Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
![]() Have you been feeling physically, emotionally or psychically bad this last week or so? What are you feeling in your body or energy fields right now? Take a minute to scan yourself and notice what’s going on before you read my story. Last week I began my day feeling unusually tired. Interestingly enough, two of my friends had also felt the same way just before we went on our hike. In nature, amongst the rocks and stream, birds and breeze, and the warmth of the sun, the exhaustion dispersed. Seems reasonable, right? What we discovered, to our surprise, is that as soon as we returned to the city, with the people, cars and hustle and bustle (albeit a rural version of hustle and bustle), we noticed that we were once again wiped out! There was a noticeable difference in the two spaces and the congested area seemed to affect us directly in a negative way. Additionally, last week, feelings of “fuck it” began to surface. “What’s the point?,” swelled within me more times than one. By the weekend, I had an intense melt down. It was triggered by a desire to have the simplicity of my family together, which was not unfolding as I had wished. I felt a deep rage… mine… others’… the collective’s. I laid down for a half hour or so and the rage softened, but never completely dissolved. Sunday was my twin daughters’ birthday and we went to breakfast. It was lovely, but I chose to eat the gluten free pancakes that came with my meal… with butter… and syrup… of course. Well, as I have not been doing (many) grains recently, I enjoyed the delicious high but crashed hard by noon! I took a wiped-completely-out-and-drooling kind of two-hour nap. Yesterday, I paid for the two-and-a-half-not-so-big-GF-pancakes-with-butter-and-syrup with a horrible, toxic headache… all day. I was sure by the time I got home and into my pajamas at 4 pm I would feel better, but I didn’t. The headache weighed me into another exhaustion and left me non-functional and even more so “fuck it.” By night, I had received a text from one of my hiking buddies that she had a migraine. This friend, like me, is extremely tapped in to the collective and our planet. Thus, just before crawling into bed, I sent out a Facebook status asking if others had been feeling the intense heaviness, and threw in a request for healing energy. Of the 21 comments I received yesterday and today (many of which were offering xoxo’s, <3’s and healing), more than half commented that they, too, had felt similar symptoms:
Thus, I’ve decided to “look” at this, as I am on day two of the headache and have been GF-pancake-with-butter-and-syrup-free for two days now and have been sensing that there is something more to what I and others are experiencing. It feels unusual and “bigger” than what meets the eye. As I was talking to another friend (the non-migraine hiker who’s been having a hard time sleeping), I started getting pictures and downloads and strands of possibilities. What’s interesting to me is that I told her that I felt like this had something to do with the missing airplane – Flight 370 – story. Strange, I know. It surprised me, and as I often get analogies and symbols, I kept this as a possible interpretation for something. There are a couple of things I want to say before I continue. First, I don’t have a television or pay attention to the media, mainstream or otherwise, and haven’t learned much about the Flight 370 incident. As well, I am not a “conspiracy” type person – at all! – though I do believe we as a whole have been living so far out of alignment that we have allowed suppressive systems to grow and flourish for eons. And, finally, of course I could be wrong about what I see energetically! I don’t claim to be right about anything, really, but I have learned in my practice as an intuitive to just allow whatever it is to come through me. In fact, it’s all I really need to do and it’s up to others to evaluate and resonate (or not) with the information I bring. What I see is that we are at the verge of making a collective “quantum leap” if we wish. As many of us know, things have been shifting for many years and people are really waking up and beginning to accept their power. Yet, what I also see, feel and know is that there is a lot of resistance. In fact, it sometimes seems as if the resistance is greater than the pull to evolve. The resistance is both internal and external. And, if you think about it, the internal resistance that we are generating as a collective is equally matched with external resistance; aka entities and situations that keep us out of alignment and out of our power. So, what does this have to do with Flight 370? When I first heard of the flight I thought, “Hm… that’s weird, but I’m sure it’ll resolve soon.” But it didn’t. And the tidbits I caught just seemed fishy. No, I haven’t looked deeply into “what happened” to the flight, as I don’t feel it is in my place (nor my interest, honestly), but I do have the sense of foul play… as many do. What I see is that this flight was “hijacked” from the “inside.” This does not seem like a terrorist act, or even something related. It feels like an act of force and misused power on a really big scale. Big, not because it’s a large plane with lots of people, but because it feels like governments are involved. It feels like a “trade” or a “deal” of some kind. Obviously, (to me) it was important to make this happen and cover it up. The stakes feel big – some kind of bargain that has far reaches. So what do the headaches and the discomforts have to do with all of this? What I see is that there are huge, powerful manipulations of forces going on and they are taking place because of the consciousness shifts, because of our collective resistances to them, and because of the huge leap we are close to taking. I say ‘close’ because it is as if our collective flight has been hijacked in some way! To me, I am seeing the same “government” powers involved. I am not sure “which” government (which actually doesn’t matter) or how the two are specifically – on a material level – related or how exactly the discomforts are “produced” or if they are produced from an outside force at all. What I have been seeing for years is that one major “outside force” is really an internal one; our soul’s agreement to expand with the collective and the pressure cooker we feel we are in as that which no longer serves us is pressed right out of us! Going back to Flight 370 and our collective hijacking, I could only imagine the fear, pain and suffering of the passengers, can’t you? Yes… and that’s why we are feeling this intensity. Not only are we becoming highly attuned to one another, and the plights of our sister-beings, but we are attuned to the leap we are ready to make, and we felt this hijacking. But what do we do? Again, what would you do if you were on a flight that was being hijacked by our “leaders?” Shock, rage, fear, confusion, and likely the will to survive would unfold within and around you! Would you sleep in your horribly uncomfortable squashed seat? Ask for another drink? Jump from the plane? Would you band together and take action in spite of your fear and uncertainty of your future? By no means do I wish to judge or make light of an actual airline hijacking situation, or instill fear in you in any way. Yet, what I see – and feel, unfortunately – is the affects of a passive, overpowered collective that has so much inner resistance to our quantum leap that it is subject to hijacking (or worse). What we’ve been experiencing recently, feels to me that we are – right now – being hijacked from our intended course! So how do we release our resistance and reset our course? First, and foremost, we must be gentle with ourselves. Eat well. Sleep. Keep things simple. Go on hikes. And do whatever you can to nourish your body and soul. Just as I have with this headache situation, feel into your own suffering and look at it with as much neutrality as possible. Is it yours? Is there an underlying message? How can you shift it with love and care? Keep things simple. Oh, did I already say that? Yes, I did! Our busyness keeps us distracted and out of our power. It distracts us from our feelings, our fears, from doing things we really love, and from noticing things we should be noticing. Stay in alignment. Keep the faith. Stay on your path to your soul’s calling. Be the light for the world. Be your authentic self. Cultivate joy! Encircle yourself with loving protection. Visualize yourself surrounded by white light, a golden shield or use any other intention to preserve your body and energy field from things that don’t serve you. This isn’t about fear, it’s about intention and boundaries. Notice and set them. Own your power. No, you don’t need to fix every aspect of yourself. In fact, trying to “better” yourself is often dis-empowering because you align with a belief that there is something wrong with you. This is not true. Owning your power simply means you say yes to who you are and act accordingly. Change the world. Yep. It’s what you came to do. It’s what many of us are here to do and we can’t keep procrastinating. By being complacent, we allow things to happen that don’t need to happen. Our power, especially when we band together, is extraordinary! We envision a world that is peaceful and fair and safe and healthy and abundant. It is our duty to manifest this vision one mindful step at a time. Now, as you finish reading this, scan your body for two things. First, does this information resonate with you in any way? Second, how is your body or energy field feeling now? Did something shift or soften when you read this? Personally, I still have a slightly dull headache, but a sense of relief and renewal has enlivened me and my “fuck it’s” are gone!
