Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
![]() Over the years, I've noticed a very common food and eating pattern for clients and those embarking upon a spiritual journey. As we move through our ascension process, foods can be harder to "digest" and match with our current state of awakening. Interestingly enough, even organic or whole foods can seem incompatible. As we expand spiritually, it can be hard for the body to keep up. Although we naturally align best with higher frequency, healthier foods, we may find that our shift has been so great, perhaps so expansive in such a short time, that foods just don't agree with us. If this is your experience, then do your best to stay within healthy eating habits, while acknowledging your body's need to assimilate all that is happening. Opt for whole, organic, non-GMO foods whenever possible. Drink lots of clean water, and do your best to increase proteins. Pay attention to your body, but don't starve it. Instead, learn to take in smaller amounts more often. At this time it is also very important to take in supplements. Though I am not a nutritionist or expert, I have found that many need to increase calcium and especially magnesium.
![]() When we experience things that are not physically visible, we may wonder if they are real or actually affect us. For example, when our hormones are wreaking havoc on our systems – as they do for teens and pregnant women – we don’t always identify what is really going on. Rather, we react with the impact of this unseen force, sometimes subtly and other times quite intensely. Like hormones, energy is a powerful, unseen force that affects all of us. Although the sun didn’t stop shining and the earth didn’t collapse around us on December 21, 2012, the impact of the energetic shifts we are experiencing is enormous. Like the teen or mother-to-be, collectively we have entered a huge evolutionary transition. Spiritually and humanly, we are becoming a grander being. And, unfortunately, like the hormonal surges we’ve all experienced during times of major physical growth and change, these energetic surges can affect our emotions as well as our other bodies. We may find ourselves feeling uncertain, angry, lost, blissed-out, weepy – sometimes all at once – at the drop of a hat. Energetically we are experiencing a “divide” within us. This can feel like a great loss, as if we are grieving. Simultaneously, there is also a “quickening.” Excitement, anticipation and even anxiety can well up within us for no perceivable reason. As we expand into greater awarenesses, things begin to feel like a paradox, which only adds confusion – of course! Simply acknowledging the unseen forces and their notable affects will help ease the intensity. Although there may not be visible signs, you can rest assured that you are not imagining the energetic shifts of our times. It’s extremely helpful to recognize that you, as well as our planet, are in transition. Knowing you’re not alone is not only comforting; it can make it easier to find information and resources. It’s also nice to note that transitions, by definition, imply a phase. This transition is temporary. By remembering “this too shall pass,” you can put whatever is going on in perspective. Although we can generally predict a pregnancy to last nine months and the teen years to last, well, during the teen years, it’s not so easy to predict how long this transition will last. First, each of us is an individual and we have our own paths and soul intentions. Second, the human collective acts as sort of an energetic unit that greatly influences the individuals within it. However, this collective unit is expanding, which – in essence – is creating “more space” in which each individual can create his or her own reality more easily. In other words, there’s more room to grow and accelerate your personal transition.
![]() One of the challenges of waking up before the masses was the sense of being different or alone. As we continue to move into the new energies, we are finding "our people." Most "lightbearers" have been shining their wisdom for others from "above." In this New Age, not only are our lights becoming brighter, they are connecting with the lights of others - we are coming together! As such, it is time to come down from our sacred mountaintop and reconnect with other lightbearers as well as our "soul families." Much of the work we have been doing has supported the shift and by communing and working with others, we create even greater miracles for the whole. Set your intention to find "your people," open your heart, and create ways to commune, collaborate and simply enjoy each other! ![]() As one year ends and another begins, it's easy to fast forward into determining our goals and desires for the new year.... to focus on those resolutions. Instead, why not take time for reflections? In our go, go, go world we can forget to stop, rest and reflect. Whether you spend a day journaling your personal highlights of 2012 or set the intention to be in a reflective state in your next meditation, allowing the emptiness between what was and what may be can be both insightful and rejuvenating. Here are a few ways to create the space for reflection:
There is nothing wrong with resolutions (unless you use them as an excuse to beat yourself up) but making room for reflections can not only give us the time and space for contemplation, but we can - just might - discover gratitude in the process. ![]() Regardless of the current economy, many people have struggled with money matters throughout their lives, trying to discover the "secret" to financial success only to come up a dollar short. Interestingly enough, many of these adults consider themselves "lightworkers,” but have not consciously made any vows of poverty. Why is it that a spiritually centered, bright person – even one who has learned the tools of manifesting – still struggles with creating financial abundance or security in this age of enlightenment? It is not coincidental that many awake beings have incarnated with this "issue.” In actuality, it is part of the shift. We know that children being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are on the rise. Spiritual leaders often see them as "indigo" or "crystal" children who have come in with new ways of being to help change the world. Indigos have been incarnating for decades. These trailblazing adults have spent much of their lives struggling with, adapting to, and sometimes changing society’s linear structures and misaligned systems. In some cases they, too, may have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD; or perhaps they have found themselves in the artistic or social areas of the workforce, including the healing arts and services, which are usually not as well paid as the left-brained jobs. Whether they are indigo, ADD, artistic or simply have incarnated with a pattern that doesn’t fit society’s standard mold, many spiritual-human beings have conformed to the demands of the financial structure, hunkering down into unsatisfying jobs. Unfortunately, their spiritual desires to be true to themselves have given way to their human needs to survive. The frequencies of the new paradigm, significantly clearer and more joyful than mere survival, are illuminating our way out of the structures that no longer serve. The task at this time, admittedly challenging due to our shaky economy, is to continue to walk in truth and joy as we usher in the new realms within ourselves and for the planet. Patterns that are deeply woven into a worldly structure cannot be shifted by a chosen few, especially if the few submit to the system. To change a paradigm significantly we need the masses to create new energies. Fortunately, a mass of spiritual-human beings have incarnated with some very human patterns. From addictions to relationship problems to learning disabilities to health sensitivities to money issues, each of the significant challenges in the human patterning has been taken on by lightworkers to help heal them. What if your soul intended to experience and heal the financial imbalances for the planet? In a meditative state, ask yourself or your guides if this is a possibility. As well, here are some questions you can answer:
Of course, these questions and even the notion of right versus left- brain work is not to imply that any of it is good or bad, or to even exaggerate duality, but rather to help those who’ve had money challenges gain clarity about the possible underlying energy. Beyond the challenges of financial strains, many spiritual-human beings have faced the darkness of doubt, which has kept them bound in negativity around their worthiness and ability to make money. For one, they have doubted their abilities to function in the practical world in spite of their efforts to “Get a solid education and a good paying job!” Additionally, they have felt inadequate in the “new age” circles after repeated attempts to “Visualize it and do the inner work!” Lack of success and support from both ends have left them feeling isolated and answerless. Unlike the books emerging to offer a different perspective and supportive solutions for the new children, most books and offerings about financial abundance focus most of the energies on adapting to the system in some way, even if it’s spiritually based. Thankfully, there is a new surge of energy focused on changing the economic system itself. In the meantime, how do we know what to do to shift from survive to thrive? As our Highest Self is always in alignment, our minds can be challenged to know which areas of our lives we can improve upon and which are about learning to surrender. Do we desire change to replace our feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness? Are we exactly where we need to be and our task is to embrace and shift the perceptions about our flaws? Do these deeper questions matter when we get the note or call reminding us, “Your bill is past due!”? By standing clearly in the center of you, balancing on the fulcrum point between the bill-job world and the enlighten-manifest realm, you claim your power by recognizing your true self, as well as your patterns, intentions and agreements. With understanding of your soul’s makeup or intention, you can make conscious choices about your path. When we make peace with who we are and view our shortcomings with a loving perspective, we can beam forth from a firm foundation. In reality, our shadows and shortcomings are simply a small and vague depiction of our approaching grander selves! Fortunately, the frequencies of Love Consciousness are aligned with grace and ease, which are becoming more accessible as we open to our grandness. Thus, connecting to and bringing forth our true selves is becoming easier. In fact, the more firmly we stand in our loving truth, the more effortless the energies of change will seem. When we walk in truth, keeping an eye on the ideals we envision – no matter what the state of the economy – we bring that energy to the world. In other words, if our true calling is to change a suppressive system, we make changes by staying true to ourselves, allowing the system to conform to us, rather than vice versa! As the new continues to unfold, in order to make ends meet we may need to take on jobs and do things that bring in money. Yet, if we do these things with integrity and joy as we undoubtedly walk toward a new paradigm, one that supports each of us doing what we love, then we become the change we want to see in the world! Financially thriving may or may not be the result of standing in our truth. As spiritual-human beings, we have chosen to seek truth anyway. And, we are growing tired of struggling. If we are struggling, it indicates that we are fighting or resisting. More than the systems, we are fighting and resisting ourselves and it is time to make peace. We don’t do this by surrendering who we are to something that doesn’t resonate with our truth. We surrender to our truth, which is rooted in love and joy. By making conscious choices, staying centered in truth, and continuing to cultivate love and joy in all we do, we can’t help but thrive. When we thrive as individuals, the system in which we live no longer matters. And, as more and more individuals choose to thrive, old, suppressive systems will dissolve allowing new ways to emerge. Trailblazing new paths isn’t always easy. Take to heart that no matter how others may perceive you and your efforts, your vision, courage and undeniable worthiness are the source of your strength and grandness and know you are doing what you came here to do. ![]() Likely you are finding yourself extra sensitive these days. Perhaps there are many serendiptous events, your awareness is heightened and you are having many notable dreams. A simple practice to help your expansion and integration process is to dream with intention. Rather than making too much of our dreams - for example, by spending a lot of time trying to analyze them - we can simply allow them to unfold, but with an intention of bringing alignment and clearing. We are so well guided by our Higher Selves that we can allow our dreamtime to be our "automatic pilot" as we navigate through our awakening process. Like our GPS tools, it helps if we actually set an intention for where we want to go! If deep meditation isn't your thing, no worries. Simply take a few deep breaths as you lay flat on your back in bed. Relax and focus on your heart. Let your thoughts slow down and bring your intention into focus. Your intention can be simple, such as "Help me align with Love Consciousness while I sleep." You can also ask to have your guides work with you in your dream state. If your dreams happen to catch your attention, allow yourself to reflect on them, but don't worry if they didn't make sense. Writing them down helps capture the highlights, and perhaps the subconscious information offered within the dream will reveal nuggets at some point, but know it may not be necessarily for the mind to understand. Rather, simply invite your awareness to take in the energy and essence the dreams infused in you while you slept. ![]() For many of us, the last three months of each year can feel like a countdown of holidays that peak at Christmas and offer a sigh of relief as we watch the ball drop in New York City (that's if we stay awake late enough to see it). Each passing day seems to bring us many more to do's than we can gracefully handle. Though there is an abundance of festive joy ringing in the malls and adding sparkle to our neighborhoods, we can often feel overwhelmed and obligated. If you begin to feel frazzled, remember to tune into the simplicity of the season. Getting through the holidays, with grace and joy, is mindfully possible:
However you spend your holy days, remember to invite peace into your heart and keep your actions within the essence of that intention. ![]() One of the most challenging things for us to understand is that we are valuable beings simply because we exist. Many of us get our self worth from the messages we were given as children, "Who do you think you are?" or we base our value on the things we do. Work and money are often at the heart of how we feel about ourselves. We may look at our bank account or our actions to determine our worthiness. In fact, our society will agree with us most of the time. We place ourselves and others somewhere along a gauge ranging from bad to good. How can we stop chasing this inherently flawed belief? How can we recognize our undeniable value? This month, and perhaps beyond, find ways to help you believe that you count! Whether you read inspirational books, listen to meditative messages, utter positive affirmations, or take self-loving actions, you can consciously connect to your worthiness. No matter who you are or what you've done to make you feel bad about yourself, you are a divine and sacred being and YOU COUNT! ![]() As the Winter Solstice nears, many of us wonder what is going to happen. Will there be an end of our world, of us, of time, or something else? What, if anything, is going to change? Though there have been many predictions of events or energetic shifts, no one is fully clear about the specifics. What is clear, however, is that we are in the midst of great change, and those changes are noticed both inwardly as well as in the world. Before we look at the changes, we might first be compelled to look at what hasn’t changed. For one thing, our ego’s need for consistency and reliability helps keep us sure that we, and our world, are okay. In general, we can look at the past few years and see that things are fundamentally the same. In America, our economy is still shaky, the unemployment rate is about the same, we re-elected the same president, and we haven’t experienced too many major upheavals. Many other countries have experienced a similar pattern. Good or bad, most of us would agree “things are basically the same.” Yet, if we look at this same area using a larger chunk of time, we notice that things have significantly changed over the last decade or so. As we look to worldly events, we can certainly identify radical movements of change in numerous nations. What’s clearly noticeable for many of us is our personal lives have shifted pretty dramatically in a relatively short period of time. Many of us have experienced huge losses, some of which are directly mirroring the greater picture; almost everyone knows someone who’s lost a job or home. Additionally, significant changes are rampant; marriages and close relationships have dissolved, major illnesses have arisen, people have made unexpected moves, and personal crises have created noteworthy changes that have nothing to do with who’s president. When we look at the patterns that are common to so many people, we can see there is something shifting and for those who are intuitively in-tune with higher, cosmic energies, we are certain that this shift is monumental. What is changing? Most notably, we are changing. The economy, job rates and election results are merely a manifestation of the inner changes we are experiencing. In other words, these vast changes – conscious or not – have began within us years ago and are growing rapidly. We, in our agreement to incarnate at this time on planet earth, have embarked on a huge evolutionary mission. We are changing the world by allowing our divine essence to shine through our human bodies. This is the fundamental collective impulse of the New Age and its manifestation is taking various forms. For most of us we have relied heavily on the rules, structure, and suppressing forces imposed on our lives as a constant, even comfortable, construct. We have incarnated into families with issues to help us form patterns of lack, insecurity, anger and so on. We’ve adhered to the rules and directions of our society, trusting that if we behaved accordingly, we would ultimately be happy and successful. Unfortunately, many of us have hit that dead end of the rat maze to realize there is no cheese! Either we’ve discovered that this is a game and we’ve been running around for the sake of some illusionary goal, or we beat ourselves up and try even harder to find it, never allowing ourselves to leave the maze. For those of us who’ve rejected the rules, we’ve experienced self-doubt, isolation, and fear and in so doing, have often found ourselves so far outside the construct of the game that we’ve struggled to survive. We waffle between being part of it all and completely denouncing the whole system. And in spite of our own fears, we know that those who’ve played the game right, still aren’t living joyfully and empowered. The fact is, the majority of humans experience negative feelings because they are the holding pattern of the ego. Thus, our mission is to transform old, limiting patterns and free ourselves from the ego’s grasp. Individually and collectively, this is why patterns of suppression, rules, and conformity are crumbling. For those who are experiencing crisis, it’s the resistance to these changes that are manifesting loud and clear. If we want true freedom and joy, it is up to each of us to listen to our soul’s calling. How do we listen to our higher calling? The problem with all the issues that have been collected by our egos, compounded by the suppressions of our society, is that we believe the game is real and we are powerless. At this time, the game is very real, but we are not powerless. It is time to claim our power and release our constrictive beliefs. First, we can realize that we are all intuitive and have access to our own guidance. Whether we connect best with angels, guides, a specific deity, or what we refer to as Source doesn’t matter. What matters is that we reconnect with this energy and practice listening. The easiest way to connect is through the heart and avoid the chatter of the mind. Practice journaling with a question and answer format and see what comes. If the words are critical or fearful, they are from the ego. If they are uplifting and filled with love for you, they are offered as guidance. Next, connect with others on a similar spiritual path; one that allows you to embrace your power, not deny it. The idea is to make positive connections on both the physical and spiritual planes making it easier to find clarity. What is our part in the shift? All of us are playing a part. As humans, we are part of the cosmic shift because we are here. As this energetic shift is essentially about becoming who we truly are, then this is the bottom line for taking on our personal task. What can be confusing, unfortunately, is that we have been playing roles that are so out of alignment – roles that have kept us out of our power or joy – that we may not know what else we should or could be doing. Self-care is a crucial step in participating in the shift and illuminating our way. For instance, if we are caregivers who do too much for others, our personal empowerment will not unfold by continuing this unhealthy pattern. Therefore, we would probably not be guided to do more service for others; our attention will be focused on nourishing self care. If we have been playing small and are afraid of our power, our struggles with trying to hide and dodge our own light will intensify to the point that we