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![]() It's clear to everyone we are in an unprecedented time. While some focus on the specifics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, most spiritual teachers are also seeing this as a major launch into our greater global awakening. And, thankfully, those leaders are also offering ways to stay centered, to find the constant amongst the upheaval, and reminding us not get swayed by fear or panic; even including spiritual or practical tools for optimizing wellness. I am grateful for the healers in my life - the chiropractors, complimentary medicine MDs, acupuncturists and others - who are reaching out and sharing their skilled wisdom about boosting our immune systems during this time, acknowledging the multitude of layers that comprise wellness. Personally, I am doing my part to continue self-care, as it became my foundational life-line after my husband and mom passed away - essentially resting and rebuilding my whole system after a year of being Eric's primary caregiver and allowing my deep grief. In some ways, the "Stay at Home" Order isn't much different from how I had been living these past several years. It is extending that "downtime" but now with my twin daughters home 24/7. I'm not going to give specific "insights" on the origins of COVID-19 or the current pandemic, but did want to share a some of the world-spiritual pictures I see, and ways you can explore it yourself. If it resonates, great. If not, great. No judgement, just perspectives and invitations. When I intuitively look at "dis-ease" in people, I often see the behaviors, emotions or beliefs that may have fed it. Thus, bringing these components to our awareness, and consciously aligning them with higher frequencies, such as unconditional love, joy, worthiness, and self-care, can be a valuable part of our striving for overall wellness. This is not to say that if we don't "fix" what is unconscious we will get sick, nor place blame on anyone who does end up sick or passes away from illness! As we know, coronavirus is a type of virus of which some can cause common colds or mild respiratory illnesses. For most of us, we acknowledge that sometimes we get sick because we were exposed to someone (or something) that had "germs" but we can also often see where our body's vulnerability allowed for the illness - whether we were overtired, not eating well, in an emotional funk, or just plain stressed. This is why most complimentary healers are encouraging us to focus on mental, emotional and spiritual wellness in addition to our physical immunity-boosting efforts. In terms of this global outbreak - and the intensity of COVID-19 - we might ask, "What areas were weak in our collective body that made us so vulnerable to this pandemic?" I invite you to contemplate that, feel into whatever comes and perhaps do some journalling. Ask your own questions, if inspired, allowing for whatever to come to be honored. And, bringing it home (no irony intended) ask, "What areas of my own being need strengthening?" Unless you are an essential worker in this storyline, I assume you have plenty of time for strengthening practices. (And if you are an essential worker, it's imperative to fortify your various bodies as best you can, for sure!) Scanning back from the current situation - and why spiritual leaders view this as a "portal" more or less - we see that we have never been collectively brought to a halt to this degree. Essentially (whether founded on fear or collective care), the world has agreed to "stop." Beautifully, for those of us who aren't sick or impoverished or endangered in our homes, millions and millions of us around the world are resting, rebuilding, reexamining, reprioritizing and reimagining our lives. It's our day-to-day living that impacts the whole. How much time do we spend in quietude? How often do we sit and play with our children or engage in conversations with our loved ones? How many walks can one take with a pet or family member, and actually notice the natural world all around? How can we live a little slower, simpler, softer? We have an incredible opportunity to breathe, to be, to let go, to face our fears, to feel those range of feelings that arise, to connect, and lean into the lives we really want to live. That is not to say it is an easy "Order." The other part I see in this current shift is that this is really just the start of more "pandemics" (or situations) that will hit our collective in significant ways as Life begs us to awaken! This is not to incite fear, or make anyone run out to get more toilet paper, or buy or sell stocks, but rather to shine light upon potentials that are stirring so we can soften into the series of "contractions" rather than fight them in pain and fear. We are birthing some pretty amazing beings in ourselves as well as a whole "New Earth" so it may take a bit of work to do so. Again, I invite you to ask inwardly, "What gifts do I need to cultivate for my own empowerment and joy?" as these are going to help you navigate through what can be perceived as frightening to the ego. Our job is not to rid ourselves of ego, but rather acknowledge and love it - to love our whole selves - as one would a scared and dependent child. You are here on this planet, at this pivotal time, for a reason. You were born with incredible gifts, unimaginable power, with your unique form and personality and presence. And now you've been offered a new playground of time. Allow this time to use you... to fill you up, to inform you.. and paradoxically, to empty you. Allow for exploration and play. Although there are times I get a bit overwhelmed by the density of fear and anxiety in the air, and think about food and paper goods in ways I never have before, I am sincerely excited for what is unfolding. I feel my soul exclaiming, "Finally!" - almost ready to step into my next, expanded role. Whatever that may be. In the words of the Hopi Elders Prophecy, "We are the ones we've been waiting for!"
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