![]() Although we may not want to admit it, most of us have some kind of resistance to owning our truth, power and joy. In spite of our striving, we often settle for far less and become comfortable with good enough. However, as a collective, we are opening to deeper parts of ourselves than ever before. Globally and individually, we are discovering there are significant consequences to whether we choose to reject or accept ourselves. With rejection, we experience blocks, depression, feelings of worthlessness, confusion and a general emptiness in our lives, and our actions reflect even the most subtlest of our rejections. Aligning with authenticity, self-empowerment and joy, on the other hand, drives our actions to support a promising world and meaningful lives. In centuries past, living with mediocrity was accepted as status quo with only a minority seeking and cultivating truly fulfilling lives. Rejection of self and joy was considered humble, and even holy, while power was limited to a select few who usually misused it. Unfortunately, some of these limiting patterns are deeply embedded in our consciousness. Thankfully though, as we've evolved, not only have we recognized that the individual has worth, we've deemed the pursuit of happiness to be a fundamental right, as is personal empowerment. Yet, declaring such values and living them may not always go hand in hand. With financial demands, social constraints, and a plethora of obligations, we often find ourselves unconsciously disconnected from our truth, power and joy even when we believe we are pursuing them. As we navigate our way through the bombardment of have-to’s, limiting rules and beliefs, and our occasional bouts of unworthiness, we may find ourselves living within the confines of partial-truth, just-enough-empowerment, and semi-joy. Yet, our soul’s tolerance for mere survival and unsatisfactory living has reached its limit. As conscious individuals, we came here to enlighten the world and mediocrity is no longer an option. Our personal disappointments, whether or not we believe we’ve contributed to them, stem from our rejection of, or misalignment with, our essential truth, power and joy. Fortunately, since we have been collectively resisting who we are and are now ready to awaken and realign with our true nature, millions of people are seeking ways to heal these misperceptions, and various tools have become available to us. As practical individuals, many of us benefit from step-by-step guidance or outside assistance to overcome our obstacles. Yet, as we embark on this journey to connect with our essence, we will increasingly experience the layers, dimensions, and formlessness of our souls, as well as our perceived obstacles. We will see, and perhaps appreciate, the multifaceted complexity we face. We can let this overwhelm or stop us from clearing old patterns and realigning with our core, or we can delight in awe over the incredible interplay of spirit and matter. The complexity of our soul, as well as the issues we face, are indications of our incredible nature. If we think of our blocks as protective veils that have been put into place by our higher selves to preserve us for grander times, it helps dissolve the shame and blame that our egos might want to seize and use against us. We can recognize the forces our spirit had to employ to make us believe we are anything less than holy. As well, we can use those same forces to release this fundamental misconception. In reality, our veils are as thin as light and can be released at any time. For a moment, let’s look at the basic ways we avoid – consciously or not – our truth, power or joy:
Fortunately, it really can be that simple! Acknowledging your challenges, opening to their gifts and offering them Love are the simplest ways to integrate your truth, power and joy. Whether you choose to seek support from another person, find resources to guide you, or take an individual approach, it is important to incorporate Love. Not necessarily easy or instant, the bottom line is that pure, unconditional Love changes everything. Are you ready to let Love help you align with your Truth, Power and Joy? You can take these suggestions in and contemplate them over a period of days or weeks, or focus your attention on one area of your life and use them as the foundation of a dedicated processing session you offer yourself: Recognize your essence is Truth, Power and Joy. Though your ego may forget, or your circumstances may look otherwise, you are Divine, Perfect Love – right now and always… and in all ways – and are simply experiencing the interesting parameters of being human. Observe your “shortcomings” with neutrality. Whether you feel inadequate, are frustrated with a particular area of your life, or have come across a confusing obstacle, learn to sit and be with the situation, including your feelings about it, with neutral wonder. Become aware of the obstacle. Observe it. Feel what comes up for you. Notice and allow. Look deeper. Open yourself to exploring the “whys” beneath the surface. Were you shamed as a child? Does having power frighten you? Do you feel guilty when you’re happy? As you discover the obstacles, ask, “Why is this here? What do I have to gain from this?” Explore your questions with wonder. Hold space for your revelations. You don’t need to chase your “whys” down a rabbit hole, but once you discover the underlying causes, again sit with them. Allow them to expand, feel into the stories and concerns, let them become a tsunami and wash over you. Feel, watch, and allow your issues to become as deep and expansive as your soul. Stay with your experience for as long as you can. Discover the need. If you imagine every aspect of you craving recognition, you may also notice all the former attempts at communication. Was your body growing sick or weary? Do you keep falling into the same pit? As you become keenly in tune with the core energies that keep you from your truth, power or joy, ask if there are any messages that wish to be conveyed, or needs that yearn to be met. Listen with an open heart. Bring the information your blocks are trying to convey into your conscious awareness.
As a being of Love, when you return to it, you recognize that your truth, power and joy begin and end with Love.
![]() As I look at the energies the collective is moving through now, I know - adamantly - that it is time for us to step out from behind our veils! Many on the spiritual path believe that there are veils of separation that keep our world, our consciousness, from connecting with the other realms of higher knowing. Yes, this is true, and this is far less significant than the veils we ourselves hide behind in day to day life. Most of us are somewhat unconscious about these veils, as they have been part of our "protection" since we were small. Yet, all the veils are dissolving, and this includes our personal ones. Where in your life do you still hide? What I find is that most people simply want to fit in with the world around them. They conform, become comfortably numb and wait and hope that something is going to change so that eventually they can be themselves and do what they want. Well, this is not how it works for most spiritual seekers! Your life has become more and more uncomfortable because you have been refusing to allow yourself to connect with and step in to your true self. You are far more powerful than you wish to know. Your soul has incarnated to help awaken humanity, and this cannot be done by the small you. So, dear one, I suggest you cooperate with your soul by tuning in to your true calling and take a courageous step out! Your time has come to reveal yourself and your gifts! ![]() What do you find Beautiful? Whether you find beauty in art, Nature, your partner's or child's face, or in various objects, beauty awakens our soul. It reminds us of who we are. In the simplest forms, beauty radiates from an exquisite dance of physical, energetic and emotional forces, that draws us in. Rather than wait to discover beauty by chance, we can learn to cultivate beauty and make it a part of our daily lives. From the objects we bring into our home, to the way we lay out our garden, to the styles we choose to adorn ourselves with, to how we arrange the food on our plates, beauty can be created everywhere. In the world of Design, one of the fundamental rules is "Form follows function." Yes, things need to be functional, but form is what makes us love it! How will you bring Beauty into your life today? ![]() Some of us can be so kind to others - make it our creed, even - but completely forget that anything we want for others, we must offer ourselves to truly live in alignment. Although we may want to be kind to ourselves, we may not realize the subtle ways we treat ourselves poorly.
