Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
Waking... waking... waking...
How can one awaken if in reality there is only the awakened state? Sometimes I feel myself as a huge being of light with infinite wisdom. Other times I am a struggling mother with a flabby belly and a messy home. Of course, I know I am both... all. Yet, the reality is that this reality is a tricky one. It is so full of potential, that somehow I have created an entire story and made it real. Wow! Now that is powerful. Yet, the truth is, I don't exactly remember how I did this. Oh, yes, I know people claim to know the "secret," but I don't. Well, I only have a vague memory of the plan, the workings, the so-called truth. I have chosen to stay asleep to this, however, and I yearn to awaken. Or do I? Isn't this the glorious experience? To know, but forget you know, and then try to remember? In the meantime, I am learning to cherish the forgetfulness. To laugh, to play, to be perfectly human. Sometimes the mommy struggles, sometimes she soars. Sometimes the belly squeezes itself into a tight pair of jeans, sometimes it is caressed with love and kindness. Sometimes the house is messy and chaotic, sometimes it is the center of the Universe, filled with love and life and everything outside it disappears completely. Hm.... a strange, yet fascinating experience full of air, water, earth and fire. The elements of life itself. Am I awakening? Maybe I have awakened. I seem to know the basics. Perhaps this is good enough.
Listen... listen closely to your heart. What is it saying? What does it desire most? Busyness (sometimes business) can keep us from hearing that which sings so loudly in our being. We can get caught up in the busyness of Life... working, teaching, giving, doing, earning, and so on.
In the stillness, we can make room for listening. Quietude in an option, too. On the to do's of your day, perhaps you make a tiny space for quietude. Then simply LISTEN. Perhaps one day you will begin to hear the song of your own heart. ![]() When we think about anything, we think about something. Beyond our thoughts, there is an entire Universe of infinite somethings. Likewise, there is an entire Universe of infinite nothing. Perhaps you have wondered or thought about what’s “between” all the something; that void or space where no-thing exists. It’s possible, since nothing is equally as present as matter. You may have had a keen awareness of nothingness. It may even seem more present in your consciousness lately. Nothingness is always present. In actuality, it is the essence of who we are. As we unveil our essence, we begin experiencing more and more of the nothingness within and around us. For our human minds and perceptions this can be quite uncomfortable. First, it can be hard to comprehend nothingness. Our minds love to "grasp" things - thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and so on. Secondly, our senses are defined by their experiences of something. Our eyes look to life and see things. We don't see that a table is actually a bunch of vibrating energy particles not even touching each other; we see a solid table. We feel, smell and taste all the somethings that are in our world. Can we hear the nothingness? No... that, too, is something. We can only hear something. Is it possible to experience nothingness - if only for an instant - in a silent meditation? Maybe you try it. Perhaps you begin with a quiet space, a small chunk of time, a comfortable sitting position, and the simplicity of your breath. Allow yourself to return to your breath as your mind wanders and wonders and identifies with something. This is the discipline of meditation; to return. Stillness, space, breath... allowing. Then, possibly, you will experience the nothingness. Between the immeasurable moments you experience all the somethings you are, you may find yourself experiencing the nothingness that you are as well. Maybe you try it just for the experience, nothing more. After all, it doesn't really matter. NOTHING really MATTERS. Last night I decided to attend a group called "Psychics in Action." The group, facilitated by Aureya Magdalen, MFT, gathers one evening per month and usually focuses on a theme. I attend sporadically; maybe two to three times per year. Last night's theme - Trust - was the primary motivation behind my willingness to drive an hour to get there. It was a good session and, in terms of how we approached Trust, completely different than I expected. As usual, we were lead into an individually-focused meditation. Over the decades of practicing guided visualization I have learned, 1) to drop into the desired state extremely fast, 2) to simply observe what unfolds, rather than try to force things to happen, and 3) to refrain from over-analyzing the images or thoughts that come to me. Well, during last night's meditation, the latter skill was a bit more challenging than usual. The images I received were so "dark" and felt so "opposite" of me that it was almost shocking. Thus, my judgments, questions and analyzing met the shock with a great desire for understanding. Fortunately, I have been "deciphering" images and downloads for most of my life. Within a short time, the information neutralized my perception of negativity. Soon, we were lead to the end of the meditation and I found myself so deeply embedded into the Oneness, that leaving the altered state was excruciatingly difficult. Explaining what I experienced is even more so, but I will certainly try.