will either surrender or die from the battle – at least in the egoic sense. Though there may be urges to contribute to the greater collective as we shift, the reality is that this is an inner shift which will then manifest outwardly. By acknowledging and taking care of our divine selves, we are doing our part. What about 2012 worldly changes? Whether we look to December 21, 2012 with excitement or fear, we are setting the stage for what to expect. In other words, if a woman is frightened about experiencing pain while giving birth, her body will be tense and contribute to any physical pains. On the other hand, if she has been working toward a conscious, prepared birth, her experience will likely be one in which mindful breathing and loving support guide her through the experience, thus minimizing both fear and pain. Yet, this is not to say that she won’t feel pain, or her work will guarantee a simple, normal birth. And, of course, the fearful woman can choose to be knocked out with drugs to avoid the whole thing. Hence, the real question is “What tools to do you have to stay centered during life’s ups and downs?” Regardless of what comes in December, or any other time, we can choose to rely on our centeredness or bend with fear. With a rocky economy, looming unemployment and political stagnation across the red and blue isles, we can feel the wave of tensions and easily get washed away. Moreover, if personal changes have blasted your life, the need to cope feels like a matter of survival. Again, personal self-care as well as conscious connection to Source and community are vital components of an empowered, joy-filled life. Additionally, mindful breathing, meditation, and yoga are simple and effective ways to find our center. There are many other methods, of course, and it is always in our best interest to learn and practice methods which offer inner peace. Regardless of what we can or cannot control outwardly, we empower ourselves by learning to maintain our centeredness of heart. Imagine what will happen if, on the Winter Solstice, each one of us spends the entire day staying centered in our heart? ![]() Have you always been intuitive? After an impressive reading, people will often ask me this question. I have to say, "Yes, and I decided to develop it." Of course, I am never short-winded, so I may go in to the story of why or how, and explain that they, too, can develop their own intuition. From the time I was little, my mom assured me, "We're all psychic." Then, ironically, our 'family psychic' (and therefore the rest of the family) would note how intuitive my cousin was and how she'd probably grow up to be a psychic. First, I want to say thatI generally avoid the word 'psychic' because it can imply someone who knows how to read minds, or a gift that has been bestowed upon a chosen few. I feel the word 'intuitive' opens the door for all of us to recognize what we already 'know.' When I get information, I don't try to confine it to any means - I hear, see, 'get', feel, sense or simply know the information. And, with years of practice with strangers, I have become highly skilled in this area. Part of re-collecting our whole selves includes developing our intuition. Just as we have our senses on the physical realm, we have similar senses in the ethers. Similar to dreaming, we can experience a world where words, pictures and thoughts are just as real - at least in the moment - as our everyday lives. And, with practice, we can learn to integrate this state of being into our everyday lives; soon our skills become refined and what once seemed difficult becomes second nature. When we learn to actively receive the information we need, we find clarity of purpose and deepen our connection with self and, if willing, with Source. Our intuition is not simply a means to know what others might be feeling or thinking, it is a way to know our expanded selves and communicate with realms that offer us a greater, more loving perspective of the world.
![]() Although the 2012 hype can be frightening - the predictions, the uncertainties, and yes, even the notable worldly events - it can also mark a time of significant endings that we can collectively celebrate. Most of us can welcome the ending of "bad" things, and are certain they couldn't have come a moment too soon! However, losing a home to foreclosure, a marriage dissolving, or the death of a loved one are not generally something we celebrate. And, although there are those moments of acceptance (usually well after the fact) when we can see the "reason" or "gift" of an ending of something we hold dear, facing it as it approaches or surrounds us can be quite uncomfortable. Yet, what if, in a whirlwind of changes we remain completely open to endings - or any other phase of life cycles - without knowing their specific outcomes, or the gifts that might one day emerge from them? As we awaken to Divine Consciousness, we begin to experience more trust, allowing and presence - all factors in releasing our fear of endings. Rather than struggle to accept What Is, or force ourselves to make peace with endings, our time would be better be spent on engaging in our own awakening process which inherently offers such gifts in their own time. As we evolve and learn to hold space for natural cycles, we will eventually recognize that the only thing we need to end is our tie to living a non-joyful life. ![]() Spiritually speaking, the Autumn Equinox introduced a huge wave of cosmic energies to help our physical bodies adjust and ascend with the 2012 shift. These extremely high vibrational frequencies didn’t just penetrate our body’s auric field, they elevated the human system allowing our DNA to “open” and “upgrade.” Though there are many spiritual-scientists working to prove the existence of quantum mechanics in our DNA, there is much to learn on this linear plane. The Universe, however, has nothing to learn and is doing what it does regardless of whether or not we have understood or proven anything. The energetic shifts of 2012 are happening and it’s the spiritual-intuitives who are tuning in to, and bringing us information about, these changes. Thus, as spiritual-human beings, we are learning to find balance in this life experience; relying comfortably on the left-brained practice of science and reason while growing exponentially in the skills and conviction of our intuition – both collective and individual. It is through meditative and heart-opening practices, as well as a dedicated intention to follow our spiritual paths, that we can feel and know inwardly a spiritual Truth when one emerges. (And, as we align more closely with Truth, paradoxically, we recognize the illusion of any Truth being absolute!) The Equinox energies could be described as exhausting, to say the least. Most of us slept and dragged ourselves through the first Fall weekend. Insights, ideas and confusion have been plummeting our minds ever since, while our bodies have felt an urge to either collapse on the couch or unite with some kind of loving movement and take on a new approach to radical self care. For simplicity’s sake, it would be beneficial to refrain from over-doing, forceful trying or deep intellectualizing about ourselves, our lives, or our next big move. Rather, if we imagine the Fall Equinox as a pouring of grace and ease from our cosmic Being into our human bodies we can feel the hugeness of this merging. With this picture, it makes