A simple way to monitor your actions is to pause and THINK. In doing so, ask yourself: T - Is it True? H - Is it Helpful? I - Is it Inspiring? N - Is it Necessary? K - is it Kind? THINK! It is highly unlikely that you really are an idiot! Comparing yourself to feel like a loser is not helpful! Focusing on what you haven't achieved to this point can be discouraging. There may be plenty of ways to achieve the body you want without unhealthy deprivation. And pushing yourself way past your limits - though you may believe what you are doing is necessary - is not necessarily kind, now is it? And, one last thing... not only is it a good idea to THINK before you act, you want to THINK about those thoughts you have about yourself. ![]() As much as visualization, meditation, Reiki and other similar modalities are coming into mainstream awareness, they are still dancing along the fringes of society trying to get noticed for their worth. And, as they do, our personal impulses may be dancing right alongside them wondering if we are being led astray. Not just because we are beginning to notice our own “woo-woo” tendencies and worried what that might mean, but moving to the fringe – though it may seem wild and free – can also feel uncomfortably edgy. Accepting others as gifted, or experimenting with guided imagery or holistic health care in the privacy of our own home or Naturopath’s office is one thing, but publicly dancing along the outskirts may be more than we wish to exhibit. Yet, the pull to see what lies beyond the boundaries can be undeniably alluring. Perhaps the fabric of our lives has started to wear thin and we are seeking ways to create it anew. Many turn to alternative support when convention ceases to have adequate answers. Whether we discover unconventional methodologies out of desperation, curiosity or our desire for growth, it often stirs in us our own supernatural abilities. As the collective consciousness awakens, individuals awaken as well, and part of our evolution includes an awareness of our metaphysical capacities… and we all have them! For some this can be exciting, and for others a bit intimidating. Although we may not necessarily want to become the next Medium or spook ourselves too much by inviting in unwanted Paranormal Activity, it may seem as if our Sixth Sense is evolving, whether we want it to or not. Since our intuitive nature is still a mystery to us as a culture, our media plays on that uncertainty. It has mastered how to make millions off our fears, ignorance and addiction to drama. As well, when our full capacities are utilized, we become more conscious of our choices, which empowers us. At this point in our societal timeline, empowered people haven’t always been met with open arms. They rock the boat, change things that are “just fine” and lead people into uncharted territories… yeah, that edge! And, fortunately, each time one person empowers many, the framework in which a society comfortably lives expands. In terms of metaphysics, we are broadening our peripheral vision, seeing more clearly – which is what clairvoyance actually means – and becoming acutely aware of realities beyond our physical senses. Although the mystical is becoming more accessible, your personal interest is probably piqued by your own “inner woo-woo” desiring to come out! Whether for your own personal empowerment, or to expand your gifts to serve many, it’s probably no accident you are reading this article. Hmmm… serendipity, karma, an angelic message? Call it whatever you want, but keep reading if you’re ready to unfold to your potential! So how, exactly, does one discover, cultivate and embrace the “inner woo-woo”… and maybe even let it out to play amongst the fringe? Learn more about your gifts. It is important to note that our metaphysical gifts are so natural to us, and as they have been disregarded since childhood, they can be hard to discern. Yet, you can discover them in many ways. Seek insights from an intuitive. Invite your friends to share their thoughts and observations. Make a list of things that come easy to you. Pay attention to the physical sense you rely on most (it is likely your most refined metaphysical sense). Look behind your shortcomings to the opposite side of the coin. Ask Divine guidance to show you your inherent gifts. Seek and ye shall find! Play. Like you would with any new interest, have fun with your discovery process. Think of it as a treasure hunt. Put on your coolest explorer’s costume and let your “inner woo-woo” be your enthusiastic compass! The more you stress about what you have or don’t have – or question the value of what you will find – the deeper your treasures will be buried. As the treasures are yours, no one else can retrieve them for you, but you can certainly invite them to help you excavate. Sharpen your skills. Even if you haven’t discovered “your thing,” you can sharpen any skill of your choice. Take classes or read books that interest you. From Astrology to Zen Meditation, you can explore an array of written material and can often find local or online classes. You may be surprised to learn that Adult Ed isn’t just about watercolor or web design anymore! Your intention and pursuit will serve you. Seek supportive environments. Oftentimes when we are apprehensive about trying something new, we share it with those who will criticize it – don’t! Not only do you want to avoid having people burst your auric-bubble, you want to seek out others who will actually support your endeavors. Whether you fill your Facebook wall with like-minded friends, MeetUp with an ongoing group in your area, or instigate a gathering of your own, creating a supportive network can help ease the feelings of being too far off the beaten path. (By the way, the reception out there isn’t so great, so it’s best if you leave behind that restraining television.) Play some more. As your skills develop (or even if they don’t seem to) try to keep it light and joyful. If you get discouraged, accessorize your latest costume with some rosy-colored glasses. If you start to feel confined to one amusement, mix it up! As well, maybe you invite others to play along. Unless you’re worried about missing the next gypsy caravan, there’s really nothing to fret. Own it! Whether you get intuitive hits, are a natural healer, talk to animals, or are great at manifesting, allow yourself to acknowledge and integrate your gifts. Bless your strengths and welcome the opportunities your weaknesses offer you. Write affirmative statements about your capabilities. Tell others you trust about what you can do and what you still wish to incorporate. Practice, practice, practice! Share your gifts with others. Once you establish a talent to a point just past beginner, allow yourself to share and practice with others. Invite folks to an evening of energy healing. Offer free aura readings. Divulge your secrets of manifesting with your book group. Share your insights and wisdom about your topic on YouTube (you can even set your upload to “unlisted”). Whatever your gifts are, sharing them may feel vulnerable, but it will be incredibly freeing. Your “inner woo-woo” will be happy to be out! In time, all of this worry about being too “out there” will dissolve along with everyone else’s mainstream fabric. Our collective awakening is happening because we are ready. The veils are thinning and our mystical senses are sensing it – some are simply tuning in sooner than others are.