Today I am a bit more clear about what happened last night, but not fully. Simultaneously, I am clueless about what is unfolding. Regardless, I know I am grateful.
Who knows, I may even integrate this new information and experience into my practice. ![]() It’s exciting to have a day in which we collectively honor our Mother Earth. Like a person’s birthday, it is a way to acknowledge, celebrate and bless what we may unconsciously take for granted the other 364 days of the year. Sure, it may be an exaggeration to imply we take our loved ones or the earth for granted most of the year, but it must be confessed by all of us how those “special days” bring our appreciation and awareness up a notch or two. On April 22, many will commemorate Earth Day. As we become more conscious spiritually, we will notice our consciousness extends to most – if not all – areas of our lives; or vice versa. We recognize the interconnectedness of all of Life, including our dear Mother Earth. For Earth Day, did you buy a special card for Mother Earth? This is not a trick question, or meant to induce guilt in any way, but it is something to ponder. What impact does purchasing one birthday card for each person (or pet) you love have on the earth? And what about all those other holidays? And multiply that by ‘x’ number of years you have been a card sender and then times that by all the other card senders you know and… WOW! The greeting card business is huge, isn’t it? Greeting cards, paper towels and napkins, printer paper, paper plates – one can get overwhelmed with all the thoughts of global impact, consumption, waste and recycling just noting the paper products we use. Yet, the issue of caring for Mother Earth does not need to be a shame-filled “to do” or “not do” matter. Guilt and shame are not in our spiritual (or human, actually) best interest . These energies are of a lower vibration, thus weigh us down spiritually. Intention followed by loving action is of a high vibration. The final outcome may have the same results on the outside, but the guilt-ridden deeds do not have the same clarity and foundation as the willing love in action. This means the original willingness will either fizzle out or bind us to the heavy cycle of guilt and shame. Rather than shaming ourselves into caring for Mother Earth, perhaps we can invite ourselves to awaken our consciousness around the topic. Whether we look online, or peruse the aisles of our neighborhood bookstore, finding information about how to “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” is beautifully simple. Then, we can apply gentleness in areas that are easy for us to do right now. Perhaps we begin bringing our own bags to the grocery store. Imagine making some lovely hand-sewn bags from scraps of old fabric or clothes? When we create authentic fun, beauty and joy in our lives, we awaken our spiritual consciousness. The specific tasks you take on do not matter, really. In time, as your consciousness grows, you will continue to want to care for Mother Earth in whatever ways you can. Then, as your loving actions increase, you will find spiritual, green living every day not only practically effortless, but divinely joyful. ![]() Many spiritual seekers use recreational drugs – from marijuana to peyote to mushrooms – to reach altered states with the intention of attaining enlightenment. Some on the spiritual path will work with a shaman or healer to help produce the results they seek; whereas others use these substances to feel more connected to God, Oneness, Love and other euphoric energies. So, perhaps many are celebrating their union with the Divine on April 20 by getting high on what many call “Pot Day” or “Weed Day.” Another option, of course, is to connect with the Divine, clear and clean. There are an infinite number of ways to connect with Source. Simply being fully present with another human being can be an amazing spiritual, clean experience. Lovemaking – with or without practicing Tantra or the Kama Sutra – can connect us to our partners as well as with God/dess, if our hearts are open to do so. Pets and children radiate with unconditional love – a pure conduit to the spiritual realms of Oneness. Additionally, inducing an altered state can help us feel connected to our spiritual natures simply because it can shift us away from our thoughts and judgments. There are various ways to induce sober altered states, if that brings one pleasure. For example, meditation is a simple method that becomes a “quick fix” for many. With a regular practice, one can quickly drop into an altered state of freedom and relaxation within the first minute or two of meditation. Breathwork – for example, Rebirthing or Holotropic – allows you to reach an altered state naturally by working with specific breathing patterns. Many have profound spiritual experiences of Oneness or inner knowing with meditation, breathwork and even yoga. In our desire to escape the fears, frustrations and other not-so-pleasant facets of everyday living, it is certainly understandable why so many want to reach an altered state. Unfortunately, for many, this can be an addictive and unhealthy pattern in their lives. Though they may feel like One with all of humanity at the time of their altered state, the residual effects drug use leaves on their homes, health and happiness can be shattering. It is absolutely possible to reach higher realms of consciousness without getting high on drugs. Plus, the practice of spiritual, clean living has little or no side effects, and can be sustained without breaking your bank, body or ability to live in bliss, naturally. Moreover, you can release the guilt of not knowing about Marijuana Day, and celebrate every day by getting high on LIFE! Science Journal Reports on the Brain's Ability to Multitask, and the Miracle of