Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
It was two years ago that my husband, Eric, started noticing some strange symptoms. He was feeling weak, and went to the doctor to see what was going on. His initial thought was he had a hernia, since he was having a bit of trouble breathing; though that did not explain the weakness in his arms or legs. With persistence, several doctor visits, and then being hospitalized for a series of tests, he was diagnosed in June of 2017 with ALS - also known as Lou Gerhig's disease. At that appointment, his doctor literally gave him "three years to live." I remember thinking, "Oh! He'll make it to the twins' graduation!" As awful as the instantaneous thought was in response to the prognosis, it was something that anchored me in "hope." But the disease worked much faster on my husband than either of us could have imagined and hope waxed and waned along the way. First, of course, we sought out "alternatives" - not just to potential healing modalities, but to the diagnosis itself! The process of seeking, learning, trying, and receiving was beyond anything we had experienced, as a couple or individuals - and we had been through a lot in our thirty years together! By October of 2017, at Eric's second visit to the ALS Clinic, he was given a Bi-Pap machine to assist with his breathing, and his walking had become so compromised that a custom-designed wheelchair was ordered. By the time he received it in December, he was no longer able to walk, and I had to learn to transfer him from his lifting recliner chair to the wheelchair... and Eric was nearly a foot taller than me! In fact, by December, his health and breathing had declined so rapidly, that we didn't think he was going to make it to his 55th birthday (on 12/21) or Christmas. Yet, he did, and something seemed to stabilize in him, but what or why was never determined. Perhaps it was his motivation to see our youngest daughters through basketball season? Speaking of his wheelchair and basketball season, this was just one area of miracles and kindness we received throughout his illness! As his wheelchair was fully electric and weighed over 400 lbs., plus the fact that he needed a ventilator, it was no longer a matter of me "lift-transferring" him from the wheelchair into the car anymore. We needed a wheelchair accessible vehicle to transport him. Winter grace:
Thus, for the remaining of the basketball season we were able to get to almost all of their games! As well, having the van allowed us to attend Eric's mom's funeral in April, visit the Whole Earth Festival in May and get to a couple of important appointments. It was about a year ago, at one of our twins' games, however, that Eric noticed that my mom looked "yellow." My response to him was, "Everyone looks yellow! We're in a gym under fluorescent lights!" But at the next game, I noticed the yellow-orange tint, too, so I shared my concerns with her. She told me that she had gone to Urgent Care the weekend before, because her urine was brown and she wasn't feeling well, but they had sent her home without a diagnosis or any real testing. Within a few weeks and various tests, her prognosis was also terminal. My mom was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer, and only opted for chemo to slow down the aggressiveness and keep the cancer from getting to her bones. To say I was in shock... well, I'm still in shock and she's been gone six months now! As Eric's disease was progressing, my caregiving - which had become full time - had increased tenfold. I was no longer lift-transferring; instead using an electric Hoyer lift to get him from the hospital bed in our living room to his wheelchair, which - after basketball season ended - had become only an occasional transfer. Sitting in his wheelchair was painful no matter which position we adjusted him to, and Eric had a hard time breathing it in despite the ventilator. His needs were so great that attending to my mom was nearly out of the question, although I was able to take her to a couple of her appointments. Thankfully, her decades-long friend had turned his two-week visit (which happened to be at the time of her diagnosis) into a long-term stay, which was a major blessing. As well, our twins spent a couple nights a week at her home as they finished up their sophomore year and attended basketball camp. Plus, a good friend became my mom's other chemo appointment driver and a huge medical advocate for her. I jokingly have said that "Eric and my mom were so competitive that they even turned their deaths into a competition!" My mom, who had decided to give up chemo since it was causing so much nausea and discomfort, elected to go on to hospice on July 11, 2018. Her pain was so great that she ended up in the hospital that following Saturday, staying overnight and being sent home with more morphine - even though it had not been working! On July 18, my husband decided to go onto hospice - his breathing had become so difficult that he had almost choked in the middle of the night, scaring both of us and prompting the decision. He was declining rapidly, so we had our older two come home to say their goodbyes. That Sunday, my mom went back into the hospital, as her pain would not cease. Again, my dear friend attended her side, and continued to act as her advocate. My husband was down to his last days, and my mom was now being told she - too - was likely down to her last week or two. I couldn't believe it, nor could I leave my husband's side. My husband died, and I will say a "peaceful death" with the support of a little morphine and a lot of love from family and friends, on July 24. The next day we had his viewing at our home. The day after that, my friend - still at my mom's side - called me and said it was time to come be with my mom. My three daughters and I drove to the hospital, where I spent one night in a bed next to hers before bringing her to my home on July 27. She passed away - also peacefully - a week later on August 3. The pain and shock are surreal at times. My mom and my husband were my foundations, my rocks. No one has ever understood me or loved me as they have, and I am grieving deeply at their loss. Our younger two daughters and I each have attended closed bereavement groups, which have helped us with some of the process, but we still have a long way to go. This story - clearly - is just a snippet of our past two years. Each excruciating day was long and cherished, yet it all went by so quickly. I've been in a fog through much of it, yet the moments of connection - of pure shared Love - are still clear. The heaviness has been more than I thought I could bear, but somehow I'm doing it. Crying helps. Friends help. Our children help. I couldn't have imagined losing my husband so early (he was just 55) let alone losing my young mom (she was only 68) the very same year, within weeks of one another. And, what's more incredible is how friends and strangers leaned in so tightly that we were held in Love and Generosity throughout the process. So in addition to the gestures of kindnesses that I've already mentioned, I'd like to conclude this chronicle with the other amazing ways our family was supported during this immensely challenging time:
Having lost my mom so soon after losing Eric, I have barely touched on that grief nor have I yet planned a service for her. She elected to donate her body to UC Davis School of Medicine, and in September they held a Memorial for all donors, which was a nice way to touch in and slightly process her death while honoring her in a small way. Yet, as an interfaith ordained minister who wrote her thesis on Sacred Ceremony, I want to truly honor her with a ceremony that's as eclectic and reverent as she deserves. In time, I shall. And, just as I helped compose for my husband a memorial video (which I share here) I would like to create a music video in her honor, too... but, again, that will happen in time. And, I know I have many amazing people who are willing to support me in this next endeavor - or whatever I need, whenever I trust Life enough to reach out for help. All for which I am beyond grateful, in spite of the grief.
![]() As part of our spiritual evolution our metaphysical senses will continue to sharpen and become just as active and efficient as our physical senses. Our third eye will see more clearly, our gut feelings will be easily identifiable, our higher knowing will integrate with our thoughts, and our ability to hear and communicate with other realms will increase exponentially. Channeling messages from non-earthly beings – from angels to galactic travelers – will be as easy as tuning in to our favorite radio stations and singing along with the latest hits. For many skilled intuitives, this is already the case. Across the world wide web you’ll find a plethora of offerings from light beings, star systems, parallel universes, and even the future. At this time of expanding consciousness, many people are directly experiencing the art and gifts of channeling. Although it is an indication of heightened awareness, it is important to evaluate and assimilate that which is truly valuable. Everyone is a Channel Whether or not we have developed our intuitive senses, each of us has them. As with any skill – including walking or riding a bike – it merely takes practice to become proficient. Imagine if we lived in a culture in which using our metaphysical senses was expected and honored? “What’s your gut telling you,” mom would ask, and then she would validate your response. As spiritual-human beings, each of us is an extension of God Consciousness. Therefore, whatever we say or do is also from the same consciousness! This does not condone behaviors that are misaligned or void of love, but rather reminds us of our inherent divinity. If we understand that the core of who we are cannot be separated from that Divine impulse we begin to realize that every action, thought or word is an extension of Source, in spite of our humanness. As every expression of God is fully empowered to believe, act and say whatever desired because of free will, the challenge thus lies in aligning with Love. Evaluate the Messages for Love Connecting with realms that are less familiar to us can be uncomfortable or even frightening at first, and it is always important to evaluate the love that is present. Channeled messages from deceased loved ones can be based in fear, hate and anger just as easily as they can be brought forth to offer support, love and new perspectives. To be clear, transitioning to the “other side” does not mean a spirit has evolved or let go of its resentments. If grandma’s channel says she loved you better than your father and goes on to share her woes about unresolved issues, this message is not only of a lower frequency, it can dampen your own energy field if you give it unnecessary value. Empower yourself to evaluate the information received and if it is not from Love, feel free to delete that channel! Spirit guides are just as diverse as the universe itself, ranging from the animal kingdom to star beings and beyond. It is critical to use discernment with these aspects and understand that – like passed loved ones – they may not be as evolved as you expect. The key, again, is to limit your interactions to those that align with Love. Whether you consider yourself a channel or simply feel connected to a particular spirit guide, it is important to note that it is not appropriate for spirit guides to urge sexual encounters, nor should they present themselves as being more “powerful” than you. As with people, do not give any spirit guide your power or authority. Messages from the Pleiades, Archangel Michael, High Councils or other ascended realms are authentic when they are infused with Love Consciousness. Because these aspects are highly evolved they will not encourage separation consciousness or indicate a hierarchy based on “better than.” When connecting with refined states of consciousness, the energy feels unconditionally loving or, because we are emotional beings, can sometimes feel strangely neutral. The information presented helps us see our choices, experience the love that we are, and remember unity. More often than not, these messages are for your own personal growth and do not necessarily mean you need to share them with the world. This is for you to decide. Advice or predictions channeled from Love Consciousness are offered simply to help us see and understand the larger picture in relation to our power and potential, often urging us to take an active part in our own evolution. Pay Attention to Your Feelings As a channel, we can receive information in many forms including physical sensations, visions, sounds, direct messages, and spontaneous knowing. As a human, our body, mind and emotions are valid components to help us discern what feels appropriate and what does not. Although fear can be an annoying alarm triggered by almost anything, it can also be a valuable tool. As we become more conscious, we can learn to differentiate “good fear” from “bad fear.” Thankfully, fears that are warranted can help us navigate away from people, situations and energies that are not in our best interest. Unreasonable fears, however, will make us feel paralyzed and uncertain about everything. Either way, it is extremely important to refrain from channeling if you are in a fearful state. The whole point of channeling is to bring information that serves. When we ignore our own needs – whether we discount what we feel or give our power away to another form of “wisdom” – we are not acting in aligned service. The martyr archetype is not necessary, or even helpful, in our collective ascension. Always notice and validate your human needs when channeling. Being anchored in neutrality allows us to clearly monitor our own experiences as well as evaluate the energy and information that is coming through when we channel. From this state, we remain in our power. Assimilate Your Channel We have reached a level of collective consciousness that enables us to integrate the highly evolved aspects of ourselves, including our beloved channels. Admittedly, we probably shouldn’t absorb grandma and all her issues, or may not want to assimilate an animal totem. However, there’s no reason why we can’t merge our heart and wisdom with the Love