As we close 2013, I invite you to hold space for it in your heart. Whatever the year brought you, whatever you gained or lost, whatever 2013 meant to you, take time over the next day to bring its gifts and lessons into your heart. When we integrate our past, we release its hold on us. When we hold onto joyful times, we can get stuck wishing for what was, create a fantasy about how perfect things used to be, or long for time to stop or go backwards. Harboring anger about life's circumstances traps us in them. We relive the feelings associated with the events, play out victimized exaggerations in our current relationships, and project negativity which blocks our growth. If you choose to create a collage of your favorite personal highlights, spend a half hour meditating on 2013, or make a playlist of the year's best songs, allow yourself to honor and integrate it in ways that speak to your soul. As 2014 approaches, we can easily get swept into "futurizing" - projecting all our wishes into the future and longing for what will be. As we know, living in the present is the most "aligned" state, but can be challenging. In 2013 I created an audio which you are welcome to listen to and download for free: The Power of Being Present Blessings on your now... and every now that meets you in 2014. ![]() There are many areas in which we can create greater ease and joy in our life just by simplifying. As we head into 2014, it is a great time to reduce the clutter in our lives - whether physically, in our calendars or energetically. For starters, I suggest you pack up whatever you don't need and donate it to your local charity thrift shop... even if it's a brand new Christmas gift that you feel obligated to keep, but know you will never use. Next, take a scrutinizing look at your obligations. What serves you? What do you really enjoy? Is what you partake in on a regular basis moving you toward the life you desire? Do your best to eliminate doing things that aren't of the "highest" quality - whatever that means to you. And, for those in the Northern hemisphere, take advantage of the hibernating energies Winter offers. Spend ample time in your own quiet company doing as little as possible. Maybe you do yoga in your living room, create beautiful art, converse with your beloved pet, or take a walk in the crisp, cool morning. Cultivating quietude and simplicity aligns you with your true self, releases negative ties to people and things, and sets you up to take on bigger - more joyful - life experiences. ![]() Being busy has become such a norm in our society that we often find ourselves feeling bad about what we are not doing, rather than taking a larger look at the societal imbalances. Whether we are students, employees, entrepreneurs, or at-home parents, there are usually more to-do’s on our list than there is time to do them. So we try to adapt with less sleep, more caffeine, synchronizing calendars, task-managing apps, coordinated carpools and anything else that might help us get things done more efficiently. And, for those of us on a spiritually conscious path, we squeeze in a morning meditation or rush off to unwind at a yoga class at the end of the day. In our efforts to seek balance, we sprinkle in the rest and relaxation time, but rarely feel comfortable examining our deeper impulses to keep on going. As our bodies become more exhausted, our souls begin to seek refuge. But are we really ready to release the busyness? There are many reasons we chase time and fill our calendars. Beyond keeping a roof over our heads and bellies filled, we want to enjoy certain comforts, please others, do the right thing, and fit in with our communities. Letting go of the have-to’s can seem detrimental to these fundamental needs and desires. Thankfully, we don’t have to become monastery monks to slow down. Though not always comfortable, we can learn to loosen our stronghold on our perceived obligations. Becoming aware of our essential ties to why we do what we do is an instrumental part of making a change. If you outline your average daily and weekly obligatory tasks, whether in a list or schedule format, you get a clearer picture of just how busy you are and why you’ve been longing for more breathing room. As well, what if you inserted the mound of other “shoulds” that you don’t have time for, but feel guilty about not doing? Yes, go ahead and pencil those in, too. Once your busy life is charted in front of you, meditate, journal and gently observe your underpinning.
Getting adjusted to a slower, more simplified lifestyle isn’t quite so easy. Our needs, beliefs, loyalties and fears can be so powerful that breaking free can cause inner anguish as well as judgment from others, especially if your change in commitment affects them.
![]() I don't want to go into to great detail, but to get an idea of food frequencies think of denser foods as having lower frequencies and lighter foods as having higher frequencies. This isn't always the case, just an image. More importantly, of course, is the quality of the food. Purer foods, such as organic fresh fruits and vegetables, have a higher frequency which means that they not only allow for expanded consciousness more easily, they resonate really well for those already living in a highly awakened state. For those traveling a spiritual path, it is important to recognize the value of denser foods, such as meat, nuts, darker grains and animal products like dairy and eggs. Though they can still vibrate at a high frequency with good quality, they are denser in a more "physical" way, meaning they can meet the body's and soul's needs to be integrated and grounded. When you pay attention to what your body is needing, you may find that it is asking for denser foods, especially during periods of deep spiritual work. And, as we continue to get "blasted" with extremely high impulses to expand our growth, much of our spiritual work is happening in spite of our conscious awareness. This makes it all the more important to learn to discern and consume what your body is requesting. If you don't feel confident in your own ability, you can use a pendulum, muscle test yourself or learn another method to identify the food frequencies your body needs. ![]() Part of the transition from October to November includes passing through the time of the year when the veils between this world and the realm of "death" - recognized in our observances of Halloween, All Soul's Day, Dia de los Muertos - are frighteningly thin. Though the traditions can be light and lively celebrations, our intuitive selves may sense things that feel slightly "darker." This year, you may have been feeling particularly "heavy" and wondered about what was going on. We not only crossed an annual threshold, we are collectively clearing much of our own "darkness' and allowing those parts of ourselves that are not in alignment to "die." As such, the thinner veils can make our sensing of "death" and "darkness" feel hauntingly raw. As structures collapse and forms fade to nothingness, new patterns have been taking shape for a very long time within us. Between the energetic, astrological, collective and soul impulses, we are at a pivotal time in our world where we can make incredible choices and quantum leaps. Thus it is imperative, in my humble opinion, that we do so! And NOW! ![]() As "time speeds up" we will continue to feel rushed and "behind." Remember, it is just an illusion. In our efforts to keep up and get "enough" done in a 24-hour period, many of us have been tempted to carve out extra hours by reducing the amount of time we spend sleeping. As a result, we feel tired, more stressed and can even start to feel depressed. I have often described our growth into higher beings similar to that of a newborn. Our human-spiritual selves are shifting and expanding so quickly, we are utilizing a significant amount of energy. Just as babies spend much of their time sleeping because of their rapid growth, we will often find ourselves barely functional from exhaustion. Whether you add extra hours to either end of your nighttime slumber, or take a catnap (or two) during the day, make it a priority to get enough sleep. And, this doesn't mean "just enough" to get by; it means getting more than enough! Years ago, I remember Deepak Chopra stating that it was optimal to go to sleep by 10:00 pm and sleep until at least 6:00 am. Though not always successful, this is my striving (I prefer 7:00 am, if possible!). I found additional sleep tips on The Chopra Center website: How to Get Restful Sleep ![]() As you grow more intuitive and open, you may find that you are more sensitive to external influences. Though I believe we are all sensitive beings, I have discovered that some people are more sensitive than others (think allergies), while many others have had to desensitize themselves in order to function in an incompatible environment (think our very dense world). Whether a day job is heavy with "negative" people, or media feels too harsh to handle, or foods just don't seem to sit well in your belly these days, you are likely becoming ultra sensitive with your spiritual growth. Rather than ignore these aggravations which drain your system, you can implement a few practices:
![]() For many, the July Mercury Retrograde seemed to last longer than the typical three weeks. It's as if time and energy were holding us still. Though I am no Astrologer, I know enough about the pattern to listen to the wisdom of the stars and simply ride the energy, laying low and patient. In addition to Mercury Retrograde, we are in a larger collective pattern which is also holding us "still." In my last post, Built for Propulsion, I offered the picture of a catapult as well as information about our pending energetic launch. Thus, this sense of being held is part of the catapult energy! Like a race horse anxiously snorting in the stall before the gates open, we are experiencing the energy buildup of what's to come. We are keenly aware of the stall, the race, the crowd, the adrenaline, the vision and the finish line. Though, of course, there is no real finish line, our visions do see an end to the limited track we've encircled round and round again. Our inner knowing and truth trust in absolute freedom. In spite of your perceived stuckness, keep your focus on the trophy - the freedom, the exuberance, the emergence of YOU! Though you may feel trapped in your confined space, know that the gates are about to fling open for you to charge forth! ![]() Recently, my son built a catapult for a high school project. One of the final parts to go into this project, once the frame was built and solid, was a rope. This was placed in the catapult through holes in the side panels, through the arm, and woven back and forth numerous times in a sort of an infinity-meets-infinity pattern. The purpose for this fundamental piece was to create a "torquing" mechanism that would make the catapult a catapult, rather than an interesting wooden contraption. Not only was the installation of the rope significant, it had to be twisted to such a degree that it would make the unit work! Hence, with might and enthusiasm, my husband and son torqued away!