Mindfulness4/17/2010 ![]() Sometimes we need “evidence” or “scientific proof” before we believe something to be “true” or “real.” Interestingly, as spirituality and science merge back to Oneness, we will likely find both scientific proof as well as its dissolution exist simultaneously. We may soon discover that the Divine is one vast paradox – both everything and nothing at all. In the meantime, we are likely to find the fundamental “truths” of ancient mystic spirituality and the newly discovered “facts” of science becoming more like allies than adversaries. Notably, a recent study of our brain’s ability to multitask* seems to be befriending the concept of mindfulness. At this rate maybe science will “discover” the miracle of mindfulness sooner rather than later? Simply stated, mindfulness is the ability to be aware and awake to the present moment. It is a central concept in Buddhism. Multitasking is the performance of multiple tasks at one time. It is a central way of living for most modern day humans. Or is it? Can we be awake and aware to the present moment and multitask at the same time? According to a report in the journal Science, a team of French researchers concluded that our brains are set up to do just two things at once, but not three. The study indicates that we can use each side of our brain’s frontal lobes to do two mental tasks well, but that may be the limit for our goal-oriented parts of our brain. For those who feel like time is in short supply, the idea of multitasking is not only appealing, it is practically a required skill to function in today’s fast paced lifestyle. Yet – as this latest study implies – it may not actually be possible; specifically if one is to do something well. As we become more in tune with our spiritual selves, the idea of mindfulness also becomes quite appealing. It offers us a chance to not only to slow down and do one thing at a time; it also offers us an opportunity to do that one thing well. Specifically, however, the purpose of mindfulness – and its gift – is to bring us to the present moment. From this perspective, the debate no longer focuses on quantity (how many tasks can someone do at one time) or even quality (how well is a task done). This view helps us see there is no debate at all between multitasking and mindfulness. In the present moment, there is just One. Mindfulness can bring us to that state of Oneness where there is only the task, the moment and ourselves – all One. If we spent more time in the moment of now we might discover that time itself dissolves, along with the need to “hurry” or “multitask.” Perhaps this the miracle of mindfulness. *Based on a study released during the week of April 15, 2010. ![]() Is your life getting busier and busier? Do you need a simple living guide? We tend to live in a hectic and overly busy society. In just 24 hours we are expected to work eight or more hours, commute to and from our workplace, exercise for at least 20 minutes (if not an hour), eat three balanced meals, take our daily vitamins, shuffle our children to various extra-curricular activities, walk our dogs, and, if we are on the spiritual path, meditate for 10 to 20 minutes, plus get a good night’s sleep! Oh, and we can’t forget those weekly (or more) to do’s that are sprinkled in; keep the house straightened, give it a deep cleaning once a week, grocery shop, take that evening business or self-improvement class, tend to the garden, wash the car, the laundry and the kids, scoop pet poop, and go to church. Wait, there’s more! Dentist appointments, car tune-ups and maintenance, community volunteering, haircuts, the kids’ games or meets, class parent meetings, regular veterinarian visits, monthly book club, and those well anticipated family vacations and three-day weekends that we call “getaways.” Interesting word – getaway:
These are not exhausted lists of daily, weekly and other necessary activities, of course, but it’s likely that your name is on that long list of exhausted folks trying to keep up. No wonder we need to get away! We have created a society that keeps us so busy we have mastered the art of multi-tasking. (How many things are you doing right now?) We have DayTimers, Palm Pilots, iPhones and access to a multitude of online calendars to keep us organized enough to do it all. Our schedules are so jam-packed there’s hardly any breathing room. We are multifaceted beings living in a demanding society, yet our souls are yearning for simplicity. How does one find simplicity in such complexity? Here are ten guidelines for creating a more simplistic life - though adhering to them may be difficult for some people. Consider it a simple, simple living guide for beginners:
Obviously this isn’t a complete simple living guide. Rather it is a list of suggestions for ways to simplify a busy lifestyle. The last thing any busy person needs is another to do on the list. Ideally, implementing just a few of these "10 ways" will help you reduce the size of that list and bring more simplicity to your life. Your mind, body, heart and soul will thank you for the breathing room. ![]() At these times, we are moving through a spiritual awakening that can take our breath away. Some may believe we are feeling overwhelmed because we have gotten so busy and are over-tasked. Yes, many of us continue to expand in the “doing” category. Yet, even for those who have taken the road to simple living, our energetic forces seem to be propelling us forward. Forward is a direction, isn’t it? A direction, indeed, but also an illusion. (The spiritual reality is there is no space or time.) When we feel the inner stirrings of our soul expanding, growing and somehow wanting – and becoming – “more,” we can wonder about our sanity, sense of self and what we’re supposed to do with it all. What are we to do with it all? We don’t have to