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![]() Many believe that developing one’s intuition – or getting information from a professional psychic – will ensure that they will “know” whatever they need to know, when they need to know it. There is a false sense of “all will be well once I know the answer” kind of security. This is not only unrealistic; it is a set up for disappointment and can distract you from the deeper gifts available from intuitive insights. Our intuitive senses are… well, senses. And, given that they are metaphysical (denoting “beyond” or “behind”), they are a bit less tangible than our physical senses – though one may experience physical sensations through psychic awareness. Although it may be mind-bogglingly awesome to have some “spot on” intuitive insights, it’s important to understand that intuitive senses are prone to the same misperceptions as our other senses. When undeveloped, intuitive discernment is tricky to say the least. Yet even as the professional hones in on mastered psychic skills, the information offered may not be accurate all of the time. Why is that? First, notice how often your own senses mislead you…. I swear I heard someone knocking!... I’m sure I saw the light was green!... It didn’t taste spoiled when I ate it! When filtering extra-sensory perceptive information many things may be happening at once; sounds, words, feelings, body sensations, images, colors, and complete “knowings” can bombard the intuitive, whether novice or professional. Receiving and delivering intuitive information is a multi-dimensional form of communication. It takes practice detecting, interpreting and finally translating such ethereal perceptions. Even the best communicator can sometimes misunderstand what’s being conveyed and respond inadequately. Another reason intuitive insights can be “inaccurate” is that we are complex human beings with an array of beliefs, feelings, fears, and tendencies. Let’s say you are trying to psychically “peg” another person so you can “know” his or her romantic intentions toward you. A psychic read can tap into another person’s deep-seated fear such as “I don’t trust anyone because I was abandoned” and detect a closed heart. It can pick up on the person’s behavioral tendency; “I love the sexual charge of new attractions.” And, of course, it can read the person from a higher soul level; “I wish to transcend my relationship issues and open to real love.” All of these perceptions may be concurrently true, yet from which aspect the person chooses to act will impact the outcome. When it comes to psychic predictions and insights, here is a good analogy: If you are driving up a U.S. highway heading toward Canada, you could stop at a gas station and ask, “Am I going to get to Canada?” The local, who might know the route like the back of his hand, could reply, “Absolutely.” Essentially, the local is basing his answer on your intention to get to Canada as well as the highway and direction you are travelling. Noticing that you are travelling by car, not bike, he may also be able to predict how long it will take you to get there. The response is only as good as the considerations at that instance. The local has no control as to whether you decide to turn around and go to Mexico, or if you change course or vehicle and take the long, scenic route to Canada. Whether they are your own intuitive insights, or those offered by a professional psychic, it is absolutely possible to make fascinating and accurate predictions! Although this can be extremely exciting, and even feel promising, psychic “knowings” don’t mean you will be forever joyful. True joy is not based on having certainties in life. Sometimes the initial attraction to obtaining psychic information is the sense of security that it might offer, and many of us equate security with happiness. Yet security is an illusion. Sure, we all long for “enough” money, a forever love relationship, a solid roof over our head, and optimal health. As much as these things can make us feel good, they don’t guarantee authentic joy nor are they promised to us indefinitely. Life happens. People get sick, jobs change, lovers leave, roofs leak. Since change is the only constant, we must find ways to unlock joy within us, amidst perpetual change.
![]() Highly awake people tend to be ultra-conscious, which often translates into being overly critical of everything they do, and even who they are. In spite of pure intentions, good deeds and spiritual striving, the weight of self-criticism can bog the spiritual seeker down in Earthy mud and muck! No matter how hard those chakra wheels spin, there is little traction to get unstuck. A belief rises to the surface: If I were only spiritual enough, everything in my life would fall into place. Is this conviction keeping your contentment hostage? Are you constantly trying to “change negative thinking” or “process fears” or perfect your spiritual practices? Are you really sure you are doing everything RIGHT? Perhaps you should learn to meditate in that Earthly mud… or better yet, just play in it! Yes, dear seeker, this moment – as you recognize just how inadequate you are and how many more miles there are to walk on your spiritual journey – is the perfect time to take a long, deep, loving breath and exhale gratitude with a heart-felt “OM.” Put that soft Buddha smile back on your face before you read on. Like any good, spiritual enthusiast, you likely did as instructed… and perhaps you feel better… or not. The question is, Do you believe there is an ever-evading perfect life waiting for you to ascend to it? Rather than process your beliefs about this one, or give you some affirmations to repeat for the next 21 days, here are some essential truths for your heart to behold:
Maybe, wise one, you are already evolved and your only “lesson” is to embrace your Perfection now? Perhaps it is time to stop taking it all so seriously (as you are oh-so-beautifully conscious that you actually know you are always emanating your best anyway). It’s time to have a bit of fun for a change! Need ideas about what to do at recess, spiritual student?