Did the two builders throw out the catapult and call their efforts a failure? No! They went and bought a stronger rope! These past few weeks, many of us have been feeling as if we are on some kind of "crunch" and have been extremely busy. We've been doing and exerting and creating and doing some more. Personally, I can honestly say there was a time I almost forgot HOW TO BREATHE; I thought I was getting pneumonia since I know I don't have asthma. It was wild, to say the least. In our efforts, we may have felt "off track" from our "real work", or as if all this doing energy was task-oriented or insignificant. And yet, we kept on. What's beautiful, if we look closely, most of our doing, though in many cases quite mundane, were actually in alignment. What I mean by that is although there are those things we feel we had to do (dishes, errands, etc.), there was a newer quality to our doing-ness. Like the catapult's base, we have been working for years to create the foundation of our authentic lives. Some of us have used raw materials and others have painstakingly crafted a thing of beauty. Either way, the fundamental components of our structure were the activities we channeled our efforts toward, our dedication and service to our intention, our alignment with a pattern of our vision and our unquestionable patience. *deep sigh of relief* And as for the rope... it's the lifeline, the mechanism, the weaving of a multitude of strengthening strands. The Universe wants to try her catapult. She is ready to propel you forth from where you stand. She is turning and turning and wringing out the stuff that takes up too much space; those things you no longer need. Our past few weeks of busyness, dear friends, have been in alignment with our work, our intention and where we are heading. Small, insignificant steps it may seem, but there is a higher frequency in your being which is willingly taking those steps. Carry on... and you will FLY! And as someone recently shared with me: FLY = First Love Yourself! Ah... but, of course! ![]() In my own life I create circumstances that keep me "protected" from external forces that don't feel as if they are in my best interest. For example, I don't have a television, I don't subscribe to mainstream magazines, I live in a beautiful wooded area with very few neighbors, my children attend schools with like-minded families, and my social interactions are mainly with others that resonate with me and my values. Not only do I feel it is important to create a loving environment to nurture our daily lives, I have discovered it is imperative to refuel ourselves by spending quality time with those that inspire our souls. This could come in many ways, but the deeper the connections, the more we gain from these sacred relationships. Of course, a spiritual service or church can offer such opportunities, but I would invite you to join the church's smaller communities, such as women's or men's groups where you can connect heart-to-heart and be seen and loved for who you are and gain inspiration from the richness of others. What if you gathered with a few deeply inspiring friends on a regular, perhaps weekly, basis? Whatever you choose make it a priority to connect, heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul on a frequent basis with people you feel deeply inspired by! ![]() Our reality, in the third dimensional realm, is rooted in the concept of space and time. Our physical bodies are formed within a specific space, we are born at a certain time and, as humans, our lives continue to unfold along this linear pattern. As third dimensional beings, in order to live on planet Earth, we must agree to the time-space continuum. Though confined to some degree by our physicality in this dimension, we know our spiritual essence is eternal and constant, which defies both time and space as well as any particular dimension. Our thoughts, feelings and other non-physical aspects of ourselves are already engaged in other dimensions, namely the fourth and fifth, but we often don’t recognize these dimensions as such. Instead we “densify” our non-physical energies by habitually incorporating them; or we disregard them altogether. Yet, at this time in our human-spiritual evolution, our awareness of our multi-dimensionality is expanding. We are ready to move beyond the third dimension and consciously explore higher realms beyond mere thoughts and feelings. For many, the idea of higher dimensions can be intriguing, overwhelming or incomprehensible – or a little of each! Though simple in the practical sense, living a third dimensional life, unconscious of the other realms, is becoming more unsatisfying for the masses of awakening people. Whether one has a sense of “something more,” wants to experience greater meaning and purpose in life, or has decided to follow a specific spiritual path, the need to pursue deeper aspects of “being” is gaining popularity. As we begin to reflect on our state of being, we expand beyond the knowing of self into a grander awareness; one which touches on the vastness of infinite dimensions. Though the awareness gained may not be detected by our conscious mind, or understood fully, the experience opens patterns within us to allow for deeper connections to these other realms. Even without personal effort, since our collective consciousness is evolving so quickly, we are each becoming more aligned with higher dimensions. Of course, we can catapult our personal awareness with focus and inner work. In our interest and quest, we may wonder where these higher dimensions are or how we can get to them, as our linear minds try to grasp something tangible. However, these other dimensions – as we can experience somewhat with our thoughts and feelings – aren’t actually in a location at all. Yet, we can imagine their existence in a field around our physical bodies similar to our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, or that of our chakra system. In terms of accessing these dimensions, we can first realize that we already experience them on a daily basis – we dream, think, imagine, love, and so on. Clearly, just like our dreams, we can choose to deepen our conscious connections. To learn to sense other dimensions more keenly, you can practice tuning into the more etheric, yet familiar, fields and observe what’s there with greater neutrality. For example, you can pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without engaging in them. You can set the intention to dream more vividly and record your dreams without having to interpret them. You can practice “sensing” your chakras and notice their qualities. The more you connect with and observe these aspects of yourself, the more open you become to dimensions beyond them. As you practice and evolve, you can then develop a means of interpretation or understanding which will bring greater awareness about yourself as well as the energetic fields you encounter. Allowing the awareness of your emotions to be indicators of deeper energies, rather than reacting to them, brings an equilibrium which opens your ability to explore higher dimensions. If you’ve discovered that your dreams are guiding you to be more self-loving – and you take action to do so – not only will you experience positive results, you learn to trust your dreams and your relationship to this realm. Paying attention to your chakras and working to keep them clear and balanced also greatly improves your spiritual awareness. For serious seekers, a mystical practice can take you into realms beyond everyday comprehension. Deep meditation, shamanic journeying, intense breathwork and spiritual fasting can open your body, mind and spirit to realms that are indescribable, profound and even life altering. In time, these states can become integrated into daily life and the need to use extreme means to access them becomes irrelevant. At this time, many are excited and wondering about when the fourth or fifth dimensions will become realities on planet Earth. Just like our individual range of energy fields, all dimensions already exist in the fields around the Earth; we simply need to create a relationship with them. As each of us tunes in and utilizes the information from other dimensions, we simultaneously open the patterns in the collective. And, of course, the more of us who consciously access the higher realms, the more incorporated – and natural – it becomes for our earthly experiences. With awareness, trust and practice, each of us can create our own reality shift into higher dimensions. From the basics of third dimensional living, to neutral observations of thoughts and feelings, to deeper interpretations of dreams and patterns, to the more mystical experiences of higher states, we are ready, here and now, to explore and expand. Just think, in the reality without time or space, we are already there! ![]() In addition to the scientific studies about the benefits of laughter, we know laughter is good for us because we feel it in every cell of our being. Whether something spontaneous makes us laugh, we hear a joke or watch a comedy, we have plenty of opportunities to laugh. And if we can't find any opportunities to laugh, we can make them! One of the easiest poses in yoga is called Laughing Baby. If you haven't tried it before, you may wonder why it's called Laughing Baby. If you have, you probably felt a bit silly doing it, especially if your yoga instructor encouraged you to start laughing once you got into the pose! Whether it's sillier to do it in a class full of other adults or alone in your living room (laughter included, of course), is your judgment call. Either way, it's a fun way to stretch your body while lifting your spirits! To make your way to Laughing Baby pose:
![]() Imagine yourself as an infinite energy field of Love. Imagine moving freely through the universe – the movement of formlessness. Now notice an impulse. It is curious. You feel its pull into more curiosity. You follow the curiosity and begin to sense form. Another impulse of wonder and the pull toward form grows stronger. As expressions of infinite Love energy, we are powerful beyond measure. Our Divine creation is both miraculous and exquisite. Miraculous because, as humans, we are filled with wonder about our being, our world and the universe, as if they are mysteries. Exquisite because at a cosmic level we know everything is in perfect order. When we reconnect with the truth of being Divine Love energy experiencing form and consciousness, we open the door to the magnitude of our true power. For thousands of years humanity has experienced countless examples of power and powerlessness. Playing out the polarities has become an addictive game of “good vs. evil.” Erroneous beliefs and endless abuses associated with power are passed down from one generation to the next, and our sense of power has become so shaded that we not only misunderstand it, we fear it. At one end, we identify power with oppression and abuse and don’t want anything to do with it. At the other end, we have a clear sense of our incredible power, but are afraid it is too much for us or the world to handle. We worry that we will either hurt others or lose relationships if we step into our power. Whether our fears about power stem from our life’s experiences, our collective beliefs, or are lodged deep in our cellular memories, in order to become completely free – including giving ourselves permission to live in unbounded joy – we must release our fears and align with our power. Though it takes courage to face and transmute our fears, it takes an open and willing heart to reclaim our power with integrity. For some people, courage comes easily; they are natural warriors ready to take on any challenge with fervor. Yet, it is the open and willing heart which guides our authentic selves to emerge, and allows us to embrace our innate power with Love Consciousness. Interestingly enough, pure freedom and joy may not sound so tantalizing to some. “Why ask for more when I have relative independence and suitable contentment? After all, I’m not miserable.” Many may not even believe in complete freedom or unbounded bliss, or perhaps they struggle with feelings of unworthiness. Where do you stand? Are you centered firmly in your powerful self, living freely and joyfully? We may feel fine and dandy basking in the warmth of tolerable with our very long tethers, but for many walking a spiritual path, the wisdom of our soul is now reminding us of the sacred agreements we made before birth. As conscious individuals, we came here to enlighten the world and mediocrity is no longer an option. We cannot raise our own frequency, the vibration of the planet or realize heaven on earth if we continue to squelch our inherent power which limits our joy. Our own restrictions will continue to tighten around us until we suffocate under their constraint or emerge into our true, powerful selves. Though we are always at free will, our souls are hard-wired for expansion. We can slow down our progress, if we choose, but that can become a painful illusion. Whether our life force is depleted quietly, or our rug gets pulled out from beneath us, it is hard to ignore the urging of our soul to evolve and get back on course. Like our own birth, there comes a point when a process is impossible to stop. Regardless of due dates, suppressive drugs, or the availability of doctors, your birth was inevitable; your powerful will to be born was not prevented. You are here, now, and reading this for a reason. Are there any parts of your life to which you feel bound? Where in your life have you settled? Are you still withholding your gifts – or the amazing you – from the world? Likely you are confident and generally happy, have loved ones in your life, enjoy your spiritual awareness and insights, and have harnessed a few fabulous gifts. What is also very likely is that you grapple with substandard compromises to which you feel obliged, habitually crash into resistant walls you’ve built, or experience ongoing frustrations or apathy about a particular area of your life. Perhaps you’ve closed the door on a dream. From your powerful spiritual essence to the will of your incarnation to the incredible gifts and consciousness you embody to the dreams dancing around the edge of your comfort zone, you are well on your way to full empowerment. It is now time to walk through the door and reclaim all of your power – unequivocally and without apology. Envision your life through the eyes of Love. Scan your health, money, relationships, work... Do you feel fully empowered? Do each of these areas resonate with joy? Is there something you wish to change or refine? Observe and notice with as much neutrality as possible. In what ways, subtle or obvious, do you relinquish your power?
Reclaiming all of our power has many implications. First, by understanding what true power is and releasing false beliefs, we restore its essence within our own consciousness as well as the collective. By viewing power with a new perspective, we can let go of our resistance to aligning with it. Consciously connecting to our Source of power helps us stay energized and clear, and we learn to trust our guidance. We learn to make peace with ourselves and become less critical. Owning our power allows us to recognize our choices, take responsibility, and direct our energy to manifest the life and world we want. Our creativity grows exponentially, bringing more joy to our lives and the lives of others. By reclaiming all of our power, we anchor its pure frequency into the planet and become a living example of integrated love, power and joy.
![]() Recently, while I was feeling "high" from the sweetness of my day, I ended up talking with someone who was very angry and who was sharing some "ugly" energies of life. I listened with an open heart, trying not to judge, defend, pity or change anything that was shared in our conversation. I simply wanted to hold space for this person and all that was. As much as I wanted to fix or at least wish for a better "ending" or future for all humans on the planet, I refrained from projecting in any direction and simply stayed present with Love. After our conversation, I was trying to remain in that open state while trying to "understand" and observe what was going on energetically with our bigger, collective work. What came to me was fascinating. I clearly saw our patterns of polarities - as if slivers of mirrors - set side by side in a sort of "light" or "dark" pattern in which "either" reality can be viewed as distinct, separate pieces. This may not seem unusual to those who are used to duality, but for all we are doing collectively to awaken to Oneness, I thought it was strange. What I realized in the pattern of these "mirrors" is that in some ways there is actually MORE separation between the "light" and the "dark" - like the illusion must show up as distinct dual pieces in order to "allow" the illusion of darkness to shift. Image the the "dark" mirror shifting to a side view, so that only a thin line remains. What I saw were the parallel realities that are happening all around us. The mirrors represent a choice of how we wish to view the world. As well, they are essentially portals to each reality, side by side, shifting and moving as our awareness of of dimensions shift. ![]() The Mission Most of us want to feel as if we have some kind of purpose. Part of this desire has to do with our insecurities of our own worthiness, but in essence, we desire a purpose because we sense there really was a soul intention behind our incarnation. Some people incarnate to experience life, welling from a fundamental “I want to try THAT” impulse. Others come to clear karmic debts, so to speak; their purpose may be to create balance from previous incarnations. Then there are the willing students (or maybe not so willing) who’ve decided to learn or advance in a particular lesson or even get their master’s degree. The intention of the masters – those who have gained a “higher” degree of spiritual consciousness – was to incarnate to fulfill a specific spiritual mission. Almost everyone has incarnated with a combination of intentions – experiential, karmic, educational, and spiritual. For example, the experiential traveler will encounter several lessons along his path, while the spiritual master may have some final karmic debts to complete as she embarks on her mission. If we look at the core of a soul’s intention with a more linear perspective, we can discern the “stage” of consciousness of the soul based on its fundamental life intention. Of course, when we recognize everything as vibration, we can release judgment, know there really are no “levels”, and can observe all things with neutrality. Yet, by