Consciousness that is palpable within the ascended masters’ and angelic realms. By no means is this to imply that you should claim to be Mother Mary or the next savior! Not only are these inaccurate proclamations, they sprout from an egoic need to feel validated. Ascended Love does not need validation; it merely offers us continuous opportunities to merge with it. Once you recognize the ease and unity you experience as a channel, it may be time to evaluate the reasons you continue to separate your human self from that which you channel. Remember, all separation comes from the ego, whether to feel valid or better than, or because of a belief in unworthiness. Yet, the main gift brought through high caliber channeling is the remembrance of Love and Unity! When you integrate your highly evolved state – often referred to as something you channel – incorporating soul wisdom becomes second nature and is extremely powerful as it anchors on the planet as you. ![]() In a culture of deeds and doers, it seems a bit – or even extremely – passive to simply allow. Allow what? Allow the hungry to starve? Allow an abusive relationship to continue? Allow my house to get messy and taxes to go unfiled? Our fear-based egos start to drum up all kinds of scenarios to demonstrate the harm in allowing. So let’s go there…. Let’s sit with this fear of allowing before we proceed. Our first instinct is to equate allowing with not doing, right? And “not doing” is not a fruitful option in many areas of our lives; we get bad grades when we don’t do our homework, get fired when we don’t do our jobs, or lose relationships when we don’t engage in them. Yet, deeper than our discomfort with living in an embarrassingly messy home, or our fear of having the IRS levy our bank accounts, there is a core fear in allowing. Sadly, many of us have experienced the pain and helplessness of being a victim. As children, we were powerless over the situations and adults in our lives, and most of us had crucial experiences that hurt us in some way. In order to protect ourselves and assert our power we learned to do – and sometimes overdo – in order to navigate our way from victimhood to feeling more in control. It is clear that many of our personal actions have led us to where we are now. We see the correlation between action and consequence. Yet, a common pattern that develops as we grow spiritually is many of our willful efforts and attempts to maintain control become increasingly less effective. It is in this way our higher soul is inviting us to allow. For many, being the “good girl” or doing the “right thing” leads to a life of monotony, limitation and unfulfilled potential. Again, the dualistic mind assumes the implication here is to be “bad” or do the “wrong thing,” but this is a matter of perspective. We have let society, our parents, and others we hold as authority figures define the boundaries of what we should be doing with our lives, and how to do them. So, now let’s practice a bit of conscious allowing. Take a moment to relax, breathe deeply, focus on your heart, and feel into the statement: I have let society, my parents, and others define what I should be doing with my life, and how to do them. What comes up for you? If inspired, write down your response. Or simply allow this experience to unfold a little longer before moving on. You may notice: Conscious allowing is as simple as creating the space in the present moment to experience what is. Even though our thoughts may go wild, confusion or feelings begin to arise, or that “I must try harder” impulse stirs up some anxiety, if we stay present, using the support of our breath and the openness of our heart, we can allow all of it… thoughts, feelings, confusion, agitation, surrender. Whatever is. Allowing offers an alignment with our essence, an expansion of trust, and carries a sublime awareness of Universal Perfection. In life and along our spiritual path, we encounter things that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable, and allowing can be one such thing. And though we may intellectually comprehend the notion of allowing, our souls will prompt us to experience it in deeper ways. Oftentimes, this comes in the form of crisis. Our normal reaction to crisis is, “What can I do?” With clear reasoning and responsible actions, we can positively impact the situation, even if we can’t completely resolve it. Clearly, doing can be extremely beneficial, but when we believe we will gain 100% control over an issue (and the people involved) with action alone we have fallen into a trap of the ego. In addition to our reliance on doing, those of us who have spiritually embraced the “Law of Attraction” often find ourselves conflicted when life doesn’t go our way. Rather than recognizing this as a chance to allow, we resort to self-blame. I must not have visualized clearly. My negative thoughts are blocking me. I’m not enlightened enough. As these beliefs imply that even more action is required of us, our angst intensifies! Part of releasing our ego-driven practices is shifting the ego’s understanding of the Law of Attraction. In reality, attraction entails allowing. Admittedly, the Law of Attraction is a fun and enticing tool to help us understand our true power. Novice spiritual seekers are like children in a candy shop who have yet to understand that just because one can “create reality” doesn’t mean one’s goal is in alignment with the Higher Self. In fact, satisfying the ego’s desires is rarely the path chosen by advanced souls. Generally speaking, our ability to manifest will work for a while, encouraging us to trust our inherent gifts and dig deeper into our soul. Yet, as we evolve, merging with our collective ascension, creating from the ego becomes ineffectual. Thus, when our manifesting skills diminish, we are ready to master allowing. Although we can choose to learn the art of allowing any time, life challenges offer down-to-earth opportunities to practice it. With our fixation on actions and control, plus our right versus wrong primal thinking, allowing can feel counter-everything that’s been tried and true. Yet, by taking baby steps to practice this cathartic skill we open ourselves to the freedom and joy our souls envision. Allowing may not be easy, but it is always accessible and begins with choice. If you are ready to experiment, or your soul is coercing you with interesting circumstances, or if you tend to over-give, here are some ways you can open to conscious allowing:
At a time when our world seems to be spinning faster, and doing more is constantly expected of us, slowing down and learning to allow are essential to our peace of mind and lightness of soul. As well, learning to allow is a fundamental step toward personal empowerment. As we evolve – shifting from a mindset focused on external control to one rooted in inner empowerment – our conscious practice of allowing will help us cultivate deep-seated contentment and joy, which positively affects the vibration of our collective reality. ![]() As we enter an awakened state of consciousness, where we have gained distance from the confines of dualistic thinking, we find ourselves at the fulcrum point of neutrality. In some respects, this feels like a good marker; we no longer evaluate experiences as inherently bad (or good), which can reduce or release our suffering. Neutrality brings to us an impersonal realization that what happens to people may not be so… well, personal. At a minimum, it offers a perspective above the haze of harsh judgment. With a shift in awareness and a steadfast grip on the wheel pulling us toward right-or-wrong thinking, we arrive at a paradox. Though our heart may feel lighter and freer, our ego – driven by order, duality, and survival – can begin to panic. When those sharp peaks and valleys of extremes soften into gentle waves, the ego may interpret the smoother ride as boring… or even as an indication of lifelessness. It is here we come upon apathy. When we encounter apathy, we often misperceive what we experience. Is this depression? Not caring? Am I numb to life? If we have identified strong emotions and opinions with caring deeply, and grown appreciative of this aspect of being human, apathy can be an uncomfortable state. Not wishing to idle in unfamiliar territory, our ego rushes back to duality assuming we have gotten off our spiritual course. Our spiritual growth gives us the capacity to appreciate the wholeness of Life, acutely recognizing that the multitude of shades, shapes and experiences are far richer than any duality-based definition. Whether we strive for it, or the occurrences of detached awareness happen spontaneously, the sense of feeling apathetic is simply a part of our awakening process. Neutrality not only allows us to notice the depth and complexity in all things, it offers an underlying contentment to our observation. If we refrain from judging the spiritual apathetic state and allow ourselves to venture deeper into it, we discover its foundation; we realize the Perfection in Everything. According to Merriam-Webster the simple definition of apathy is “the feeling of not having much emotion or interest: an apathetic state.” With neutrality and equanimity, the abundance of “much” diminishes. With signposts touting “the more the merrier” at almost every turn in our lives, we’ve associated anything that implies “less” as some kind of deviation. Our feelings of “lack” and “less than” get triggered and put us into a tailspin. Gee, and all this over feeling a little apathy? An awakening soul rises from the belief that emotions, desires and experiences define the true self. Admittedly, on the trail of neutrality, apathy takes a bit of getting used to. It can show up in various ways, often leaving us feeling disconnected from mass consciousness. For example, we may not feel compelled to participate in activities that no longer resonate, even if others continue in that direction. Conversations that are shallow, heated or controversial can feel pointless. Discovering what makes us “happy” may suddenly seem like an impossible quest. No longer being coerced by old habits, or feeling the pull toward emotional highs and lows, we gain opportunities to let go of what isn’t serving us. Guilt, shame and judgment stop navigating our choices. In the abyss of apathy, we are given the space to simply be. In an apathetic state we may wonder whether who we are or what we do really matters. If the wondering is infused with worry, it is not so much apathy but rather the ego’s desire to land in a comfortable place. And discomfort can be a handy jumpstart to move us toward the direction of our soul’s calling. Untethered from dutiful posts, we are free to explore. Often, we begin our explorations within familiar boundaries, noticing them with more objectivity. Do I identify with this community… or that one? Do I want to volunteer my time in this way… or should I volunteer elsewhere? Maybe I’ll take a painting class… or what about web design? In a more open state, we accept our experiences and experimentations for what they are; we don’t depend on them to define us. With neutrality it is easier to discern which external experiences resonate with our core. Inner journeying is also easier when we enter with equanimity. What used to be major roadblocks to exploring our soul are removed (or reduced to flashing lights signaling to proceed with caution). With our inner judge at bay, our defenses relax. Inviolable, we discover deserted passageways that lead right to our heart. By exploring the depths and nuances of our being without judgment, more of our true self and gifts emerge. In addition to our wondrous heart, our shadowy crevices (and all aspects of who we are) contain gems. In fact, the wisdom of our soul has carefully hidden our greatest treasures where they would be protected most; a place only one with skill and courage would dare to look. The spiritual apathetic state – the remembrance innate Perfection – provides the composure we need to find and excavate our inherent gifts. With neutrality, we can learn to cultivate our gifts without letting them define us or determine our worth. We understand that sharing who we are and what we bring to the world is a choice, not a requirement. And, in electing to do so, we find joy. If we choose not to perceive apathy as a digression from our spiritual path, or let it crumble to disdain, we can embrace it as a powerful tool to guide our conscious journey to self-awareness and joy. ![]() Highly awake people tend to be ultra-conscious, which often translates into being overly critical of everything they do, and even who they are. In spite of pure intentions, good deeds and spiritual striving, the weight of self-criticism can bog the spiritual seeker down in Earthy mud and muck! No matter how hard those chakra wheels spin, there is little traction to get unstuck. A belief rises to the surface: If I were only spiritual enough, everything in my life would fall into place. Is this conviction keeping your contentment hostage? Are you constantly trying to “change negative thinking” or “process fears” or perfect your spiritual practices? Are you really sure you are doing everything RIGHT? Perhaps you should learn to meditate in that Earthly mud… or better yet, just play in it! Yes, dear seeker, this moment – as you recognize just how inadequate you are and how many more miles there are to walk on your spiritual journey – is the perfect time to take a long, deep, loving breath and exhale gratitude with a heart-felt “OM.” Put that soft Buddha smile back on your face before you read on. Like any good, spiritual enthusiast, you likely did as instructed… and perhaps you feel better… or not. The question is, Do you believe there is an ever-evading perfect life waiting for you to ascend to it? Rather than process your beliefs about this one, or give you some affirmations to repeat for the next 21 days, here are some essential truths for your heart to behold:
Maybe, wise one, you are already evolved and your only “lesson” is to embrace your Perfection now? Perhaps it is time to stop taking it all so seriously (as you are oh-so-beautifully conscious that you actually know you are always emanating your best anyway). It’s time to have a bit of fun for a change! Need ideas about what to do at recess, spiritual student?