do anything. We can simply relax into it. We are individually and collectively expanding into “more.” We are becoming clearer, more open conduits for an awakened consciousness. This allows our Divinity to shine through us more brightly. What does this mean? An awakened consciousness simply has a greater awareness of Oneness; of knowing itself as One with Source – or the All That Is. It is who we are anyway, but knowing, being and integrating this Truth is “where” we are going. So, why is this happening? We are evolving. Like all energy sources, we are in a pattern / agreement for expansion right now. It is a cosmic path of unfolding and we are simply in this phase of evolution. Can it be avoided? Yes and no. People can choose whatever they wish. In fact, as our consciousness evolves, the decisions we make will manifest in “harder” terms. In other words, our reality will reflect our decisions more quickly and more concretely – even those unconscious ones. You are likely noticing this in your life right now. Yet, in terms of the larger picture, no, it is not completely avoidable. When it rains, you can grab an umbrella or go inside, but you cannot stop the rain. Earthquakes shake the earth and if we are standing on that portion that is being shifted, we will be affected in one way or another. Is there anything to fear? Funny question! People always find things to fear, don’t they? It is part of human nature, actually, to tap into fear. It serves us well, when necessary, but many times it is simply an emotion spun from unhealthy thought patterns and old beliefs. Thus, when fears arise, simply breathe into them, acknowledge and be with them. Do not be tempted to shame yourself, but rather be gentle – as you would with a frightened child. The bottom line is that, as we awaken, we are stepping into our Grandness, our Perfection. With that comes change, including releasing of old energies that no longer serve us. This, in itself, can cause fear. Yet, what is truly frightening about becoming who you already are? Are there things that can ease the process? Are there ways to not feel crazy, or like life is spinning out of control? Absolutely. Did someone mention to breathe? Oh, yes, that is always the first place to start. When we are in fear, unconsciousness, or are overly busy, our breathing patterns shift – we often have shallow breathing, hold our breath, or may even hyperventilate. Slowing down our lifestyles is another biggie. Where can you eliminate some of the busyness in your life? Can you create a more “sane” schedule where work, family, chores, fun and self care are more in balance? Can you set aside more “nothingness” time? When you are running forward on a people-mover at an airport, rather than just riding it, isn’t it incredibly faster? If standing isn’t an option, perhaps you can slow down to just a stroll. Listening to your inner guidance will help you through your awakening more than anything else. Unfortunately, many people have lost touch with their own intuition. This can resurface if we nurture it and actually pay attention to that inner voice. It’s a matter of trust and practice. Is there anything else? There’s always something else. You are an infinite being of Love and Wisdom! This inevitably means there is always more… to become, to know, to learn. As you need it, trust that what you need will come to you. For now just know that this time of your spiritual awakening is simply YOU becoming MORE of YOU! ![]() Some moments are easy to live into: celebrations, joyful times, passionate body and heart connections. Other moments, to say the least, are a bit more challenging: tragedy, sickness, fear. What would happen if we shifted our perceptions of what it "should" be like to live into the moment? Most of us define living into a moment as "enjoying" it, but perhaps that is not an accurate definition. Living into the moment is simply being present with What Is; completely experiencing the moment, the situation at hand, and whatever feelings that arise at that time. And, paradoxically, to notice when we simply can't. In other words, our awareness of how we are avoiding or escaping the moment is actually one way to be with it! When we meditate, for example, we usually sit in quietude and simply allow ourselves to be. We can try to have "no thoughts" (which is nearly impossible), or neutrally monitor our wandering mind. We can regulate - or even just notice - our breath. And though the benefits of meditation are numerous - it gives us a chance to slow down, to quiet our racing mind, and return to a normal, rhythmic breathing pattern - it also enhances our awareness. Meditation allows us to practice living into the moment. When our bodies and minds race to keep up with a world spinning out of control, we begin to feel out of control as well. We have mastered multi-tasking, have created projects galore, rendered numerous to do lists and over-committed to nearly everything accessible to us! Yes, slowing down does aid in living into the moments simply because we have reserved more time for each of our experiences (rather than being late, missing something altogether, or thinking of the next place we need to be). Nevertheless, it is possible to live into the busiest of moments, though a bit more challenging. Think carousel versus roller coaster. Each has a different style and pace, but both can be quite enjoyable; both can be fully experienced. In fact, even things that scare us (think haunted house) can be completely experienced if we allow ourselves to do so (and perhaps keep our eyes open the whole time!). The best way to bring yourself to the moment is to stop and notice what you are doing and feeling; just notice. Next, of equal importance, is to breathe. Breathing is the life force which connects us to our Source, our bodies and, yes, the