seeing the soul’s evolution through a hierarchal lens, we gain understanding about our soul’s original intention as well as our life path. This helps us make peace with our path, its perceived obstacles, and can be the impetus we need to forge ahead with open hearts! With the birth of the New Age our planet welcomed an unprecedented influx of spiritual masters. Likely, you are one of them and you are here on a spiritual mission. The Master The majority of spiritual masters begin with fairly ordinary lives. As children, they may have felt “different” or simply “knew”, “saw” or “felt” things that they didn’t understand. Though we all have access to our intuitive senses, spiritual masters usually incarnate with well-evolved skills, as well as a clear sense of Divine Source, however they interpret it. As part of their life experiences, most people have learned to suppress, hide and overlook their intuitive gifts, soul mastery and, therefore, their mission. With the collective spiritual awakening, many masters have spent numerous years trying to understand who they are and why they are here. Many have made significant progress in their quest, though most continue to hide behind layers of old tapes, fears and confusion as they press through the bustle of their daily lives. Even those who have discovered that they are indeed masters have resisted fully aligning with their mission. Why is this? Basically, recognizing one’s masterhood can be quite difficult. Most people have spent a good portion of their lives protectively hiding themselves. In fact, they have mastered this so well that they have surrounded themselves with others who cannot truly see them, including their parents, friends, and even spouses. Couple this with a societal frown on being “too big for your britches” and it’s no wonder spiritual masters are afraid to become who they really are! Now add to the mix the forgetting of spiritual gifts. Since gifts come so easily and naturally to people, they don’t realize that others don’t have them, or that their gifts are particularly enhanced. In other words, if one cannot identify any “special gifts”, then recognizing his or her masterhood is nearly impossible. The good thing about gifts, thankfully, is that they are inherent, though sometimes they may need a little polishing up. Fortunately, there are many willing masters who are stepping out to be seen and accepted, and are eagerly integrating their gifts into their work. Brave and ready, they repeatedly stumble over obstacles of fear and resistance in perfectly human ways. As such, these masters believe they are on their path because they are serving humanity in some way. Perhaps they are working in the holistic, healing or intuitive arts and are pretty darned good at what they do. What they don’t realize, however, is that their work and expertise are actually training grounds for their next spiritual step. Even the more awake spiritual masters may not realize they are still withholding their true, mystical gifts. They are not fully aligning with their fundamental spiritual mission. The Mystic As we expand and attain greater states of consciousness, it is easy to feel that we’ve arrived. If we perceive that we’ve achieved a state that is equal to or greater than those around us, then why not be good with that? Regardless of how spiritually expanded we believe we are, our soul will continue to nag at us to align with more. More of who we are, more of our inner power and knowing, and more of our mysticism. Though we may be “greater” than we were before, or exhibit wisdom beyond the average spiritual seeker, our souls will continue to direct us to our deep-seated mission – one that is immensely significant because it shifts ourselves as well as the planet. If we quiet our master minds, we will remember that the underlying intention of our mission is to become the mystic. Oxford Dictionaries defines a mystic as a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute. Moreover, a mystic understands and reveals spiritual truths that are beyond the intellect – that are beyond third dimensional reality. Today’s mystic may not need to walk on water, but the mystical path may seem almost as daunting. Stepping into a new dimension isn’t easy when we have two feet firmly planted in human experiences. Yet, in order to shift our personal and collective paradigms, we must harness, cultivate and channel our higher dimensional gifts. It is time to fully embody our mysticism and apply it to everything we do, freely and unapologetically. Most masters have moved well beyond the basics of metaphysics, have gained clarity and direction about their general path, but still feel as if “something is missing.” Perhaps they’ve hit the same frustrating wall, or wonder why they keep tripping over those unseen blocks in the road. In spite of knowing their power and abilities, they haven’t figured out how to unleash them with precision and joy. In essence, these are the masters who’ve been hanging out in their old classrooms – and most likely teaching others – while unconsciously avoiding their true, mystical selves. They are withholding who they are, what they know or what they can do in order to fit in, please others or pacify fears. At this time, with the energetic frequencies of change and expansion so palpable, we can significantly restructure the old patterns to co-create our world. We can continue to feel spiritually “superior” to the average being and make small ripples with our work, occasionally utilizing our spiritual gifts and dreaming of the impact we’ll make one day. Or, we can listen deeply to the wisdom of our soul and say yes – right now – to our mission, whatever specific form it takes. By becoming mystics, we can apply the magnitude of who we are to everything we do. In this way, we actually create the quantum leap that we have envisioned for so long. Keep in mind, the mystic – the one who surrenders to merge with the Divine – has moved beyond the third dimensional realm of egoic limitations, embodying and demonstrating “with God all things are possible.” Each of us incarnated with an intention. Each has been born with specific gifts to help fulfill our purpose. Though we may have come in at different stages of soul development, any of us can make a quantum leap in our spiritual evolution at any time. In other words, anyone can move beyond masterhood and become the mystic. The purpose and processes of our individual and collective spiritual work are not to ascend and leave this planet. Our spiritual ascension simply opens us to merge into the state of Divine Oneness here on Earth. In doing so, we create a new world as human mystics living in an enlightened age. ![]() For the next several years, we will continue to make quantum leaps, both collectively and individually, in our manifestation of higher-consciousness living. Though there may be times you feel stagnant or stuck, if you take a moment to examine where you were energetically just a year or two ago, you'll say, "Wow!" And, in terms of the collective, just look around at who's waking up and you'll likely be surprised by the changes you've seen in the people you know. Of course, there are those who don't seem to be going anywhere, and that includes those really "dense" parts of ourselves, which can make a quantum leap seem more like a miracle. And, in essence, it is a miracle! We are living miracles! Allow yourself to join in this cosmic leap in humanity. We've come to our Earth to share, assist, watch and play as she and her inhabitants co-create a whole new world. Our incarnation was miraculous, as are our awakening and our shifts. And, just as they are miracles, they are absolutely ordinary. The beauty of the more awakened state of consciousness is that we can integrate the paradox; we can allow What Is without separating everything into duality. At this time in your life, notice the paradoxes. Look at ways in which you do "have it all." The more comfortable you are with paradox, the easier your body will adapt to the physical changes occurring in the quantum leap. In short, your spiritual self is fully enlightened, your mind simply has a hard time understanding that fundamental truth, and your body is simply working through a slower transition to become the physical manifestation of full alignment. In this respect, time is our friend. It helps the mind and body adjust with greater ease. Therefore, it is wise to be patient with all aspects of yourself as you make your personal quantum leaps into the ordinary miracle of who you are. ![]() One of the hardest things for many of us to do is take time each day to connect with Nature. Many live in an urban density or a neighboring suburb and the closest thing to Nature is a household plant. Others are busy with day to day activities that, although they live in a more rural area, keep them at arm's length from dropping in to her bosom. Nature, however, is literally everywhere. Therefore, if our time is spent disconnected from direct access to grasses, trees or rivers, we can still make an effort to connect with what is available... naturally. Yes, water those plants joyfully and bring even more into your home or garden. Take time to breathe in the natural air. Roll down your windows or open that sun roof. Allow water to flow. Drink plenty of fresh spring water (even if it is store bought) and