Life is an amazing unfoldment of the All That Is, ever-changing, ever-Perfect, ever-mysterious. As we awaken further to our higher spiritual consciousness, we will discover what we perceive to be obstacles along the way. Are they obstacles? Did we create them? Perhaps. Allowing your Perfection is remembering that you are absolutely spiritual enough, your life is a Divine reflection of your expanding soul, and the present moment is where you get to embrace it… mud, muck and ascension. ![]() What if we were merely watching a super intense, interactive life-long movie? What if each one of us was the star of this incredible multi-dimensional show, which plays out according to our own vantage point? Metaphysically speaking, this is the essential framework of living as humans on Earth at this time. One of the most challenging aspects of metaphysics is trying to understand its non-linear structure within the limitations of the evaluating mind. As highly evolved souls, in order to give us a human experience, we had to agree to perceive separation (from Oneness consciousness) and engage in linear time and space. These fundamental pieces are the foundation on which our three-dimensional reality has been created. As we evolve spiritually, our perceptions expand to include other concepts and dimensions and we begin to see beyond the basic framework. Thought Projections When spiritual teachers talk about changing our thoughts to change our reality, they are focusing on this primary aspect of our original agreement. In actuality, it is more than just our thoughts that create our reality; our emotions, pre-birth agreements and soul intentions are vital elements. For the sake of simplicity, we will include these other facets when referring to our Thought Projections. In a movie theater the projector displays the movie onto a screen. Light and sound have been digitally captured to create the show which has been modified with such exquisite technology that we enjoy the “realness” of it. The intention of most movies is believability. We, as viewers, want to feel connected to the movie - enjoy the spaceship ride, feel the adrenaline of the chase, experience the romance of the first kiss. If, as a soul, we sincerely wanted a human experience, wouldn’t it be frustrating to have the life-movie be so poorly done that it wasn’t even believable? What a waste of time, right?! Thus, with linear time, ample space and other humans with whom we can interact and experience intense emotions, the realness of our lives become – well – believably real. Thinking of our lives as a series of Thought Projections can provoke feelings of anger, especially in times of pain or crisis when we feel like victims. This, of course, intensifies the reality aspect. Yet, we can allow ourselves to acknowledge those times of pain and suffering - to feel into them completely. We can also remain open to learning the basics of Thought Projections, which can offer us a new, empowering perspective. On any ordinary day, let yourself pretend you are in your own movie. Watch with interest, wonder and humor. Observe your movie with as little attachment as possible. If you do this often you will begin to notice there is more to the movie than just the screen. With intention and willingness, you can become aware of the parts of you that are acting as the projector. When you become conscious of your Thought Projections, you become aware of your impact on them. Nothingness You may be wondering what Nothingness has to do with Thought Projections or Manifesting Reality, but this is a very important aspect for understanding our essence. Like the light that transfers images onto the screen, or the sound that booms from the speakers, there isn’t anything that is physically tangible – there is no matter in these forces, only in the vehicles that deliver them. Though we can validate the realness of sights and sounds, we also understand that they are actually perceptions. In fact, it is only when we don’t have these capacities (or they are diminished) that we recognize how our “lack of perception” impacts our reality. If we imagine being completely blind or deaf – or unable to smell or taste or feel – we define our inability as experiencing “nothing.” In other words, even when matter isn’t involved we perceive our experiences as “something” – they become valid and, in some way, part of our reality. We usually evaluate reality by its Somethingness, but must also understand the value of Nothingness to gain a more complete and empowering perspective. Beyond our perceptions, sound and light are actually frequency wavelengths. The “space” in which there is “nothing” is just as valid as the “something” itself. It is how the entire construct “exists” within the time/space continuum. That said, our thoughts are basically the same kind of construct; a wavelength of something and nothing vibrating at a particular frequency. Those who teach mindfulness – encouraging us to pay attention to all that “happens” – also emphasize the Nothingness (sometimes referred to as the Emptiness). As you can deduce – and vitally important to note – as soon as the mind perceives anything it has immediately created something to perceive! Of prime importance, that something can become a conscious choice in whether it gets played out in our personal movie. From a soul perspective, there is more Nothingness than anything else. The Nothingness is the potential, the pre-thought, the void from which all things emerge. Yet, in order to keep the movie playing, we continuously cast Thought Projections onto the linear timeline. In a meditative state, allow yourself to play with the notion of Nothingness. See if you can “grasp” it. Ask your Higher Self to give you an experience of it. Feel into its potential and imagine what could be created from the expansiveness of no limits! What you may discover is your own essence and power pulsating in that expansiveness... your being as infinite possibility. Manifesting Reality Those seeking instant gratification would likely skip the previous two parts and focus solely on this section, but understanding the fundamentals of Thought Projections and Nothingness are key to Manifesting Reality. Admittedly not complete, the basics are enough to provide a seeker with more tools to understand and explore. Manifesting Reality on Earth (in its crudest form) is dependent on Thought Projections directed onto the “movie screen” of time and space. Although Thought Projections emerge from Nothingess, without time or space they actually – instantaneously – absorb right back into it! Therefore, it is in this instant that we can, once again, recognize and harness the power of pure potentiality. As human beings, with our commitment to participate in the reality of time and space we often feel limited and powerless by life’s circumstances. We may feel we are under the heavy influence of our own automatic, unconscious thoughts, in spite of reciting positive affirmations or mantras. To consciously engage in Manifesting Reality, we must learn to raise our own frequency. When the wavelength of our Thought Projections and the potentiality of the Nothingness vibrate so high that they are practically indiscernible, we will begin to generate miracles! Raising your vibration – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – is attainable, but takes consciousness and a commitment to do so. Eat well, rest often, surround yourself with people you love, challenge yourself to learn and grow, and walk upon a spiritual path that makes your heart sing. Ask your Soul to support your ascension; to bring you the people, information and tools you need. Conscious or not, joyful or not, your inherent ability in Manifesting Reality is already playing out for you in the movie of your life. By understanding the power of your Thought Projections, as well as their essential Nothingness, you can take Manifesting Reality to a whole new level. Whether being capable of healing yourself or others, acutely seeing beyond the veils into new dimensions, or simply creating a foundation of joy for your earthly experience, you can evolve from merely Manifesting Reality to Manifesting Your True Soul’s Desires! ![]() The Mission Most of us want to feel as if we have some kind of purpose. Part of this desire has to do with our insecurities of our own worthiness, but in essence, we desire a purpose because we sense there really was a soul intention behind our incarnation. Some people incarnate to experience life, welling from a fundamental “I want to try THAT” impulse. Others come to clear karmic debts, so to speak; their purpose may be to create balance from previous incarnations. Then there are the willing students (or maybe not so willing) who’ve decided to learn or advance in a particular lesson or even get their master’s degree. The intention of the masters – those who have gained a “higher” degree of spiritual consciousness – was to incarnate to fulfill a specific spiritual mission. Almost everyone has incarnated with a combination of intentions – experiential, karmic, educational, and spiritual. For example, the experiential traveler will encounter several lessons along his path, while the spiritual master may have some final karmic debts to complete as she embarks on her mission. If we look at the core of a soul’s intention with a more linear perspective, we can discern the “stage” of consciousness of the soul based on its fundamental life intention. Of course, when we recognize everything as vibration, we can release judgment, know there really are no “levels”, and can observe all things with neutrality. Yet, by seeing the soul’s evolution through a hierarchal lens, we gain understanding about our soul’s original intention as well as our life path. This helps us make peace with our path, its perceived obstacles, and can be the impetus we need to forge ahead with open hearts! With the birth of the New Age our planet welcomed an unprecedented influx of spiritual masters. Likely, you are one of them and you are here on a spiritual mission. The Master The majority of spiritual masters begin with fairly ordinary lives. As children, they may have felt “different” or simply “knew”, “saw” or “felt” things that they didn’t understand. Though we all have access to our intuitive senses, spiritual masters usually incarnate with well-evolved skills, as well as a clear sense of Divine Source, however they interpret it. As part of their life experiences, most people have learned to suppress, hide and overlook their intuitive gifts, soul mastery and, therefore, their mission. With the collective spiritual awakening, many masters have spent numerous years trying to understand who they are and why they are here. Many have made significant progress in their quest, though most continue to hide behind layers of old tapes, fears and confusion as they press through the bustle of their daily lives. Even those who have discovered that they are indeed masters have resisted fully aligning with their mission. Why is this? Basically, recognizing one’s masterhood can be quite difficult. Most people have spent a good portion of their lives protectively hiding themselves. In fact, they have mastered this so well that they have surrounded themselves with others who cannot truly see them, including their parents, friends, and even spouses. Couple this with a societal frown on being “too big for your britches” and it’s no wonder spiritual masters are afraid to become who they really are! Now add to the mix the forgetting of spiritual gifts. Since gifts come so easily and naturally to people, they don’t realize that others don’t have them, or that their gifts are particularly enhanced. In other words, if one cannot identify any “special gifts”, then recognizing his or her masterhood is nearly impossible. The good thing about gifts, thankfully, is that they are inherent, though sometimes they may need a little polishing up. Fortunately, there are many willing masters who are stepping out to be seen and accepted, and are eagerly integrating their gifts into their work. Brave and ready, they repeatedly stumble over obstacles of fear and resistance in perfectly human ways. As such, these masters believe they are on their path because they are serving humanity in some way. Perhaps they are working in the holistic, healing or intuitive arts and are pretty darned good at what they do. What they don’t realize, however, is that their work and expertise are actually training grounds for their next spiritual step. Even the more awake spiritual masters may not realize they are still withholding their true, mystical gifts. They are not fully aligning with their fundamental spiritual mission. The Mystic As we expand and attain greater states of consciousness, it is easy to feel that we’ve arrived. If we perceive that we’ve achieved a state that is equal to or greater than those around us, then why not be good with that? Regardless of how spiritually expanded we believe we are, our soul