sense to allow for down time and simplicity as we adjust. As October unfolds, and we edge closer to the Winter Solstice of 2012, we will discover an onslaught of choices and changes. If we align with our cosmic gifts, these choices and changes – infused with grace and ease – will guide us toward a more ascended state of being, expressed (relatively smoothly) in human form. Throughout humanity, many spiritual masters have incarnated or been initiated into a state of enlightenment. To help relieve our (perceptions of) human suffering, the masters have illuminated our way. Unfortunately, the tools and skills have often been unattainable for most humans; they were either too ascetic, rigid or simply did not energetically match the human’s biological system. This is not to say that the average human couldn’t attain enlightenment, but rather that the methods were often incompatible on many levels, including physical, making enlightenment very difficult. In the New Age our intention as a collective has been twofold: we desire enlightenment for the masses, and we want the body and our humanness to enjoy higher states of consciousness as well. In other words, what is the point of enlightenment for the singular human being if the being has to sit isolated on the mountaintop without the juiciness of living on such an extraordinary planet? Today’s ascension is for the whole being – soul, mind and body. In this age there are many striving for their own spiritual evolution and in so doing, their work resounds and supports the spiritual evolution of the collective. Concurrently, cosmic forces are bringing us closer to a spiritual consciousness which is aligned with bliss and pure Love. This could be described as heaven if you worked only on the spiritual planes. Bringing these forces into our physical bodies is how we can live in heaven while still on Earth. Ascension of the human body is a key element in this work at this time. The high frequency cosmic forces offered in the Equinox are forces of Love. To “upgrade” our human bodies so our infinite spiritual abilities can manifest on the physical plane, Love Consciousness is being infused into the core of our DNA. These energies are changing the patterns, blocks and programming that kept us confined, simultaneously revealing our incredible gifts. We can sense it, feel it and with special attention to the care of our bodies help nurture it. Gentle kindness is the best choice we can make during these system upgrades (though there are some of us who learn from harsher life experiences, which is always an option, of course). With that in mind, allow your October focus to be around grace and ease for your body. A critical mind does not help your body feel loved; do your best to tap into Love Consciousness and act and think accordingly. Likely, you will naturally feel inclined to take care of your body, but resistances may arise. This is okay; Love the resistances and move gently forward on your body care path. When it comes to body care, it is imperative you listen to the wisdom of your own body. As this Autumn unfolds, here are some suggestions for gentle body care:
Incidentally, isn’t it Divine timing to receive such gifts for our bodies at a time when we are reaping the abundances of our Earthly harvest and our instincts are aligned with the gathering of resources to take care of our bodies? In one-on-one readings, I often make "predictions," but absolutely know that people can change course at any time. I love to use my mom's analogy when we teach our Intuitive Skills classes together: If you are driving from Sacramento to Reno, heading up I-80, you might pull over at a gas station and ask, "Am I going to Reno?" After figuring out where you came from and which direction you've been traveling, the attendant would say, "Yes, just keep heading up I-80 and you'll get there." Doing a reading about someone's future is similar. The person telling you that you are going to Reno usually predicts where you are going based on where you've been, what road you're traveling on, and your intended destination. The choice in whether you stay on the road, or turn around, or pull off at any other exit is yours. ![]() Several months ago I had "seen" that the energies brought with the Equinox would be huge, but didn't think about it again... until I felt them. Last week, my mom, Rev. Tess Pender, experienced a stroke. Though I don't believe that the energies of the Equinox caused it, or that they are inherently bad, I do see a correlation. We are rapidly moving into at time where patterns are clearing, hearts are opening, and life is expanding. This can be seen in an infinite array of manifestations. As you see and sense the shifts around you, I offer you these words, "Breathe and Trust." Of course, I'm doing my best to do this very practice! For those who have been offering prayers - with Facebook comments, phone calls and in your hearts - my mom and I sincerely thank you! I trust that this next phase in our lives as mother, daughter and family will bring deeper heart connections. ![]() Between those to do lists, daily planners, online calendars and everything else to help keep us on track, we have become slaves to our left brains and, strangely enough, have relied on back up systems because of our lack of trust in our own ability to retain important information! Imagine, for a peaceful moment, a true letting go. We often picture our feet in the sand somewhere; margarita in hand and a silenced cell phone. Wait! Is that Jimmy Buffett serenading you? No, it's your snazzy ringtone... probably Eminem rapping Back to Reality! Now imagine your heart. Feel it. Breathe deeply. As you focus on your heart and breath, be willing to release all other thoughts. Breathe, feel, allow, let go of anything not related to your breath and your attention on your heart. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is actually not the releasing of thoughts. The yogis knew the persistence of the monkey mind. The breath calls us back to center whenever we find ourselves engaged in our thoughts. Of course, meditation is not the only way to slow down the monkey mind, but here's a thought: What if you gave yourself permission to stop thinking? Or, maybe not engage so much in the thoughts that arise. No need to criticize your thoughts or yourself for having so many random, and likely useless, thoughts (which most are, by the way). Rather, just think about giving your left brain a vacation once in a while. ![]() As humans living on Earth we have agreed to be in relationships in some way or another. Unless one is a hermit in complete isolation, even our casual interactions are relationships in their simplest forms. And, at this time of great cosmic shifts, we are in the midst of big changes in our own lives and, as such, have likely experienced some major relationship shifts in the past year or so. Although relationships have come and gone over the course of our lives, the recent changes seem far more profound and permanent. As well, our soul’s desire to feel more connected to others has deepened. We are recognizing the Oneness of All That Is and want to heal our perceptions, if not our realities, of separation consciousness. It may not be possible to mend all the dissolved relationships in our life, but we can certainly work with an intention to bring Love Consciousness to the origins of each of them. What is the point of bringing