moment of now. If possible, give yourself permission to feel your feelings that arise. Suppressing them is actually a way to avoid the moment, although sometimes we simply can't help it. If that's the case, notice the feelings, feel them begin to emerge, then feel your desire to suppress them. If you do refrain from experiencing your feelings fully in the moment, know you can always release them at another - perhaps safer - time. Again, if we are aware of what is happening within and around us, we are living into the moment. Beyond suppressing or feeling our feelings, we can move into a place where we simply notice the feelings as if they are pictures on the walls of our home. They are certainly ours, but our perception of them is a bit more removed and neutral. We feel them, yet we don't take them so seriously or personally. This, too, is another way of living into the moment. Whether we suppress, feel or observe our feelings doesn't actually matter; there really is no "right" way to be present. In fact, as soon as we judge something - ourselves, another person, a situation, our feelings - we move into separation and lose the moment, the now. We are no longer present. When it comes to experiences that aren't quite as pleasant, gratitude can help us stay present. No, it isn't always easy to be thankful in the heart of a tragedy, but if we can find something - anything - to be grateful for during an unfortunate incident, it helps keep us present, allows the flow of energy to move more gracefully through our bodies as well as the situation, and it helps open our hearts. An open heart is synonymous with being present. There may never be the perfect formula for living into uncomfortable moments, but there certainly are tools to make it easier. And, since life is filled with both joyful and challenging experiences, it's nice to have a tool or two nearby. With practice, it is possible (and may even become enjoyable) to learn to live into most, if not all, of life's moments. ![]() What is darkness? What is light? Oftentimes we use these words to describe spirituality. Yet, in essence, neither one exists. The spiritual reality is there is no duality, no separation. Only One.... the All. Yet, on this earthly plane, we experience light and dark in our lives. We can be in a dark room, and turn on a light, or vice versa. Instinctively, our human selves tend to be more comfortable with the light than the dark. Why is that? In darkness it is harder to "see", so we don't feel as safe. There is a vast unknown in darkness. Spiritually, when we refer to these seemingly polar opposites, we tend to equate light with love and dark with hate or fear. Ah... so even spiritually, our souls gravitate to the light. But what about the darkness? Why is it that some humans and souls are attracted to the dark, or hate or fear? Is it their conditioning, upbringing, own fears, or is it their essence? It is simply an expression, an experience of the One; the All That Is includes darkness. Do we need to "conquer" or illuminate this darkness? Actually, we can try, if we so choose, and we can choose to feel good or "right" about it. Many stories, movies and fairy tales are built upon this very theme: light conquering dark. Yet, the spiritual reality is that darkness will never be "overcome" because, as stated to begin with, it doesn't exist. And, in the realms with light and dark - realms with duality - it will always exist. For every yin, there is a yang; the "two" compliment each other, or in the higher realms "cancel each other out" - however you want to perceive it. Shall you fear the darkness? Only if you choose. It can be frightening, indeed. Darkness is empty and unknown, yet it is mysterious and full of infinite possibilities. It is the void within each of us. Shall you awaken to the light? Only if you choose. If you perceive the light as awareness, then you can simply enjoy "seeing better" when you have some light. Yet, when you can see more clearly, you may not necessarily like what you see. Rather than try to understand or grasp any of these concepts, perhaps you simply allow. Allow yourself to be the light and the dark. You are anyway... you are the All, remember? ![]() Most of us agree we are living in the third dimension of reality. Many spiritual seekers believe we are moving into higher dimensions, while others are worried about some kind of apocalypse. Perhaps it is both. What if we are moving into the higher realms of spiritual consciousness and we are coming to the end of our world (or reality) as we know it? What does it mean to exist in another dimension? If science tells us that neither time nor space actually exist, then how can one move from here to there to begin with… and where would the beginning even be? Our reality, in the 3-D sense, is rooted in the concept of space and time. We are born at a certain time, move through a specific space to get here and - viola! - we are incarnated. We must therefore agree to the time-space continuum in order to exist on planet Earth as a human being. Yet, our spiritual essence is eternal and constant, which defies both time and space. Therefore, if we agree with these foundations, then we would see that we are human-spiritual beings. Simply living a third dimensional life, however, is becoming more and more unsatisfying for a lot of people. Whether one has a sense of “something more”, wants to experience greater meaning and purpose in life, or has decided to follow a specific spiritual path, the need to pursue the spiritual aspects of “being” seems to be expanding for many. As we expand spiritually, we can wonder where we are going. Though the “light” at the end of the tunnel may offer us a potential direction, it can be hard to move toward it with convinced grace and ease at times of economic or general uncertainty.