will continue to nag at us to align with more. More of who we are, more of our inner power and knowing, and more of our mysticism. Though we may be “greater” than we were before, or exhibit wisdom beyond the average spiritual seeker, our souls will continue to direct us to our deep-seated mission – one that is immensely significant because it shifts ourselves as well as the planet. If we quiet our master minds, we will remember that the underlying intention of our mission is to become the mystic. Oxford Dictionaries defines a mystic as a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute. Moreover, a mystic understands and reveals spiritual truths that are beyond the intellect – that are beyond third dimensional reality. Today’s mystic may not need to walk on water, but the mystical path may seem almost as daunting. Stepping into a new dimension isn’t easy when we have two feet firmly planted in human experiences. Yet, in order to shift our personal and collective paradigms, we must harness, cultivate and channel our higher dimensional gifts. It is time to fully embody our mysticism and apply it to everything we do, freely and unapologetically. Most masters have moved well beyond the basics of metaphysics, have gained clarity and direction about their general path, but still feel as if “something is missing.” Perhaps they’ve hit the same frustrating wall, or wonder why they keep tripping over those unseen blocks in the road. In spite of knowing their power and abilities, they haven’t figured out how to unleash them with precision and joy. In essence, these are the masters who’ve been hanging out in their old classrooms – and most likely teaching others – while unconsciously avoiding their true, mystical selves. They are withholding who they are, what they know or what they can do in order to fit in, please others or pacify fears. At this time, with the energetic frequencies of change and expansion so palpable, we can significantly restructure the old patterns to co-create our world. We can continue to feel spiritually “superior” to the average being and make small ripples with our work, occasionally utilizing our spiritual gifts and dreaming of the impact we’ll make one day. Or, we can listen deeply to the wisdom of our soul and say yes – right now – to our mission, whatever specific form it takes. By becoming mystics, we can apply the magnitude of who we are to everything we do. In this way, we actually create the quantum leap that we have envisioned for so long. Keep in mind, the mystic – the one who surrenders to merge with the Divine – has moved beyond the third dimensional realm of egoic limitations, embodying and demonstrating “with God all things are possible.” Each of us incarnated with an intention. Each has been born with specific gifts to help fulfill our purpose. Though we may have come in at different stages of soul development, any of us can make a quantum leap in our spiritual evolution at any time. In other words, anyone can move beyond masterhood and become the mystic. The purpose and processes of our individual and collective spiritual work are not to ascend and leave this planet. Our spiritual ascension simply opens us to merge into the state of Divine Oneness here on Earth. In doing so, we create a new world as human mystics living in an enlightened age. ![]() One of the fundamental laws we experience when we incarnate on Earth is the law of gravity. As we physically develop in the waters of our mother’s womb, we blossom from formlessness into form as gravity gains its pull. In fact, it’s gravity that helps us descend into the birth canal as our due date approaches. Though we live within the law of gravity, many explore experiences which seemingly defy it. From parasailing, to underwater endeavors, to floating in anti-gravity spaces, humans are clearly interested in having more freedom than the law of gravity allows. And what about those outlaws: the highly evolved spiritual masters who have levitated, walked on water or bent spoons with their minds? Third dimensional laws didn’t impede these amazing feats! As metaphysics becomes more popular in the main stream, a fundamental spiritual law that most will be taught is that our thoughts create our reality. But do they? Who’s thoughts are creating the reality for the brainless embryo which is developing within the mother-to-be who doesn’t yet know she is pregnant? Our thoughts alone do not create our reality. Most of us can identify a compulsive worrier and see that this law doesn’t seem to apply. Likewise, we can name more spiritually evolved individuals who’ve died of cancer, or experienced some other undesired aspect – like crucifixion, perhaps. And, within the spectrum, we can find a range of human experiences which includes negative people with challenging lives and positive people with joyful lives. With these examples, this spiritual law seems more like a suggestion. As very complex beings living in a multidimensional universe, there is no one law that rules or dictates every one of our lives. As human-spiritual beings we are working with an interesting array of factors – including math. Math? Though we trust that math is a Universal truth, interestingly enough there is debate about whether or not zero has value, and whether zero to the zero power equals zero or equals one. Why does this matter? Spiritual truths, like math, are simply parameters or thought-forms. Both are useful tools to find a common thread of communication and understanding in an infinite Universe; both help us live within a structure. But do we want to be bound to a simple filament within the vast firmament? What if zero to the zero power equals zero and equals one? One would think that by indicating that spiritual truths are thought-forms, we do indeed create our reality with our thoughts. In the grander scheme of things, the “cosmic we” does. However, the Cosmic We isn’t easily accessible to the average incarnated human, and most human thoughts come from the vibrationally-challenged construct known as the ego. Our upbringing and environment contribute to our reality’s patterning, while our actions, emotions and beliefs are major factors in its creation. Even more significant are our Soul’s intentions, which can be revealed through astrology, numerology, “Human Design” or other illuminating systems. In addition to having countless factors and impulses, we exist within a matrix of form. This construct has been agreed to by a collective; a "greater" body of consciousness which includes all beings and the cosmos, otherwise known as the Cosmic We. This structure has "laws" – or guidelines, really – which the Cosmic We have established. For the most part, we have agreed to the "terms of use” and abide by these agreements. Yet, as egoic human thoughts are a much smaller formations within the larger matrix, we are thinking inside a massive box and thus do not have complete freedom to create with thoughts alone. Generally speaking, thoughts are "light" and fleeting and must be “densified” to take form. Repeated thought-forms, emotions and habits add density. As well, the densification ability grows exponentially with the advancement of the soul – until it becomes null and void, that is. Newer souls on the human-spiritual journey operate from a vibrational patterning that differs greatly from an advanced soul, thus their thought-impact will also differ. Principally, newer souls with a “quieter” vibrational tone are not able to manifest with thoughts alone. Spiritually awake individuals – which happen to be the majority of people attracted to the New Age movement – find resonance and results with this method of manifesting and this is why “our thoughts create our reality” is considered a spiritual law by most. However, advanced souls are charting new territories. Beyond the matrix, there is another realm (infinite realms, actually) in which thoughts are mere flecks within the void. As we ascend into higher realms of consciousness, the void becomes more prominent and thoughts marginal. The newer paradigm – the one which the Cosmic We is now embarking into – has more "space" within it. We are expanding and experiencing more of the void, the emptiness. We are discovering the nothingness as well as the value of zero, where both realities co-exist harmoniously. In this more refined state of consciousness, we are releasing judgments, forms and laws, and transforming into newer, more fluid expressions which are not as dense or rigid as the old structures. In the emptiness – where “no thing” exists – laws become irrelevant. For those trying to find their way within the form, while energetically vibrating in the void, this lawlessness can be quite confusing. Additionally, whether aware or not, the spiritually expanded being usually incarnates with a significant “mission” and often cannot separate his or her sense of self from this undertaking. With limited access to highly advanced earthly teachers as guides, the spiritual master hopelessly relies on basic metaphysics for direction. The master may not remember that the mission, which essentially is united with the Soul, is a force field in and of itself. This field is the pathway to Source, and works within a grander collective. In essence, the mission-Soul field resonates with the Cosmic We to such a high degree that the human self is practically extraneous. Thus, trying to create a personal reality from an egoic thought-form is like trying to stop the sun from rising by closing your eyes! The sun is in alignment with its divine mission; its thoughts don't matter, it simply Is. Of course, the grander mission-Soul workings are also not confined to laws either. Like individuals, they are operating within the balance of agreements and free will. It is important to note that this idea is not meant to bind anyone, or be intellectually dissected or manipulated by the ego. Fortunately, it can’t be; it’s simply a spacious thought-form of the void, which is unattainable by the ego. Yet, with this lightly painted picture, you may understand why your thoughts alone are no longer (or may never have been) creating your reality. As you continue to experience expanded states of consciousness where thoughts feel less relevant or influential, you can remember that by binding to the belief that your thoughts are creating your reality, you are not only staying within the limited matrix, you are allowing your ego to build cells within it. Perhaps it is time to stop thinking, tune into your divine mission and allow it to flow through you. Here are ten ways to direct your energy as you co-create your reality in the new, more expansive paradigm:
![]() Regardless of the current economy, many people have struggled with money matters throughout their lives, trying to discover the "secret" to financial success only to come up a dollar short. Interestingly enough, many of these adults consider themselves "lightworkers,” but have not consciously made any vows of poverty. Why is it that a spiritually centered, bright person – even one who has learned the tools of manifesting – still struggles with creating financial abundance or security in this age of enlightenment? It is not coincidental that many awake beings have incarnated with this "issue.” In actuality, it is part of the shift. We know that children being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are on the rise. Spiritual leaders often see them as "indigo" or "crystal" children who have come in with new ways of being to help change the world. Indigos have been incarnating for decades. These trailblazing adults have spent much of their lives struggling with, adapting to, and sometimes changing society’s linear structures and misaligned systems. In some cases they, too, may have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD; or perhaps they have found themselves in the artistic or social areas of the workforce, including the healing arts and services, which are usually not as well paid as the left-brained jobs. Whether they are indigo, ADD, artistic or simply have incarnated with a pattern that doesn’t fit society’s standard mold, many spiritual-human beings have conformed to the demands of the financial structure, hunkering down into unsatisfying jobs. Unfortunately, their spiritual desires to be true to themselves have given way to their human needs to survive. The frequencies of the new paradigm, significantly clearer and more joyful than mere survival, are illuminating our way out of the structures that no longer serve. The task at this time, admittedly challenging due to our shaky economy, is to continue to walk in truth and joy as we usher in the new realms within ourselves and for the planet. Patterns that are deeply woven into a worldly structure cannot be shifted by a chosen few, especially if the few submit to the system. To change a paradigm significantly we need the masses to create new energies. Fortunately, a mass of spiritual-human beings have incarnated with some very human patterns. From addictions to relationship problems to learning disabilities to health sensitivities to money issues, each of the significant challenges in the human patterning has been taken on by lightworkers to help heal them. What if your soul intended to experience and heal the financial imbalances for the planet? In a meditative state, ask yourself or your guides if this is a possibility. As well, here are some questions you can answer:
Of course, these questions and even the notion of right versus left- brain work is not to imply that any of it is good or bad, or to even exaggerate duality, but rather to help those who’ve had money challenges gain clarity about the possible underlying energy. Beyond the challenges of financial strains, many spiritual-human beings have faced the darkness of doubt, which has kept them bound in negativity around their worthiness and ability to make money. For one, they have doubted their abilities to function in the practical world in spite of their efforts to “Get a solid education and a good paying job!” Additionally, they have felt inadequate in the “new age” circles after repeated attempts to “Visualize it and do the inner work!” Lack of success and support from both ends have left them feeling isolated and answerless. Unlike the books emerging to offer a different perspective and supportive solutions for the new children, most books and offerings about financial abundance focus most of the energies on adapting to the system in some way, even if it’s spiritually based. Thankfully, there is a new surge of energy focused on changing the economic system itself. In the meantime, how do we know what to do to shift from survive to thrive? As our Highest Self is always in alignment, our minds can be challenged to know which areas of our lives we can improve upon and which are about learning to surrender. Do we desire change to replace our feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness? Are we exactly where we need to be and our task is to embrace and shift the perceptions about our flaws? Do these deeper questions matter when we get the note or call reminding us, “Your bill is past due!”? By standing clearly in the center of you, balancing on the fulcrum point between the bill-job world and the enlighten-manifest realm, you claim your power by recognizing your true self, as well as your patterns, intentions and agreements. With understanding of your soul’s makeup or intention, you can make conscious choices about your path. When we make peace with who we are and view our shortcomings with a loving perspective, we can beam forth from a firm foundation. In reality, our shadows and shortcomings are simply a small and vague depiction of our approaching grander selves! Fortunately, the frequencies of Love Consciousness are aligned with grace and ease, which are becoming more accessible as we open to our grandness. Thus, connecting to and bringing forth our true selves is becoming easier. In fact, the more firmly we stand in our loving truth, the more effortless the energies of change will seem. When we walk in truth, keeping an eye on the ideals we envision – no matter what the state of the economy – we bring that energy to the world. In other words, if our true calling is to change a suppressive system, we make changes by staying true to ourselves, allowing the system to conform to us, rather than vice versa! As the new continues to unfold, in order to make ends meet we may need to take on jobs and do things that bring in money. Yet, if we do these things with integrity and joy as we undoubtedly walk toward a new paradigm, one that supports each of us doing what we love, then we become the change we want to see in the world! Financially thriving may or may not be the result of standing in our truth. As spiritual-human beings, we have chosen to seek truth anyway. And, we are growing tired of struggling. If we are struggling, it indicates that we are fighting or resisting. More than the systems, we are fighting and resisting ourselves and it is time to make peace. We don’t do this by surrendering who we are to something that doesn’t resonate with our truth. We surrender to our truth, which is rooted in love and joy. By making conscious choices, staying centered in truth, and continuing to cultivate love and joy in all we do, we can’t help but thrive. When we thrive as individuals, the system in which we live no longer matters. And, as more and more individuals choose to thrive, old, suppressive systems will dissolve allowing new ways to emerge. Trailblazing new paths isn’t always easy. Take to heart that no matter how others may perceive you and your efforts, your vision, courage and undeniable worthiness are the source of your strength and grandness and know you are doing what you came here to do. ![]() As the Winter Solstice nears, many of us wonder what is going to happen. Will there be an end of our world, of us, of time, or something else? What, if anything, is going to change? Though there have been many predictions of events or energetic shifts, no one is fully clear about the specifics. What is clear, however, is that we are in the midst of great change, and those changes are noticed both inwardly as well as in the world. Before we look at the changes, we might first be compelled to look at what hasn’t changed. For one thing, our ego’s need for consistency and reliability helps keep us sure that we, and our world, are okay. In general, we can look at the past few years and see that things are fundamentally the same. In America, our economy is still shaky, the unemployment rate is about the same, we re-elected the same president, and we haven’t experienced too many major upheavals. Many other countries have experienced a similar pattern. Good or bad, most of us would agree “things are basically the same.” Yet, if we look at this same area using a larger chunk of time, we notice that things have significantly changed over the last decade or so. As we look to worldly events, we can certainly identify radical movements of change in numerous nations. What’s clearly noticeable for many of us is our personal lives have shifted pretty dramatically in a relatively short period of time. Many of us have experienced huge losses, some of which are directly mirroring the greater picture; almost everyone knows someone who’s lost a job or home. Additionally, significant changes are rampant; marriages and close relationships have dissolved, major illnesses have arisen, people have made unexpected moves, and personal crises have created noteworthy changes that have nothing to do with who’s president. When we look at the patterns that are common to so many people, we can see there is something shifting and for those who are intuitively in-tune with higher, cosmic energies, we are certain that this shift is monumental. What is changing? Most notably, we are changing. The economy, job rates and election results are merely a manifestation of the inner changes we are experiencing. In other words, these vast changes – conscious or not – have began within us years ago and are growing rapidly. We, in our agreement to incarnate at this time on planet earth, have embarked on a huge evolutionary mission. We are changing the world by allowing our divine essence to shine through our human bodies. This is the fundamental collective impulse of the New Age and its manifestation is taking various forms. For most of us we have relied heavily on the rules, structure, and suppressing forces imposed on our lives as a constant, even comfortable, construct. We have incarnated into families with issues to help us form patterns of lack, insecurity, anger and so on. We’ve adhered to the rules and directions of our society, trusting that if we behaved accordingly, we would ultimately be happy and successful. Unfortunately, many of us have hit that dead end of the rat maze to realize there is no cheese! Either we’ve discovered that this is a game and we’ve been running around for the sake of some illusionary goal, or we beat ourselves up and try even harder to find it, never allowing ourselves to leave the maze. For those of us who’ve rejected the rules, we’ve experienced self-doubt, isolation, and fear and in so doing, have often found ourselves so far outside the construct of the game that we’ve struggled to survive. We waffle between being part of it all and completely denouncing the whole system. And in spite of our own fears, we know that those who’ve played the game right, still aren’t living joyfully and empowered. The fact is, the majority of humans experience negative feelings because they are the holding pattern of the ego. Thus, our mission is to transform old, limiting patterns and free ourselves from the ego’s grasp. Individually and collectively, this is why patterns of suppression, rules, and conformity are crumbling. For those who are experiencing crisis, it’s the resistance to these changes that are manifesting loud and clear. If we want true freedom and joy, it is up to each of us to listen to our soul’s calling. How do we listen to our higher calling? The problem with all the issues that have been collected by our egos, compounded by the suppressions of our society, is that we believe the game is real and we are powerless. At this time, the game is very real, but we are not powerless. It is time to claim our power and release our constrictive beliefs. First, we can realize that we are all intuitive and have access to our own guidance. Whether we connect best with angels, guides, a specific deity, or what we refer to as Source doesn’t matter. What matters is that we reconnect with this energy and practice listening. The easiest way to connect is through the heart and avoid the chatter of the mind. Practice journaling with a question and answer format and see what comes. If the words are critical or fearful, they are from the ego. If they are uplifting and filled with love for you, they are offered as guidance. Next, connect with others on a similar spiritual path; one that allows you to embrace your power, not deny it. The idea is to make positive connections on both the physical and spiritual planes making it easier to find clarity. What is our part in the shift? All of us are playing a part. As humans, we are part of the cosmic shift because we are here. As this energetic shift is essentially about becoming who we truly are, then this is the bottom line for taking on our personal task. What can be confusing, unfortunately, is that we have been playing roles that are so out of alignment – roles that have kept us out of our power or joy – that we may not know what else we should or could be doing. Self-care is a crucial step in participating in the shift and illuminating our way. For instance, if we are caregivers who do too much for others, our personal empowerment will not unfold by continuing this unhealthy pattern. Therefore, we would probably not be guided to do more service for others; our attention will be focused on nourishing self care. If we have been playing small and are afraid of our power, our struggles with trying to hide and dodge our own light will intensify to the point that we will either surrender or die from the battle – at least in the egoic sense. Though there may be urges to contribute to the greater collective as we shift, the reality is that this is an inner shift which will then manifest outwardly. By acknowledging and taking care of our divine selves, we are doing our part. What about 2012 worldly changes? Whether we look to December 21, 2012 with excitement or fear, we are setting the stage for what to expect. In other words, if a woman is frightened about experiencing pain while giving birth, her body will be tense and contribute to any physical pains. On the other hand, if she has been working toward a conscious, prepared birth, her experience will likely be one in which mindful breathing and loving support guide her through the experience, thus minimizing both fear and pain. Yet, this is not to say that she won’t feel pain, or her work will guarantee a simple, normal birth. And, of course, the fearful woman can choose to be knocked out with drugs to avoid the whole thing. Hence, the real question is “What tools to do you have to stay centered during life’s ups and downs?” Regardless of what comes in December, or any other time, we can choose to rely on our centeredness or bend with fear. With a rocky economy, looming unemployment and political stagnation across the red and blue isles, we can feel the wave of tensions and easily get washed away. Moreover, if personal changes have blasted your life, the need to cope feels like a matter of survival. Again, personal self-care as well as conscious connection to Source and community are vital components of an empowered, joy-filled life. Additionally, mindful breathing, meditation, and yoga are simple and effective ways to find our center. There are many other methods, of course, and it is always in our best interest to learn