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![]() As we progress spiritually, we often move through the journey in waves, hitting highs and lows as we go. Most of the time these waves are smooth and graceful, but sometimes we experience greater extremes. Hitting a spiritual low can be challenging; if we lose faith, it’s hard to use our faith to keep on track. Yet, the spiritual warrior rides on. The highs are expansive and mind-blowing, and – because they are so high – can render us non-functional. Yet, as our inner awareness resonates with a higher state so purely and joyfully, it becomes something our everyday selves strive to reach as a constant state. We meditate, read spiritual literature, take classes, attend services and search for the tools to support our spiritual ascension. In spite of all that we do, however, it can sometimes feel as if the denser parts of ourselves simply won’t cooperate. In many spiritual belief systems, there is an implication that manifesting is the epitome of having attained a spiritually expanded state, or that the physical bodies of spiritually awake people should reflect their higher state of consciousness. With such dedication to inner work and a spiritual practice, why do so many spiritual people experience the inability to manifest with grace and ease, or continue to experience body ailments and limitations? As humans we have egos to help us maintain the state of awareness and functionality to be here on Earth at this time. Hence, with our ego energy we have attachments and desires. Yet, as spiritual beings, our essence is Love; we are an expression of Source. Source, or pure Love, has no attachments or desires; it simply is. Our spiritual striving is to re-member our essence and integrate it into our everyday lives. At this time in our collective spiritual evolution, many spiritual trailblazers wish to embody a fully ascended state – which includes their physicality – to enhance and liberate their three-dimensional lives, not hinder them. In other words, if we have to sit in meditation all day to experience a blissful, non-attached state, it’s pretty hard to do anything else. Where many people find blocks in the spiritual-manifestation area is in a complex collection of forces:
Although not all of these complexities can be resolved by one spiritual tool or article, it can be comforting to know that there are a number of shifts happening energetically that are supporting our spiritual ascension. As 2012 has finally arrived, many of us have felt the sigh of relief; even our bodies have offered a grateful exhalation. Though the pressures still wax and wane, those in tune can feel Cosmic Grace. We have lifted many energetic, planetary veils that have kept us away from our deep spiritual longings. Though we may not be able to instantly manifest anything at this point, our abilities are expanding as our egos integrate into higher states of Love consciousness. However, in order to be “entrusted” with the pure and incredible powers of instant manifestation, we have to align more clearly with the frequencies of Source Love and release the fear-driven desires that have been spilling out from the unconscious ego. Look at it this way; what if everyone, just because he or she has attained the tools or methods for instant manifestation, could do as he or she desired? Unfortunately, the folks who have been operating from their egos would continue to create from that state and all of us would be part of an ego-manifested world, which may not look so loving. (Ah… yes, the old paradigm.) As we expand in Love consciousness, the “rules” of the new paradigm are far more pure (and stringent). Thus, those of us on an elevated spiritual path have been able to attain so much, but we will not reach the so-called epitome until the ego is pure as well; no nagging fears, misaligned motives, self-abusive traits, and so on. Over the last few years, many of us have embarked on this purification process – eating cleaner, treating our bodies more respectfully, making significant self-loving changes – and have done so with a notable emphasis on our physical bodies. Intuitively we know this is the key to completing our alignment. Our physical bodies – with all their densities – are the last to get in line with our spiritual quest. The good thing is we are bringing our consciousness into our bodies; the frustration comes when we still feel “trapped” in old paradigms relating to manifestation and body freedom. To successfully live on the Earth, our bodies had to be hard-wired to match the planet’s energetic frequencies; as if they were “encoded” with specific patterns to keep them engaged and functional on a planet that was harsh and dense. With this in mind, imagine that each one of us incarnated with a body code – sort of like a combination lock – with a certain number of digits. Perhaps more spiritually evolved people have ten or fifteen digits in their body code, whereas the newer souls may have five or six digits. What if our ascension affects the codes and, by doing our spiritual work, we constantly change the combination to unlock more and more of our abilities, insights, and even joyful experiences? With so many digits, think of the number of combinations we have access to! During those spiritual highs, it may even feel like we have an infinite number of combinations we can experience and expand within. Yet, the lows persist when we realize our limitations; our inability to manifest easily, our denser body issues and ailments . Within a numbering system, even the most ancient souls – who may have dozens of digits – don’t have access to a truly infinite number of combinations because those digits are restricted to the numbers zero through nine. Numbers – in and of themselves – are limited! Now imagine how a “body code” restrained by numbers would limit one’s abilities and expressions! What if we could “reset the codes” in our physical bodies to align with the higher consciousness attained by our spiritual bodies? Here is a simple meditation technique; an intention/visualization to "reset" your own body codes:
When our bodies are out of alignment, sometimes it takes several healing sessions to get them back into a healthier state; this is true for an energetic pattern that has been misaligned, as well. Repetition of this meditation/visualization technique will support your intention and help realign the energies; work with it until you feel complete with the exercise. As the planet shifts to resound with clearer, more loving energy fields, we can shift to resonate with them as well. And, when our bodies are aligned with our pure, spiritual selves in these frequencies of Love, Oneness and Infinity, we gain access to effortless manifestation on all levels, including the physical embodiment of our spiritual ascension.
AK Gypsy
5/18/2021 08:53:21 pm
It is interesting to see the date on this article. In some ways we haven't evolved very far. In other ways we are "woke" in ways we never imagined. The thing I keep reminding myself is that I am a spirit having a physical experience. That helps keep me grounded in the need for mediation and continued studies. I think the day I quit learning will be the day I will be ready to transition back fully to spirit. Thank you for the meditation. In this "crazy" world we are in today in 2021, I end up "resetting" several times a day. And it's OK. I am grateful that I see the triggers for when it is time to hit pause.
5/29/2021 09:05:25 pm
I hear you. Sometimes when I realize how SLLLLLOOOWWW things seem to be moving, I think: "Anytime now, quantum shift!!" But, then again, things are moving pretty quickly when I look at the whole and how many are awakening! :-)
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