anything to the “origins” of our relationships? As all things are energy, and in reality there is no time or space, in truth we are always working with energy in present time. Thus, wherever something may seem on the spectrum of time, we always have access to it. Back in linear time, we and our relationships have pasts and our strained relationships have been impacted by past energies that have lead to current issues. By infusing the formation of a relationship with Love Consciousness, we can positively influence the course of its linear path to affect the ever-present. Whether or not we literally repair the relationship is not a guarantee, but by enlightening the relationship’s origin, we can free ourselves from emotional baggage and find peace in What Is. And, likely, What Is will feel much more peaceful. Of course, with a dedicated spiritual practice and inner work, it’s possible to find peace in all areas of our lives, and by working at the energetic level of our relationships, we can make tangible shifts in how we partake in them, even if they have dissolved completely. This simple, mindful technique is both powerful and accessible. As our intuitive selves mature and we awaken the greater consciousness within us, we gain access to insights and abilities once reserved only for shamans and highly spiritual people. It cannot be stressed enough to be both clear and loving in your intentions while doing this exercise:
In reality, you may think there is no need to do anything to dissolved relationships that no longer serve you. This is true, perhaps. Yet, with no hope or desire to reunite an estranged relationship, you have nothing to lose except time spent in loving intention, right? Nonetheless, in this age of awakening to One Love, if we tune into the desires of our hearts we feel a yearning to beat in rhythm with the Universal frequencies of this highest order. With this simple exercise – and "it isn’t hard to do"* – not only can you visualize peacefulness in your own relationships, you can allow yourself to "imagine all the people living life in peace."* *Imagine by John Lennon ![]() A simple, loving practice I have created for myself lately is a yoga-like free and easy movement to yummy music in the morning. The moves are slow and flowing, and - like sensual dance moves - includes the loving caresses of my hands nurturing and blessing my body. My hands, first open to the heavens above, gather Universal Love and melt down my head, neck, shoulders and arms. Resting in Easy Sit position, I sway and churn my torso, while my hands comfort my back, buttocks and thighs, as I open my heart to the world and to myself. With eyes closed, music loud and luscious, I allow my body temple to embrace the union of body and soul within me. During this sacred time, and for hours afterward, all of me feels alive and loved. I encourage you to enjoy your own expression of uniting body and soul in a loving, nurturing way. ![]() Have you ever been in the midst of a joyful celebration, surrounded by friends and suddenly noticed that you were feeling lonely or loveless? The primary impulse for our spiritual awakening is heart-centered Love. As the energies expand and contract to make room for more love in our hearts, we can feel an odd emptiness. Why is this? As beings of Love playing in the game of duality, which includes wounds, stories and occasional bursts of joy, we have tried to adjust our Highest Selves to participate in the human's see-saw of emotional experiences. And as we awaken, there will be those unpredictable moments when we notice the illusion of it all, or feel the massive gap between where our human selves have defined joy and the eternal bliss of Divine Love. In those moments, know that there is nothing wrong with you. You aren't being ungrateful or haven't found the right friends, you are simply awakening to a higher form of Love. And, at those times of raw awareness, know that the gap is shrinking. In essence, your soul is experiencing the discernment between alone and all one. ![]() Kindness is one thing; boundaries are another. When we are in balance, we can offer both in earnest. Whether the boundaries we set are verbal (just say "No"), physical, or energetic, it is important to be clear and firm. Although not all of us can muster up the courage to set obvious boundaries outwardly, we can still have clarity and firmness inwardly, which makes a world of a difference in whether or not others respect them. For example, if you feel guilty for setting limits, you will likely experience others testing them and will end up giving in. Yet, by being clear and firm, others will sense them and respectfully honor them without your engagement. And if they don't, your clarity and firmness will be the backbone you need to stay centered as you affirm your stance. Boundaries may not be easy to set, but with practice they become stronger and more incorporated in your actions. ![]() Over the next several years, we will likely see a greater divide in the relationships we once knew. As our spiritual paths become clearer and we work on integrating our divinity, we will experience new heart-centered perceptions of life. As such, those who continue to act from wounded places and fears will be less compatible with our energy frequencies. In all likelihood, most of our familial relationships will fall away along with all of the denser patterns that helped form us. These relationships – our families and primary relationships – have assisted us in being human and have given us a life experience from which to learn and grow. If they have served their purpose, we no longer need them for our spiritual growth. For many of us, notably, a major family split has come to fruition fairly recently and, once again, we may be experiencing a sense of loss and isolation. Why “once again”? So many of us have come to bring a new way of being to the earth at this pivotal time, and in doing so, have spent decades feeling isolated from the masses. We have longed for a sense of belonging. Thankfully, as the masses awaken from their forgetfulness, we are slowly, but surely, finding “our people.” And, as our hearts open, we will continue to feel connected to all kinds of people, regardless of our current beliefs about compatibility. With fully opened hearts, we will re-member and live in Unity, or Love, Consciousness. However, in the interim – this time between feeling connected to all beings and the current disconnection from our oldest relationships – the losses can be quite shocking and painful. For some, the signs of separation have been coming for a long time; for others the changes have been more abrupt. Similar to a death, we experience the loss whether or not we saw it coming. And, like death, we may have many ways in which we grieve. To top it all off – matching the intensity of the universal shifts of course – we may actually be dealing with multiple losses at once. There are numerous ways to deal with pain, loss and grief. This article, however, is not to give advice in this area, but rather to acknowledge the changes that are occurring in our relationships, as well as offer a perspective about a greater spiritual growth. If you look around and see plenty of relationships continuing as normal, it’s simply because there has not been a major shift in consciousness in the people involved, or because the both parties are becoming more conscious in ways that are similar