and practice methods which offer inner peace. Regardless of what we can or cannot control outwardly, we empower ourselves by learning to maintain our centeredness of heart. Imagine what will happen if, on the Winter Solstice, each one of us spends the entire day staying centered in our heart? ![]() Spiritually speaking, the Autumn Equinox introduced a huge wave of cosmic energies to help our physical bodies adjust and ascend with the 2012 shift. These extremely high vibrational frequencies didn’t just penetrate our body’s auric field, they elevated the human system allowing our DNA to “open” and “upgrade.” Though there are many spiritual-scientists working to prove the existence of quantum mechanics in our DNA, there is much to learn on this linear plane. The Universe, however, has nothing to learn and is doing what it does regardless of whether or not we have understood or proven anything. The energetic shifts of 2012 are happening and it’s the spiritual-intuitives who are tuning in to, and bringing us information about, these changes. Thus, as spiritual-human beings, we are learning to find balance in this life experience; relying comfortably on the left-brained practice of science and reason while growing exponentially in the skills and conviction of our intuition – both collective and individual. It is through meditative and heart-opening practices, as well as a dedicated intention to follow our spiritual paths, that we can feel and know inwardly a spiritual Truth when one emerges. (And, as we align more closely with Truth, paradoxically, we recognize the illusion of any Truth being absolute!) The Equinox energies could be described as exhausting, to say the least. Most of us slept and dragged ourselves through the first Fall weekend. Insights, ideas and confusion have been plummeting our minds ever since, while our bodies have felt an urge to either collapse on the couch or unite with some kind of loving movement and take on a new approach to radical self care. For simplicity’s sake, it would be beneficial to refrain from over-doing, forceful trying or deep intellectualizing about ourselves, our lives, or our next big move. Rather, if we imagine the Fall Equinox as a pouring of grace and ease from our cosmic Being into our human bodies we can feel the hugeness of this merging. With this picture, it makes sense to allow for down time and simplicity as we adjust. As October unfolds, and we edge closer to the Winter Solstice of 2012, we will discover an onslaught of choices and changes. If we align with our cosmic gifts, these choices and changes – infused with grace and ease – will guide us toward a more ascended state of being, expressed (relatively smoothly) in human form. Throughout humanity, many spiritual masters have incarnated or been initiated into a state of enlightenment. To help relieve our (perceptions of) human suffering, the masters have illuminated our way. Unfortunately, the tools and skills have often been unattainable for most humans; they were either too ascetic, rigid or simply did not energetically match the human’s biological system. This is not to say that the average human couldn’t attain enlightenment, but rather that the methods were often incompatible on many levels, including physical, making enlightenment very difficult. In the New Age our intention as a collective has been twofold: we desire enlightenment for the masses, and we want the body and our humanness to enjoy higher states of consciousness as well. In other words, what is the point of enlightenment for the singular human being if the being has to sit isolated on the mountaintop without the juiciness of living on such an extraordinary planet? Today’s ascension is for the whole being – soul, mind and body. In this age there are many striving for their own spiritual evolution and in so doing, their work resounds and supports the spiritual evolution of the collective. Concurrently, cosmic forces are bringing us closer to a spiritual consciousness which is aligned with bliss and pure Love. This could be described as heaven if you worked only on the spiritual planes. Bringing these forces into our physical bodies is how we can live in heaven while still on Earth. Ascension of the human body is a key element in this work at this time. The high frequency cosmic forces offered in the Equinox are forces of Love. To “upgrade” our human bodies so our infinite spiritual abilities can manifest on the physical plane, Love Consciousness is being infused into the core of our DNA. These energies are changing the patterns, blocks and programming that kept us confined, simultaneously revealing our incredible gifts. We can sense it, feel it and with special attention to the care of our bodies help nurture it. Gentle kindness is the best choice we can make during these system upgrades (though there are some of us who learn from harsher life experiences, which is always an option, of course). With that in mind, allow your October focus to be around grace and ease for your body. A critical mind does not help your body feel loved; do your best to tap into Love Consciousness and act and think accordingly. Likely, you will naturally feel inclined to take care of your body, but resistances may arise. This is okay; Love the resistances and move gently forward on your body care path. When it comes to body care, it is imperative you listen to the wisdom of your own body. As this Autumn unfolds, here are some suggestions for gentle body care:
Incidentally, isn’t it Divine timing to receive such gifts for our bodies at a time when we are reaping the abundances of our Earthly harvest and our instincts are aligned with the gathering of resources to take care of our bodies? ![]() As humans living on Earth we have agreed to be in relationships in some way or another. Unless one is a hermit in complete isolation, even our casual interactions are relationships in their simplest forms. And, at this time of great cosmic shifts, we are in the midst of big changes in our own lives and, as such, have likely experienced some major relationship shifts in the past year or so. Although relationships have come and gone over the course of our lives, the recent changes seem far more profound and permanent. As well, our soul’s desire to feel more connected to others has deepened. We are recognizing the Oneness of All That Is and want to heal our perceptions, if not our realities, of separation consciousness. It may not be possible to mend all the dissolved relationships in our life, but we can certainly work with an intention to bring Love Consciousness to the origins of each of them. What is the point of bringing anything to the “origins” of our relationships? As all things are energy, and in reality there is no time or space, in truth we are always working with energy in present time. Thus, wherever something may seem on the spectrum of time, we always have access to it. Back in linear time, we and our relationships have pasts and our strained relationships have been impacted by past energies that have lead to current issues. By infusing the formation of a relationship with Love Consciousness, we can positively influence the course of its linear path to affect the ever-present. Whether or not we literally repair the relationship is not a guarantee, but by enlightening the relationship’s origin, we can free ourselves from emotional baggage and find peace in What Is. And, likely, What Is will feel much more peaceful. Of course, with a dedicated spiritual practice and inner work, it’s possible to find peace in all areas of our lives, and by working at the energetic level of our relationships, we can make tangible shifts in how we partake in them, even if they have dissolved completely. This simple, mindful technique is both powerful and accessible. As our intuitive selves mature and we awaken the greater consciousness within us, we gain access to insights and abilities once reserved only for shamans and highly spiritual people. It cannot be stressed enough to be both clear and loving in your intentions while doing this exercise:
In reality, you may think there is no need to do anything to dissolved relationships that no longer serve you. This is true, perhaps. Yet, with no hope or desire to reunite an estranged relationship, you have nothing to lose except time spent in loving intention, right? Nonetheless, in this age of awakening to One Love, if we tune into the desires of our hearts we feel a yearning to beat in rhythm with the Universal frequencies of this highest order. With this simple exercise – and "it isn’t hard to do"* – not only can you visualize peacefulness in your own relationships, you can allow yourself to "imagine all the people living life in peace."* *Imagine by John Lennon ![]() Over the next several years, we will likely see a greater divide in the relationships we once knew. As our spiritual paths become clearer and we work on integrating our divinity, we will experience new heart-centered perceptions of life. As such, those who continue to act from wounded places and fears will be less compatible with our energy frequencies. In all likelihood, most of our familial relationships will fall away along with all of the denser patterns that helped form us. These relationships – our families and primary relationships – have assisted us in being human and have given us a life experience from which to learn and grow. If they have served their purpose, we no longer need them for our spiritual growth. For many of us, notably, a major family split has come to fruition fairly recently and, once again, we may be experiencing a sense of loss and isolation. Why “once again”? So many of us have come to bring a new way of being to the earth at this pivotal time, and in doing so, have spent decades feeling isolated from the masses. We have longed for a sense of belonging. Thankfully, as the masses awaken from their forgetfulness, we are slowly, but surely, finding “our people.” And, as our hearts open, we will continue to feel connected to all kinds of people, regardless of our current beliefs about compatibility. With fully opened hearts, we will re-member and live in Unity, or Love, Consciousness. However, in the interim – this time between feeling connected to all beings and the current disconnection from our oldest relationships – the losses can be quite shocking and painful. For some, the signs of separation have been coming for a long time; for others the changes have been more abrupt. Similar to a death, we experience the loss whether or not we saw it coming. And, like death, we may have many ways in which we grieve. To top it all off – matching the intensity of the universal shifts of course – we may actually be dealing with multiple losses at once. There are numerous ways to deal with pain, loss and grief. This article, however, is not to give advice in this area, but rather to acknowledge the changes that are occurring in our relationships, as well as offer a perspective about a greater spiritual growth. If you look around and see plenty of relationships continuing as normal, it’s simply because there has not been a major shift in consciousness in the people involved, or because the both parties are becoming more conscious in ways that are similar and compatible with each other. In other words, if you are experiencing splits in primary relationships right now, you are likely creating some huge shifts within you. Clearing relationships that no longer serve your highest growth is just one element of this shift. When relationships dissolve, it is important to remember there is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with them. It is simply a change that your soul is ready to make. As communal human beings, we want to feel connected. For many of us, family relationships are not only important, they are what we have anchored into for a very long time. Whether or not we visit family often, or have common interests, we feel connected to our family roots and want them to stay planted. Yet, for many who are growing in vast and soul-stirring ways, the roots can no longer support the beings we are becoming. There is no nourishment, no sustenance left. In fact, the relationships have become so heavy energetically, that even if we don’t connect often with our old relations, they have begun to wear on us and have kept us stuck in unhealthy patterns. Our kind, loving and sentimental selves may wish for compatibility and connection to our families of origin, but the breaking away – if it comes – is always in our highest good. And likely, it wasn’t our doing; the break up was probably initiated by the other party which can make us feel like victims. In addition to processing the victim-perpetrator pattern, it is wise to refrain from taking the break ups personally. This isn’t, however, to say that you may not have contributed to the relationship’s dissolution, or haven’t partaken in ego-driven drama, but rather to help you gain your neutral footing so you can move forward