take long, nurturing baths with sea salts and essential oils. Let spring showers wash over your face. As the spring mornings still chill the air, build a wood and kindling fire in your fireplace. Caress your animal companions with reverence and gratitude for offering you their bridge to the natural world. And - ideally, if possible - slow down and find time to immerse yourself in Nature. Take a walk, drink in the sunrise, dig your gloveless hands in the dirt, and really smell those roses! Nature is our reminder that we are whole, perfect and in alignment with a grander order. At this time of seasonal and cosmic change, we certainly can use some beautiful reminders of our own Perfection. ![]() One of the fundamental laws we experience when we incarnate on Earth is the law of gravity. As we physically develop in the waters of our mother’s womb, we blossom from formlessness into form as gravity gains its pull. In fact, it’s gravity that helps us descend into the birth canal as our due date approaches. Though we live within the law of gravity, many explore experiences which seemingly defy it. From parasailing, to underwater endeavors, to floating in anti-gravity spaces, humans are clearly interested in having more freedom than the law of gravity allows. And what about those outlaws: the highly evolved spiritual masters who have levitated, walked on water or bent spoons with their minds? Third dimensional laws didn’t impede these amazing feats! As metaphysics becomes more popular in the main stream, a fundamental spiritual law that most will be taught is that our thoughts create our reality. But do they? Who’s thoughts are creating the reality for the brainless embryo which is developing within the mother-to-be who doesn’t yet know she is pregnant? Our thoughts alone do not create our reality. Most of us can identify a compulsive worrier and see that this law doesn’t seem to apply. Likewise, we can name more spiritually evolved individuals who’ve died of cancer, or experienced some other undesired aspect – like crucifixion, perhaps. And, within the spectrum, we can find a range of human experiences which includes negative people with challenging lives and positive people with joyful lives. With these examples, this spiritual law seems more like a suggestion. As very complex beings living in a multidimensional universe, there is no one law that rules or dictates every one of our lives. As human-spiritual beings we are working with an interesting array of factors – including math. Math? Though we trust that math is a Universal truth, interestingly enough there is debate about whether or not zero has value, and whether zero to the zero power equals zero or equals one. Why does this matter? Spiritual truths, like math, are simply parameters or thought-forms. Both are useful tools to find a common thread of communication and understanding in an infinite Universe; both help us live within a structure. But do we want to be bound to a simple filament within the vast firmament? What if zero to the zero power equals zero and equals one? One would think that by indicating that spiritual truths are thought-forms, we do indeed create our reality with our thoughts. In the grander scheme of things, the “cosmic we” does. However, the Cosmic We isn’t easily accessible to the average incarnated human, and most human thoughts come from the vibrationally-challenged construct known as the ego. Our upbringing and environment contribute to our reality’s patterning, while our actions, emotions and beliefs are major factors in its creation. Even more significant are our Soul’s intentions, which can be revealed through astrology, numerology, “Human Design” or other illuminating systems. In addition to having countless factors and impulses, we exist within a matrix of form. This construct has been agreed to by a collective; a "greater" body of consciousness which includes all beings and the cosmos, otherwise known as the Cosmic We. This structure has "laws" – or guidelines, really – which the Cosmic We have established. For the most part, we have agreed to the "terms of use” and abide by these agreements. Yet, as egoic human thoughts are a much smaller formations within the larger matrix, we are thinking inside a massive box and thus do not have complete freedom to create with thoughts alone. Generally speaking, thoughts are "light" and fleeting and must be “densified” to take form. Repeated thought-forms, emotions and habits add density. As well, the densification ability grows exponentially with the advancement of the soul – until it becomes null and void, that is. Newer souls on the human-spiritual journey operate from a vibrational patterning that differs greatly from an advanced soul, thus their thought-impact will also differ. Principally, newer souls with a “quieter” vibrational tone are not able to manifest with thoughts alone. Spiritually awake individuals – which happen to be the majority of people attracted to the New Age movement – find resonance and results with this method of manifesting and this is why “our thoughts create our reality” is considered a spiritual law by most. However, advanced souls are charting new territories. Beyond the matrix, there is another realm (infinite realms, actually) in which thoughts are mere flecks within the void. As we ascend into higher realms of consciousness, the void becomes more prominent and thoughts marginal. The newer paradigm – the one which the Cosmic We is now embarking into – has more "space" within it. We are expanding and experiencing more of the void, the emptiness. We are discovering the nothingness as well as the value of zero, where both realities co-exist harmoniously. In this more refined state of consciousness, we are releasing judgments, forms and laws, and transforming into newer, more fluid expressions which are not as dense or rigid as the old structures. In the emptiness – where “no thing” exists – laws become irrelevant. For those trying to find their way within the form, while energetically vibrating in the void, this lawlessness can be quite confusing. Additionally, whether aware or not, the spiritually expanded being usually incarnates with a significant “mission” and often cannot separate his or her sense of self from this undertaking. With limited access to highly advanced earthly teachers as guides, the spiritual master hopelessly relies on basic metaphysics for direction. The master may not remember that the mission, which essentially is united with the Soul, is a force field in and of itself. This field is the pathway to Source, and works within a grander collective. In essence, the mission-Soul field resonates with the Cosmic We to such a high degree that the human self is practically extraneous. Thus, trying to create a personal reality from an egoic thought-form is like trying to stop the sun from rising by closing your eyes! The sun is in alignment with its divine mission; its thoughts don't matter, it simply Is. Of course, the grander mission-Soul workings are also not confined to laws either. Like individuals, they are operating within the balance of agreements and free will. It is important to note that this idea is not meant to bind anyone, or be intellectually dissected or manipulated by the ego. Fortunately, it can’t be; it’s simply a spacious thought-form of the void, which is unattainable by the ego. Yet, with this lightly painted picture, you may understand why your thoughts alone are no longer (or may never have been) creating your reality. As you continue to experience expanded states of consciousness where thoughts feel less relevant or influential, you can remember that by binding to the belief that your thoughts are creating your reality, you are not only staying within the limited matrix, you are allowing your ego to build cells within it. Perhaps it is time to stop thinking, tune into your divine mission and allow it to flow through you. Here are ten ways to direct your energy as you co-create your reality in the new, more expansive paradigm:
Recently, I had a bout of vertigo. It hit me while I was driving home in the dark on curvy mountain roads. Oh, and I didn't have anyone else to take the wheel as I carted my kids home! I was surprised to find two things: a dear friend was also hit with vertigo around the same time, and there was a meteor that hit Russia about an hour and a half beforehand. Generally speaking, I don't "feel" planetary shifts. I don't have physical sensations of earthquakes or other significant planetary shifts. In all honesty, I have more of a "knowing" of energetic patterns. I feel them psychically and, once tuned in, I can often feel it in my body.
So what was the significance in my (and my friend's) vertigo and this meteor? As we move through 2013 and beyond, we - the collective as well as the Universe - are creating such a dynamic change in our way of being, that is it going to affect the physicality of who we are. In other words, we are merging our light/soul bodies with our physical bodies in a way that has never been done before. The merging of our whole selves is happening in startling and fundamental ways. This, as such, will result in more capabilities, joy and power / life force in our bodies. Which, indeed, is a significant expansion and can have both dizzying and impactful affects! |
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