and compatible with each other. In other words, if you are experiencing splits in primary relationships right now, you are likely creating some huge shifts within you. Clearing relationships that no longer serve your highest growth is just one element of this shift. When relationships dissolve, it is important to remember there is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with them. It is simply a change that your soul is ready to make. As communal human beings, we want to feel connected. For many of us, family relationships are not only important, they are what we have anchored into for a very long time. Whether or not we visit family often, or have common interests, we feel connected to our family roots and want them to stay planted. Yet, for many who are growing in vast and soul-stirring ways, the roots can no longer support the beings we are becoming. There is no nourishment, no sustenance left. In fact, the relationships have become so heavy energetically, that even if we don’t connect often with our old relations, they have begun to wear on us and have kept us stuck in unhealthy patterns. Our kind, loving and sentimental selves may wish for compatibility and connection to our families of origin, but the breaking away – if it comes – is always in our highest good. And likely, it wasn’t our doing; the break up was probably initiated by the other party which can make us feel like victims. In addition to processing the victim-perpetrator pattern, it is wise to refrain from taking the break ups personally. This isn’t, however, to say that you may not have contributed to the relationship’s dissolution, or haven’t partaken in ego-driven drama, but rather to help you gain your neutral footing so you can move forward with your spiritual growth. When you look at the “causes” for the shifts – especially if there are multiple relationships crumbling over the same reasons – you can use this information in two ways. First, you can look at it on a personal basis and see the patterns you create. Second, you can see the situation as your ego’s way to keep you feeling bad about yourself. For example, if your mother and sister no longer speak to you because you are “too opinionated and selfish”, you can look at how you might be judgmental and self-centered in your relationships with them and others. In addition, if you have been intentionally trying to break free from the opposite pattern of being a doormat and have started to speak your truth and take care of yourself, then this will definitely stir the relationship pot! Stepping into your power can frustrate the people around you who do not want you to change. However, if you look at the more subtle picture, you can see your own ego at work. The negative reflection you see in another’s action toward you is your ego’s way of proving that these changes you have been making aren’t in your highest good at all. Don’t get sucked in to this game; your ego is simply afraid. Honestly, is staying stuck or relinquishing your power really worth any relationship? Believe it or not, a majority of folks will answer “yes”. The pain of growth, or being alone, or the fear of losing relationships keep so many people in dense and self-depleting patterns. Even if your personal heart wants to answer yes, those dedicated to the path of spiritual ascension will find all incompatible relationships coming to an end. Our awakening soul’s finer frequencies are not harmonious with denser ones and we must move through this clearing process in order to continue our spiritual growth. Food choices, relationships, jobs, finances, and our bodies and health are becoming more in alignment with supportive, loving frequencies. Our human and spiritual selves will not be able to tolerate anything less than Love; no more settling, no more self-abuse, no more suffering. Of course, clearing old, denser patterns is a process. For most people, it will take time – most likely many years – and will ebb and flow as we fine-tune ourselves with Love Consciousness. Feeling completely incompatible with others is temporary, by the way. Though the pain of losing our families and close relationships may feel very real right now, this too shall pass. In a state of Love Consciousness, we move away from emotional needy patterns to those of grace and ease where there is no need to judge or separate “compatible” from “incompatible.” Yes, the split we experience now is permanent in terms of how we are in relationships with others; but we are moving into a place where we do not need to “feed” off our relationships anyway. We, in and of our divine selves, are complete and whole, and by fully recognizing this we create an entirely new way of being in relationship which is more joyful than we can imagine. ![]() Are you losing your mind or just experiencing the awakening process? A common pattern many experience as the illusionary veil lifts is feeling a bit out of it. Whether the mind starts to question everything, confusion arises, or there's an occasional dizzy spell, you can rest assured (once a doctor affirms nothing is actually wrong with you!) that your body and mind are simply adjusting to your spiritual ascension. Some ways to help ease the shifts include connecting with other like-minded people and comparing symptoms, taking a warm bath, journaling, reading spiritual literature, connecting with Nature, drinking clean water, and communicating with your pets. Yep! Communicating with those wise, unconditionally loving companions will help you through the changes, but only if you take their advice. (Specifically, the advice of Mother Nature and your pets, that is!) ![]() In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we can find little, if any, time for peace and quiet. Sometimes our only private, quiet space is when we are in the bathroom! And, likely, it isn't a daily ritual to take a leisurely bath with candles, lavender and an hour of indulgence just for you. Many of us have looked to the early morning or the late night hours to have a little hush time for ourselves... if we are not too tired or haven't used that time to squeeze in a few extra tasks, anyway. Sure, meditation can be a wonderful way to find peace and quiet. To allow the mind, ears and voice to rest. To release thoughts and soak in the silence. Yet meditation is not the only way to enjoy quietude. Reading, crafts, chores and driving can also be done in quiet. Rather than clicking the noise-inducing Play button on your electronic device to fill the space with music or speech, perhaps you integrate a little silence into your day. Don't worry if your mind wanders; perhaps it is simply wondering how to help you listen to the sound of the Divine in silence. If only for a few minutes each day, why not allow yourself to be embraced by quietude? ![]() There is a difference between discernment and judgment; subtle, but important. Discernment allows us to see, feel or know the things that are in our “highest good” and those which are not. Using discernment, we can avoid experiences, relationships and conditions that are not in our best interest. We can decide which jobs, activities and situations to engage in and, generally speaking, have pleasant experiences when we use our gift of discernment well. Judgment, on the other hand, keeps us separated from others and from Source. Judgment is always directed at people or groups of people. Though we may believe it is about others, it