with your spiritual growth. When you look at the “causes” for the shifts – especially if there are multiple relationships crumbling over the same reasons – you can use this information in two ways. First, you can look at it on a personal basis and see the patterns you create. Second, you can see the situation as your ego’s way to keep you feeling bad about yourself. For example, if your mother and sister no longer speak to you because you are “too opinionated and selfish”, you can look at how you might be judgmental and self-centered in your relationships with them and others. In addition, if you have been intentionally trying to break free from the opposite pattern of being a doormat and have started to speak your truth and take care of yourself, then this will definitely stir the relationship pot! Stepping into your power can frustrate the people around you who do not want you to change. However, if you look at the more subtle picture, you can see your own ego at work. The negative reflection you see in another’s action toward you is your ego’s way of proving that these changes you have been making aren’t in your highest good at all. Don’t get sucked in to this game; your ego is simply afraid. Honestly, is staying stuck or relinquishing your power really worth any relationship? Believe it or not, a majority of folks will answer “yes”. The pain of growth, or being alone, or the fear of losing relationships keep so many people in dense and self-depleting patterns. Even if your personal heart wants to answer yes, those dedicated to the path of spiritual ascension will find all incompatible relationships coming to an end. Our awakening soul’s finer frequencies are not harmonious with denser ones and we must move through this clearing process in order to continue our spiritual growth. Food choices, relationships, jobs, finances, and our bodies and health are becoming more in alignment with supportive, loving frequencies. Our human and spiritual selves will not be able to tolerate anything less than Love; no more settling, no more self-abuse, no more suffering. Of course, clearing old, denser patterns is a process. For most people, it will take time – most likely many years – and will ebb and flow as we fine-tune ourselves with Love Consciousness. Feeling completely incompatible with others is temporary, by the way. Though the pain of losing our families and close relationships may feel very real right now, this too shall pass. In a state of Love Consciousness, we move away from emotional needy patterns to those of grace and ease where there is no need to judge or separate “compatible” from “incompatible.” Yes, the split we experience now is permanent in terms of how we are in relationships with others; but we are moving into a place where we do not need to “feed” off our relationships anyway. We, in and of our divine selves, are complete and whole, and by fully recognizing this we create an entirely new way of being in relationship which is more joyful than we can imagine. ![]() There is a difference between discernment and judgment; subtle, but important. Discernment allows us to see, feel or know the things that are in our “highest good” and those which are not. Using discernment, we can avoid experiences, relationships and conditions that are not in our best interest. We can decide which jobs, activities and situations to engage in and, generally speaking, have pleasant experiences when we use our gift of discernment well. Judgment, on the other hand, keeps us separated from others and from Source. Judgment is always directed at people or groups of people. Though we may believe it is about others, it is actually about ourselves. Judgment is the ego’s way of feeling safe by protecting our hearts, beliefs and perceptions, even when the judgment is against ourselves. Because it stems from our personal, often wounded, aspect, judgment can be detrimental to both our individual and spiritual growth and happiness in life. Why are we attached to judgment? Most of us grew up in a family that offered conditional love. We saw that if we behaved in certain ways, we would be rewarded with affection, kind words, encouragement, and so on. Or, perhaps, we would avoid being hurt, whether physically, emotionally or mentally. Or, unfortunately for some, avoid being hurt too deeply. We also discovered that our world had many places, people and situations that felt unsafe and soon learned to protect ourselves, and our hearts, with our power of judgment. Thankfully, a mechanism of our ego body, the structure of judgment saved us. For better or worse, it actually helped form us. As we move individually and collectively to a more loving experience of being, we are finding ourselves in an uncomfortable predicament. On the one hand, we are aware that it is time to change; we desire unconditional Love, we wish to release our fears, we want to expand into a greater us. We may even wish to release the denser parts of our ego, including one of its prime foundations, our judgments. On our other hand, however, we are finding resistance to our growth, resistance to releasing the basics of our old “safe” structures, which – of course – includes judgment. How can we simultaneously allow our ego to feel safe and release its attachment to judgment so we can grow and stop the patterns of separation consciousness? Our intention, as denser energies become finer, is to bring Love Consciousness to all aspects of ourselves, rather than to defeat or reject them. Just as we might work with a frightened child, we can use what is familiar and in the child’s capacity to lovingly teach from that starting point and encourage growth. As judgment is what’s familiar and safe for our ego, we can use it to help it transform; perhaps into discernment, or even unconditional Love. Shifting Judgment We all know of people, whether in our personal lives or currently living on earth, that we consider “good”, “pious” or, if you are aware of energetic vibrations, “high frequency.” These are individuals we judge to be either equal or better than ourselves on a deeply personal or spiritual basis. Perhaps we only know of a few folks, or maybe we have given up on humankind and only view saints, archangels or past spiritual teachers in this category. Regardless, we all have those we judge as “superior” or “holy” in some way. With a simple exercise, we can let our ego use specific individuals to create a new structure from which to feel secure, grow and assimilate.
As many of us feel separate from Source so often, or place archangels and ascended masters on such an unattainable pedestal, it is important to envision real people in this exercise, even if we don’t know them personally. This connection is a “next rung” for our ego’s ascension process. The ego may even judge the person invoked as having real human flaws, which helps it feel worthy, resonant and safe, deepening the connection, allowing the entrainment. Whether we feel it during the visualization or not, this exercise allows us to connect deeply with Love Consciousness. By encircling ourselves with “high beings”, hence Love, the ego body finds its validity and releases its need to judge and separate. On a subtle, energetic level, by continuously creating the DNA image structure around us, we can allow the field to entrain our own DNA with these higher frequencies. In doing so we can rebuild our “matrix”, both outwardly and inwardly, in a conscious and deliberate way. More importantly, with the ego’s judgment released we actually open our hearts completely to ourselves, to others and to the Divine. We become conduits of unconditional Love. ![]() As we progress spiritually, we often move through the journey in waves, hitting highs and lows as we go. Most of the time these waves are smooth and graceful, but sometimes we experience greater extremes. Hitting a spiritual low can be challenging; if we lose faith, it’s hard to use our faith to keep on track. Yet, the spiritual warrior rides on. The highs are expansive and mind-blowing, and – because they are so high – can render us non-functional. Yet, as our inner awareness resonates with a higher state so purely and joyfully, it becomes something our everyday selves strive to reach as a constant state. We meditate, read spiritual literature, take classes, attend services and search for the tools to support our spiritual ascension. In spite of all that we do, however, it can sometimes feel as if the denser parts of ourselves simply won’t cooperate. In many spiritual belief systems, there is an implication that manifesting is the epitome of having attained a spiritually expanded state, or that the physical bodies of spiritually awake people should reflect their higher state of consciousness. With such dedication to inner work and a spiritual practice, why do so many spiritual people experience the inability to manifest with grace and ease, or continue to experience body ailments and limitations? As humans we have egos to help us maintain the state of awareness and functionality to be here on Earth at this time. Hence, with our ego energy we have attachments and desires. Yet, as spiritual beings, our essence is Love; we are an expression of Source. Source, or pure Love, has no attachments or desires; it simply is. Our spiritual striving is to re-member our essence and integrate it into our everyday lives. At this time in our collective spiritual evolution, many spiritual trailblazers wish to embody a fully ascended state – which includes their physicality – to enhance and liberate their three-dimensional lives, not hinder them. In other words, if we have to sit in meditation all day to experience a blissful, non-attached state, it’s pretty hard to do anything else. Where many people find blocks in the spiritual-manifestation area is in a complex collection of forces:
Although not all of these complexities can be resolved by one spiritual tool or article, it can be comforting to know that there are a number of shifts happening energetically that are supporting our spiritual ascension. As 2012 has finally arrived, many of us have felt the sigh of relief; even our bodies have offered a grateful exhalation. Though the pressures still wax and wane, those in tune can feel Cosmic Grace. We have lifted many energetic, planetary veils that have kept us away from our deep spiritual longings. Though we may not be able to instantly manifest anything at this point, our abilities are expanding as our egos integrate into higher states of Love consciousness. However, in order to be “entrusted” with the pure and incredible powers of instant manifestation, we have to align more clearly with the frequencies of Source Love and release the fear-driven desires that have been spilling out from the unconscious ego. Look at it this way; what if everyone, just because he or she has attained the tools or methods for instant manifestation, could do as he or she desired? Unfortunately, the folks who have been operating from their egos would continue to create from that state and all of us would be part of an ego-manifested world, which may not look so loving. (Ah… yes, the old paradigm.) As we expand in Love consciousness, the “rules” of the new paradigm are far more pure (and stringent). Thus, those of us on an elevated spiritual path have been able to attain so much, but we will not reach the so-called epitome until the ego is pure as well; no nagging fears, misaligned motives, self-abusive traits, and so on. Over the last few years, many of us have embarked on this purification process – eating cleaner, treating our bodies more respectfully, making significant self-loving changes – and have done so with a notable emphasis on our physical bodies. Intuitively we know this is the key to completing our alignment. Our physical bodies – with all their densities – are the last to get in line with our spiritual quest. The good thing is we are bringing our consciousness into our bodies; the frustration comes when we still feel “trapped” in old paradigms relating to manifestation and body freedom. To successfully live on the Earth, our bodies had to be hard-wired to match the planet’s energetic frequencies; as if they were “encoded” with specific patterns to keep them engaged and functional on a planet that was harsh and dense. With this in mind, imagine that each one of us incarnated with a body code – sort of like a combination lock – with a certain number of digits. Perhaps more spiritually evolved people have ten or fifteen digits in their body code, whereas the newer souls may have five or six digits. What if our ascension affects the codes and, by doing our spiritual work, we constantly change the combination to unlock more and more of our abilities, insights, and even joyful experiences? With so many digits, think of the number of combinations we have access to! During those spiritual highs, it may even feel like we have an infinite number of combinations we can experience and expand within. Yet, the lows persist when we realize our limitations; our inability to manifest easily, our denser body issues and ailments . Within a numbering system, even the most ancient souls – who may have dozens of digits – don’t have access to a truly infinite number of combinations because those digits are restricted to the numbers zero through nine. Numbers – in and of themselves – are limited! Now imagine how a “body code” restrained by numbers would limit one’s abilities and expressions! What if we could “reset the codes” in our physical bodies to align with the higher consciousness attained by our spiritual bodies? Here is a simple meditation technique; an intention/visualization to "reset" your own body codes:
When our bodies are out of alignment, sometimes it takes several healing sessions to get them back into a healthier state; this is true for an energetic pattern that has been misaligned, as well. Repetition of this meditation/visualization technique will support your intention and help realign the energies; work with it until you feel complete with the exercise. As the planet shifts to resound with clearer, more loving energy fields, we can shift to resonate with them as well. And, when our bodies are aligned with our pure, spiritual selves in these frequencies of Love, Oneness and Infinity, we gain access to effortless manifestation on all levels, including the physical embodiment of our spiritual ascension. ![]() Our bodies are naturally in tune with the energies of the earth, including our seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are moving beautifully through Spring, and can likely feel her pull to emerge, open and grow. There is an inner sense it is time to spring forward. If, for some reason, we feel stuck in old behaviors, habits or patterns, spending time outdoors allowing the essence of freshly fallen rain, melting snow, bright daffodils, pink blossoms and lush green grasses to remind our souls of their own nature can help us get back in sync. Unfortunately, we can lose contact with our own inner rhythm if much of our time is spent indoors, driving in our cars, and rushing through our days. We can easily fall prey to life’s “manufactured” cycles of work, lunch break, more work, dinner, mindless TV, email check, one more to do, and sleep, if we are not careful. Moreover, this unnatural cycle creates a disconnect from the inherently natural beings that we are, leaving us feeling fatigued, bored, and – yes – stuck in the old us. Don’t let yourself miss the beckoning sights, scents, sounds and stirrings of nature’s call. Whether you pull a few weeds from your garden, walk your dog in the rain, or adventure to an outdoor activity often reserved for summer, you can allow nature to infuse you with her wisdom of change and renewal. Fun or not, you can even begin with the notion of spring cleaning, which often includes beautifying. Clear out your cupboards, closet, and car, if you simply have to feel productive. Journal – let your mind release all of its over-thinking and worries, then start dreaming on paper... why not? Bring nature indoors with a freshly picked – or bought – bouquet; then, when that one expires, bring in another... and another. The key is to get back in sync with letting go of the old and allowing the new to emerge, hopefully with joy and beauty. Whatever you choose to do this spring, make an intention to tune into what needs renewal in your own life. Listen deeply to your heart and you’ll know what’s necessary to dig up and compost, as well as what’s desiring to be planted. And, when you allow yourself to get really close to Spring, you're sure to catch spring fever! "It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain A weary mother of four, including two year old twins, lays quietly in her bed. It is early. None of the children are up yet. Should she sleep a few more minutes? Should she sneak quietly into the shower and get a jump start on her morning before the demands of little people fill her time? How about a book? Maybe she can reach for a book and squeeze in some pages of romance or self improvement. With gentleness she rolls onto her back and rests her neck comfortably on her pillow. She inhales a few slow, deep breath and begins a simple, self-guided chakras meditation. ![]() Finding time to meditate can indeed be tricky. Yet, there is always a moment to breathe. A slow, deep breath will do wonders when a "real" meditation can't be afforded. There are also simple methods to bring meditation into your daily routine that don't involve much more than creating a small time frame while doing what you are already doing. The time frame doesn't always mean stopping what you are doing, it can also mean being fully present with what you are doing - being mindful. One meditation method you can do is lead yourself through a simple visualization through each of your chakras before you rise from your bed in the morning. It literally can take 7 minutes or less. Begin by laying on your back with your arms and feet straight, yet relaxed. Allow your pillow to support your head or neck. Take three or more slow deep breaths, then imagine each color of the rainbow as you focus your attention on each of your seven major chakras. You can first try to perceive the color that is emanating from each area, then offer the corresponding color as sort of an "alignment":
The specifics about where you focus your attention or what color you imagine don't really matter. What does matter is that you've taken a small amount of precious time just for you. To be still, to breathe, and - yes - to meditate. More info: As infinite beings, we have an infinite number of chakras. One is often referred to as the "Sacred Heart Chakra." It is located between the "Heart" and the "Throat Chakra" and is often imagined as a turquoise color. This, of course, can be added to your morning chakras meditation. ![]() Sometimes we can confuse self care with selfishness. In the world's view, it is not always seen as a positive thing to focus on one's self. "It is better to give than to receive" seems to be so ingrained in our thought pattern, that if we do allow ourselves to receive, we can often feel guilty for doing so. In the least, we usually put a cap on our receiving and self care allowance. When times are tough, one of the first things to get wiped off our budget and to-do list is self care."I don't have time for that right now!" or "I don't have any extra money to do things for myself," are common reactions when facing life's challenges. Yet, taking time and care for ourselves during such challenges can not only make them seem less challenging, it can also help preserve our bodies, minds and spirits for a full and healthy life. And, if we choose, self care doesn't have to cost much time or money at all; it can simply become a way of life. Unfortunately, many people are so disconnected from themselves that they have no idea of what they may want or need. Others seem to be hard-wired to only giving that receiving (even from themselves) is a foreign concept altogether. So how can one begin focusing on self care? One of the most valuable concepts around basic self care has been offered through various 12 step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, which encourages us to "H.A.L.T." We often resort to self defeating behaviors (addictions, negative thinking, lethargy, and depression to name a few) when we either get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. Thus, paying attention to these fundamental vulnerabilities is a great place to begin a journey into self care. Try not to get too:
Basic self care can start with simply tuning into your body and emotions then finding ways to meet your own basic needs. This is far from selfish; self care refreshes and revitalizes you and allows you to be in a better space to interact with the world.
![]() We are going through some intense shifts right now. All “hell” is “breaking loose” – all things that have caused us “hell” in the past are breaking loose from our systems and we feel completely overwhelmed and chaotic. But, remember, it is breaking loose! We don’t want this stuff any more anyway… oh, wait… or do we? Our souls are evolving so quickly that the human ego is having a hard time adjusting and even letting go of the old patterns that are oh-so-familiar to us. Recognize that it is no small task adjusting to the newer realms that aren’t even physically manifest, but which have (and have always been) manifested in the larger, grander place that we “know” in our hearts and currently identify as the “newer” or “higher” realms. We are in BOTH (all) realms right now and it is quite confusing and, yes, even painful at times. Who are we? We are beginning to forget the illusion that we created and don’t have a frame of reference on which to TRULY identify. Remember, the ego is all about IDENTITY – “me” – as well as fear. So as we start to loose our footing – our identity – it really scares the ego. Be patient. This one is a “biggie” blasting away a lot of dense patterns. Remember, many of us are clearing so much for the masses and the masses are a huge energy field, which is why it can seem extra difficult a times (or even "unfair"). Additionally, we can feel like we are “loosing contact” with our “higher connections” (or guides) as we clear our patterns, but in reality they (we) are still “there” (here!). Can you find the strand of trust that runs through your core? When we are caught in the middle of this shift it can be scary stuff, yet it is also very healing. We are getting so close to being “done”, but once in a while these energies are really hard to take. If you find yourself scrambling as "all hell breaks loose" within and around you, try to remember some of these basic suggestions: Call a friend, contact a spiritual mentor or counselor (someone who really "gets" it), expect little or nothing from yourself, meditate and ask to FEEL your guides, cry, breathe, go out in nature for an hour or more, journal, get a massage, play with children, do something fun, cry some more, and if at all possible, tap into that trust and remember you are whole and holy and are grander than you can imagine! ![]() When we reach a certain point of enlightenment, we begin to wonder, “Is this it?” Perhaps apathy creeps in and we notice an emptiness, or even a loneliness, in and around us. Sometimes we feel like it’s all one big joke… and we’re the ones being laughed at by the Universe. What has happened? Why this odd stage of disconnectedness? As we awaken to Oneness, we begin to merge with our remembrance of the All That Is both intellectually and spiritually. Our thoughts understand the concepts of Oneness (to a degree) and we think, “Wow! That’s what I want, to feel One with all things!” Yet, the experience can be uncomfortably different. In Oneness, there is no discernment. Duality, and thus the ego, begins to dissolve. And, this ego, this part of ourselves that has been “driving the ship” most of our lives, begins to lose control over the body and mind. Fear arises as the ego crumbles into neutrality. Neutrality is just that – neutral. It is neither good nor bad, light nor dark, speeding ahead nor dragging behind. Yet, as seekers, we've had a desire to speed ahead into the light with good intentions only to stumble face first into neutrality! For the human ego, when duality has reigned and stirred up intense feelings within us forever and a day, neutrality can feel like completely nothingness. How do we define ourselves and our feelings in neutrality? It feels much too benign to be “evolved” or “mystical” or “enlightened.” Again, like the concept of Oneness, our minds have defined what we think these mere words will be like. And, yes, they are mere words. You may doubt yourself, or the point of it all, or wonder if it is just a joke, and you can allow yourself to simply experience the emptiness, apathy and neutrality without judgment. Let it be, let yourself be and soon – believe it or not – you will be laughing with the Universe at this incredible cosmic joke! Alternate nostril breathing is a form of Yogic breath work, or Pranayama. You can practice this breathing exercise on its own or integrate into your yoga routine by adding it to your practice, perhaps after a series of asanas (poses) , and before you relax into Savasana. Like other yoga techniques, alternate nostril breathing doesn’t just benefit your body – like clearing out your nasal passages – it can also bring clarity to your mind and calmness to your soul. To prepare for alternate nostril breathing (called Nadi Sodhana): By bringing awareness to your breathing with exercises like alternate nostril breathing, you begin to become more aware of your breathing patterns at other times of the day. Thus, you can learn to expand your breathing to become fuller, more complete breaths on a regular basis, helping you feel more centered in your life.
Begin alternate nostril breathing:
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