Life is an amazing unfoldment of the All That Is, ever-changing, ever-Perfect, ever-mysterious. As we awaken further to our higher spiritual consciousness, we will discover what we perceive to be obstacles along the way. Are they obstacles? Did we create them? Perhaps. Allowing your Perfection is remembering that you are absolutely spiritual enough, your life is a Divine reflection of your expanding soul, and the present moment is where you get to embrace it… mud, muck and ascension. ![]() What if we were merely watching a super intense, interactive life-long movie? What if each one of us was the star of this incredible multi-dimensional show, which plays out according to our own vantage point? Metaphysically speaking, this is the essential framework of living as humans on Earth at this time. One of the most challenging aspects of metaphysics is trying to understand its non-linear structure within the limitations of the evaluating mind. As highly evolved souls, in order to give us a human experience, we had to agree to perceive separation (from Oneness consciousness) and engage in linear time and space. These fundamental pieces are the foundation on which our three-dimensional reality has been created. As we evolve spiritually, our perceptions expand to include other concepts and dimensions and we begin to see beyond the basic framework. Thought Projections When spiritual teachers talk about changing our thoughts to change our reality, they are focusing on this primary aspect of our original agreement. In actuality, it is more than just our thoughts that create our reality; our emotions, pre-birth agreements and soul intentions are vital elements. For the sake of simplicity, we will include these other facets when referring to our Thought Projections. In a movie theater the projector displays the movie onto a screen. Light and sound have been digitally captured to create the show which has been modified with such exquisite technology that we enjoy the “realness” of it. The intention of most movies is believability. We, as viewers, want to feel connected to the movie - enjoy the spaceship ride, feel the adrenaline of the chase, experience the romance of the first kiss. If, as a soul, we sincerely wanted a human experience, wouldn’t it be frustrating to have the life-movie be so poorly done that it wasn’t even believable? What a waste of time, right?! Thus, with linear time, ample space and other humans with whom we can interact and experience intense emotions, the realness of our lives become – well – believably real. Thinking of our lives as a series of Thought Projections can provoke feelings of anger, especially in times of pain or crisis when we feel like victims. This, of course, intensifies the reality aspect. Yet, we can allow ourselves to acknowledge those times of pain and suffering - to feel into them completely. We can also remain open to learning the basics of Thought Projections, which can offer us a new, empowering perspective. On any ordinary day, let yourself pretend you are in your own movie. Watch with interest, wonder and humor. Observe your movie with as little attachment as possible. If you do this often you will begin to notice there is more to the movie than just the screen. With intention and willingness, you can become aware of the parts of you that are acting as the projector. When you become conscious of your Thought Projections, you become aware of your impact on them. Nothingness You may be wondering what Nothingness has to do with Thought Projections or Manifesting Reality, but this is a very important aspect for understanding our essence. Like the light that transfers images onto the screen, or the sound that booms from the speakers, there isn’t anything that is physically tangible – there is no matter in these forces, only in the vehicles that deliver them. Though we can validate the realness of sights and sounds, we also understand that they are actually perceptions. In fact, it is only when we don’t have these capacities (or they are diminished) that we recognize how our “lack of perception” impacts our reality. If we imagine being completely blind or deaf – or unable to smell or taste or feel – we define our inability as experiencing “nothing.” In other words, even when matter isn’t involved we perceive our experiences as “something” – they become valid and, in some way, part of our reality. We usually evaluate reality by its Somethingness, but must also understand the value of Nothingness to gain a more complete and empowering perspective. Beyond our perceptions, sound and light are actually frequency wavelengths. The “space” in which there is “nothing” is just as valid as the “something” itself. It is how the entire construct “exists” within the time/space continuum. That said, our thoughts are basically the same kind of construct; a wavelength of something and nothing vibrating at a particular frequency. Those who teach mindfulness – encouraging us to pay attention to all that “happens” – also emphasize the Nothingness (sometimes referred to as the Emptiness). As you can deduce – and vitally important to note – as soon as the mind perceives anything it has immediately created something to perceive! Of prime importance, that something can become a conscious choice in whether it gets played out in our personal movie. From a soul perspective, there is more Nothingness than anything else. The Nothingness is the potential, the pre-thought, the void from which all things emerge. Yet, in order to keep the movie playing, we continuously cast Thought Projections onto the linear timeline. In a meditative state, allow yourself to play with the notion of Nothingness. See if you can “grasp” it. Ask your Higher Self to give you an experience of it. Feel into its potential and imagine what could be created from the expansiveness of no limits! What you may discover is your own essence and power pulsating in that expansiveness... your being as infinite possibility. Manifesting Reality Those seeking instant gratification would likely skip the previous two parts and focus solely on this section, but understanding the fundamentals of Thought Projections and Nothingness are key to Manifesting Reality. Admittedly not complete, the basics are enough to provide a seeker with more tools to understand and explore. Manifesting Reality on Earth (in its crudest form) is dependent on Thought Projections directed onto the “movie screen” of time and space. Although Thought Projections emerge from Nothingess, without time or space they actually – instantaneously – absorb right back into it! Therefore, it is in this instant that we can, once again, recognize and harness the power of pure potentiality. As human beings, with our commitment to participate in the reality of time and space we often feel limited and powerless by life’s circumstances. We may feel we are under the heavy influence of our own automatic, unconscious thoughts, in spite of reciting positive affirmations or mantras. To consciously engage in Manifesting Reality, we must learn to raise our own frequency. When the wavelength of our Thought Projections and the potentiality of the Nothingness vibrate so high that they are practically indiscernible, we will begin to generate miracles! Raising your vibration – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – is attainable, but takes consciousness and a commitment to do so. Eat well, rest often, surround yourself with people you love, challenge yourself to learn and grow, and walk upon a spiritual path that makes your heart sing. Ask your Soul to support your ascension; to bring you the people, information and tools you need. Conscious or not, joyful or not, your inherent ability in Manifesting Reality is already playing out for you in the movie of your life. By understanding the power of your Thought Projections, as well as their essential Nothingness, you can take Manifesting Reality to a whole new level. Whether being capable of healing yourself or others, acutely seeing beyond the veils into new dimensions, or simply creating a foundation of joy for your earthly experience, you can evolve from merely Manifesting Reality to Manifesting Your True Soul’s Desires! |
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