’t fit society’s standard mold, many spiritual-human beings have conformed to the demands of the financial structure, hunkering down into unsatisfying jobs. Unfortunately, their spiritual desires to be true to themselves have given way to their human needs to survive. The frequencies of the new paradigm, significantly clearer and more joyful than mere survival, are illuminating our way out of the structures that no longer serve. The task at this time, admittedly challenging due to our shaky economy, is to continue to walk in truth and joy as we usher in the new realms within ourselves and for the planet. Patterns that are deeply woven into a worldly structure cannot be shifted by a chosen few, especially if the few submit to the system. To change a paradigm significantly we need the masses to create new energies. Fortunately, a mass of spiritual-human beings have incarnated with some very human patterns. From addictions to relationship problems to learning disabilities to health sensitivities to money issues, each of the significant challenges in the human patterning has been taken on by lightworkers to help heal them. What if your soul intended to experience and heal the financial imbalances for the planet? In a meditative state, ask yourself or your guides if this is a possibility. As well, here are some questions you can answer:
Of course, these questions and even the notion of right versus left- brain work is not to imply that any of it is good or bad, or to even exaggerate duality, but rather to help those who’ve had money challenges gain clarity about the possible underlying energy. Beyond the challenges of financial strains, many spiritual-human beings have faced the darkness of doubt, which has kept them bound in negativity around their worthiness and ability to make money. For one, they have doubted their abilities to function in the practical world in spite of their efforts to “Get a solid education and a good paying job!” Additionally, they have felt inadequate in the “new age” circles after repeated attempts to “Visualize it and do the inner work!” Lack of success and support from both ends have left them feeling isolated and answerless. Unlike the books emerging to offer a different perspective and supportive solutions for the new children, most books and offerings about financial abundance focus most of the energies on adapting to the system in some way, even if it’s spiritually based. Thankfully, there is a new surge of energy focused on changing the economic system itself. In the meantime, how do we know what to do to shift from survive to thrive? As our Highest Self is always in alignment, our minds can be challenged to know which areas of our lives we can improve upon and which are about learning to surrender. Do we desire change to replace our feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness? Are we exactly where we need to be and our task is to embrace and shift the perceptions about our flaws? Do these deeper questions matter when we get the note or call reminding us, “Your bill is past due!”? By standing clearly in the center of you, balancing on the fulcrum point between the bill-job world and the enlighten-manifest realm, you claim your power by recognizing your true self, as well as your patterns, intentions and agreements. With understanding of your soul’s makeup or intention, you can make conscious choices about your path. When we make peace with who we are and view our shortcomings with a loving perspective, we can beam forth from a firm foundation. In reality, our shadows and shortcomings are simply a small and vague depiction of our approaching grander selves! Fortunately, the frequencies of Love Consciousness are aligned with grace and ease, which are becoming more accessible as we open to our grandness. Thus, connecting to and bringing forth our true selves is becoming easier. In fact, the more firmly we stand in our loving truth, the more effortless the energies of change will seem. When we walk in truth, keeping an eye on the ideals we envision – no matter what the state of the economy – we bring that energy to the world. In other words, if our true calling is to change a suppressive system, we make changes by staying true to ourselves, allowing the system to conform to us, rather than vice versa! As the new continues to unfold, in order to make ends meet we may need to take on jobs and do things that bring in money. Yet, if we do these things with integrity and joy as we undoubtedly walk toward a new paradigm, one that supports each of us doing what we love, then we become the change we want to see in the world! Financially thriving may or may not be the result of standing in our truth. As spiritual-human beings, we have chosen to seek truth anyway. And, we are growing tired of struggling. If we are struggling, it indicates that we are fighting or resisting. More than the systems, we are fighting and resisting ourselves and it is time to make peace. We don’t do this by surrendering who we are to something that doesn’t resonate with our truth. We surrender to our truth, which is rooted in love and joy. By making conscious choices, staying centered in truth, and continuing to cultivate love and joy in all we do, we can’t help but thrive. When we thrive as individuals, the system in which we live no longer matters. And, as more and more individuals choose to thrive, old, suppressive systems will dissolve allowing new ways to emerge. Trailblazing new paths isn’t always easy. Take to heart that no matter how others may perceive you and your efforts, your vision, courage and undeniable worthiness are the source of your strength and grandness and know you are doing what you came here to do.
![]() Likely you are finding yourself extra sensitive these days. Perhaps there are many serendiptous events, your awareness is heightened and you are having many notable dreams. A simple practice to help your expansion and integration process is to dream with intention. Rather than making too much of our dreams - for example, by spending a lot of time trying to analyze them - we can simply allow them to unfold, but with an intention of bringing alignment and clearing. We are so well guided by our Higher Selves that we can allow our dreamtime to be our "automatic pilot" as we navigate through our awakening process. Like our GPS tools, it helps if we actually set an intention for where we want to go! If deep meditation isn't your thing, no worries. Simply take a few deep breaths as you lay flat on your back in bed. Relax and focus on your heart. Let your thoughts slow down and bring your intention into focus. Your intention can be simple, such as "Help me align with Love Consciousness while I sleep." You can also ask to have your guides work with you in your dream state. If your dreams happen to catch your attention, allow yourself to reflect on them, but don't worry if they didn't make sense. Writing them down helps capture the highlights, and perhaps the subconscious information offered within the dream will reveal nuggets at some point, but know it may not be necessarily for the mind to understand. Rather, simply invite your awareness to take in the energy and essence the dreams infused in you while you slept. ![]() For many of us, the last three months of each year can feel like a countdown of holidays that peak at Christmas and offer a sigh of relief as we watch the ball drop in New York City (that's if we stay awake late enough to see it). Each passing day seems to bring us many more to do's than we can gracefully handle. Though there is an abundance of festive joy ringing in the malls and adding sparkle to our neighborhoods, we can often feel overwhelmed and obligated. If you begin to feel frazzled, remember to tune into the simplicity of the season. Getting through the holidays, with grace and joy, is mindfully possible:
However you spend your holy days, remember to invite peace into your heart and keep your actions within the essence of that intention. |
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