is actually about ourselves. Judgment is the ego’s way of feeling safe by protecting our hearts, beliefs and perceptions, even when the judgment is against ourselves. Because it stems from our personal, often wounded, aspect, judgment can be detrimental to both our individual and spiritual growth and happiness in life. Why are we attached to judgment? Most of us grew up in a family that offered conditional love. We saw that if we behaved in certain ways, we would be rewarded with affection, kind words, encouragement, and so on. Or, perhaps, we would avoid being hurt, whether physically, emotionally or mentally. Or, unfortunately for some, avoid being hurt too deeply. We also discovered that our world had many places, people and situations that felt unsafe and soon learned to protect ourselves, and our hearts, with our power of judgment. Thankfully, a mechanism of our ego body, the structure of judgment saved us. For better or worse, it actually helped form us. As we move individually and collectively to a more loving experience of being, we are finding ourselves in an uncomfortable predicament. On the one hand, we are aware that it is time to change; we desire unconditional Love, we wish to release our fears, we want to expand into a greater us. We may even wish to release the denser parts of our ego, including one of its prime foundations, our judgments. On our other hand, however, we are finding resistance to our growth, resistance to releasing the basics of our old “safe” structures, which – of course – includes judgment. How can we simultaneously allow our ego to feel safe and release its attachment to judgment so we can grow and stop the patterns of separation consciousness? Our intention, as denser energies become finer, is to bring Love Consciousness to all aspects of ourselves, rather than to defeat or reject them. Just as we might work with a frightened child, we can use what is familiar and in the child’s capacity to lovingly teach from that starting point and encourage growth. As judgment is what’s familiar and safe for our ego, we can use it to help it transform; perhaps into discernment, or even unconditional Love. Shifting Judgment We all know of people, whether in our personal lives or currently living on earth, that we consider “good”, “pious” or, if you are aware of energetic vibrations, “high frequency.” These are individuals we judge to be either equal or better than ourselves on a deeply personal or spiritual basis. Perhaps we only know of a few folks, or maybe we have given up on humankind and only view saints, archangels or past spiritual teachers in this category. Regardless, we all have those we judge as “superior” or “holy” in some way. With a simple exercise, we can let our ego use specific individuals to create a new structure from which to feel secure, grow and assimilate.
As many of us feel separate from Source so often, or place archangels and ascended masters on such an unattainable pedestal, it is important to envision real people in this exercise, even if we don’t know them personally. This connection is a “next rung” for our ego’s ascension process. The ego may even judge the person invoked as having real human flaws, which helps it feel worthy, resonant and safe, deepening the connection, allowing the entrainment. Whether we feel it during the visualization or not, this exercise allows us to connect deeply with Love Consciousness. By encircling ourselves with “high beings”, hence Love, the ego body finds its validity and releases its need to judge and separate. On a subtle, energetic level, by continuously creating the DNA image structure around us, we can allow the field to entrain our own DNA with these higher frequencies. In doing so we can rebuild our “matrix”, both outwardly and inwardly, in a conscious and deliberate way. More importantly, with the ego’s judgment released we actually open our hearts completely to ourselves, to others and to the Divine. We become conduits of unconditional Love. ![]() Think of all that is breaking apart around you. So many are finding themselves losing relationships, jobs, money, homes and more; things they never imagined losing. We have entered a "point of no return" in which energies which no longer serve us, especially old patterns, are falling away. We, of course, can try to turn back and grasp at the old, but the efforts are in vain. As we forge through the uncertainties, we are growing stronger and soon - soon enough, anyway - we will see that we have broken free. Trust that your soul knows how to claim your freedom. Trust that this is why you have come to Earth at this time; to not just remember that you have always been free, but to demonstrate and relish in your absolute freedom. When things seem as if they are breaking apart in your life, let the courage in your heart remind you that you are simply breaking free - allowing liberty - so that you can pursue your happiness unfettered. For the last several years I have been talking about energies "intensifying." I have also said that I like the word because it is a neutral one; it can describe ecstatic experiences as well as dramatic, heavy ones. And, again, I must say that the energies we are experiencing are still intensifying. Time is whooshing past, structures are crumbling away and our need to feel and believe in our value is nearly unbearable.
This, of course, could be called "Life" or it could be seen as the shift we are moving through as we awaken to a greater consciousness. I think it is both. Intensity.... As I continue to breathe through the whoosh of my personal life, with my oldest daughter graduating from high school and my son graduating from eighth grade, I am finding myself re-evaluating the "how's" and even the "why's" of my work as an Intuitive and Spiritual Mentor. I am caught between welcoming the New Age - in which we are no longer needing "teachers" or "healing" - and the deep feelings of "I can help show the way" and (more surprising to me) "I can help people clear old patterns and integrate the new." And, in this 3D world, there are the necessary logistics to make the energies from higher realms manifest. And, I see and know a world in which only Grace and Ease are most in alignment. In my work and daily life, I find myself in this space "between worlds" - inwardly experiencing the new as I witness the old still in action. Stepping forward in consciousness, as best I can. ![]() "NO!" Does uttering that word make you cringe, or do you feel empowered? Okay, how about "Oh, I can't... you see, I've got to do all these other things, such as...." You don't need to shout, "NO!" (or "Hell, no!"), or even imply that you would if you weren't so darned busy with a large list of other noble things to do, or an explanation of your lack of skills, and so on. You can simply say, "No" or add a courtesy, "No. Thank you for asking." When you really don't want to do something, you know it. Likely, you've created a pattern that either gets you in over your head by saying "Yes," or you've learned to say "No," but justify it in some way. NO, you don't have to do what you don't want to do because someone has asked, or think that you should. NO, you don't need to add excuses for not doing whatever was requested. If you begin to understand that NO is a complete sentence, you can graciously, confidently, powerfully and honestly just say "No." |
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