Can you identify with any of these statements? The fifth dimension is supposed to be filled with grace and ease, beauty and joy. Ah! Heaven on Earth! But what about the fourth dimension? Isn’t that the one where we experience more love in our hearts? If nothing else, shouldn’t it be easier than the third? Well, is being a junior easier than being a sophomore? Now you have those darned SAT’s to take and potential colleges to consider! Let’s play a game and pretend that the fourth dimension of spiritual awareness is actually a wide valley between the third and fifth dimensions. What if you have to take a long, trusting pilgrimage across this valley? This is certainly the time that Trust is becoming our only companion, so why not take her hand? Since most of the “obstacles” we are facing right now are essentially nothing new (they are simply reformulated to make the course harder as you expand into an upper spiritual classman), there are some things you can consider:
The walk across the valley of the fourth dimension of spiritual consciousness can seem long, challenging or even impossible at times. One can certainly get weary. Yet, by applying Love, Trust and a willing heart, you can create your own reality shift from the mundane experience of simple third dimensional living into a life of purpose, joy and flow as you cultivate your expanded spiritual self in the fifth dimension. Just think, in the reality without time or space, you are already there! ![]() Resistance is futile, yet we all seem to do it. Where do you resist? Most of us resist stepping into our glory – our Perfection. And, by doing so, we create patterns that continue to pave our roads with uncomfortable asphalt, irritating speed bumps or ridiculously steep grades. Perhaps our well-worn paths need some major work and a detour sign has directed us down the backroads of life. Nearly all of the repeating “obstacles” in our lives are simply areas where we have forgotten our grandness. Many spiritual teachings use the word “lessons” to imply that we are here to learn. Sure, the human part of our being may need to learn a skill or two, but the spiritual truth is most of our “issues” haunt us because we have lost touch with our essence. Thus, it is not so much learning that we need, it is re-collecting. Whether we use the word “essence,” “soul,” “Truth,” “Light”, “grandness” or “divinity” doesn’t matter. What matters is that this core part of our being is perfect and whole and is trying to reveal itself to ourselves and to the world. And, since it is eternal, it is more a matter of re-membering – purely merging our everyday selves with our Perfection. In these times of awakening, our soul’s desire to align its Perfection with our humanness is demanding our attention. When we resist the process of this integration, or ignore it altogether, we experience the Universe reflecting back to us this very resistance. For example, our belief that we are not whole and Perfect enough to find an adoring lover leaves us miserably single or with an unsatisfying partner. Money, which is how many of us determine our worth, doesn’t flow so easily if we believe we really aren’t that deserving. We don’t have to place judgment on being single or poor, but we typically do when the ideals we carry in our hearts don’t match the reality of our experiences. These experiences often leave us with bad feelings about ourselves and the cycles continue leading us farther from our Perfection. If you don’t mind such experiences, then pave on! If, however, you wish to create more flow in your life – with money, relationships, joyful living and so on – then the first thing to do is stop resisting your grandness. Moving into your Perfection means you begin to accept yourself as a whole, perfect (yes, even with all your human imperfections!), worthy being. The acknowledgment of this truth becomes the foundation for experiencing less resistance and more flow. It does, however, take mindfulness and a bit of real life footwork. Simple suggestions:
For those of us who are on the stubborn side, sometimes it takes hearing something over and over and over before we really get it: “You are a divine, grand, perfect being of truth and light.” Are you ready to step into this truth? You might want to consider it since “what you resist, persists.” ![]() It may take a few extra minutes to fill your tub as opposed to a quick hop in the shower, but the end result - not to mention the journey itself - can be quite exquisite! Ingredients:
Fill the tub to 3/4 its capacity with hot water, adding the salts and oil. Set your candle on the sink, put your music within hearing distance and indulge! |
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