Articles & Writings
Articles. Poetry. Prose. essays.
As a natural influence of spring, we often feel the impulse to engage in some sort of deep cleaning. Whether we de-clutter our homes or garages, offer TLC to our gardens, re-organize our schedules completely, or do a body cleanse of some kind, we instinctively know that spring is about renewal and fresh starts.
As we move into the intense and rapid energies of 2012, we may feel we can't stand the clutter, heaviness, or impurities during any of the seasons, or in any areas of our lives. Though many believe 2012 is the "end", like any cycle of death and re-birth, 2012 represents the beginning of a whole new way of being. We sense this in our souls and will likely notice our desires to prepare, cleanse and renew as recurring urges over the next several years. Let yourself release the old to make room for the new. What is your intuition telling you to cleanse today?
![]() As we progress spiritually, we often move through the journey in waves, hitting highs and lows as we go. Most of the time these waves are smooth and graceful, but sometimes we experience greater extremes. Hitting a spiritual low can be challenging; if we lose faith, it’s hard to use our faith to keep on track. Yet, the spiritual warrior rides on. The highs are expansive and mind-blowing, and – because they are so high – can render us non-functional. Yet, as our inner awareness resonates with a higher state so purely and joyfully, it becomes something our everyday selves strive to reach as a constant state. We meditate, read spiritual literature, take classes, attend services and search for the tools to support our spiritual ascension. In spite of all that we do, however, it can sometimes feel as if the denser parts of ourselves simply won’t cooperate. In many spiritual belief systems, there is an implication that manifesting is the epitome of having attained a spiritually expanded state, or that the physical bodies of spiritually awake people should reflect their higher state of consciousness. With such dedication to inner work and a spiritual practice, why do so many spiritual people experience the inability to manifest with grace and ease, or continue to experience body ailments and limitations? As humans we have egos to help us maintain the state of awareness and functionality to be here on Earth at this time. Hence, with our ego energy we have attachments and desires. Yet, as spiritual beings, our essence is Love; we are an expression of Source. Source, or pure Love, has no attachments or desires; it simply is. Our spiritual striving is to re-member our essence and integrate it into our everyday lives. At this time in our collective spiritual evolution, many spiritual trailblazers wish to embody a fully ascended state – which includes their physicality – to enhance and liberate their three-dimensional lives, not hinder them. In other words, if we have to sit in meditation all day to experience a blissful, non-attached state, it’s pretty hard to do anything else. Where many people find blocks in the spiritual-manifestation area is in a complex collection of forces:
Although not all of these complexities can be resolved by one spiritual tool or article, it can be comforting to know that there are a number of shifts happening energetically that are supporting our spiritual ascension. As 2012 has finally arrived, many of us have felt the sigh of relief; even our bodies have offered a grateful exhalation. Though the pressures still wax and wane, those in tune can feel Cosmic Grace. We have lifted many energetic, planetary veils that have kept us away from our deep spiritual longings. Though we may not be able to instantly manifest anything at this point, our abilities are expanding as our egos integrate into higher states of Love consciousness. However, in order to be “entrusted” with the pure and incredible powers of instant manifestation, we have to align more clearly with the frequencies of Source Love and release the fear-driven desires that have been spilling out from the unconscious ego. Look at it this way; what if everyone, just because he or she has attained the tools or methods for instant manifestation, could do as he or she desired? Unfortunately, the folks who have been operating from their egos would continue to create from that state and all of us would be part of an ego-manifested world, which may not look so loving. (Ah… yes, the old paradigm.) As we expand in Love consciousness, the “rules” of the new paradigm are far more pure (and stringent). Thus, those of us on an elevated spiritual path have been able to attain so much, but we will not reach the so-called epitome until the ego is pure as well; no nagging fears, misaligned motives, self-abusive traits, and so on. Over the last few years, many of us have embarked on this purification process – eating cleaner, treating our bodies more respectfully, making significant self-loving changes – and have done so with a notable emphasis on our physical bodies. Intuitively we know this is the key to completing our alignment. Our physical bodies – with all their densities – are the last to get in line with our spiritual quest. The good thing is we are bringing our consciousness into our bodies; the frustration comes when we still feel “trapped” in old paradigms relating to manifestation and body freedom. To successfully live on the Earth, our bodies had to be hard-wired to match the planet’s energetic frequencies; as if they were “encoded” with specific patterns to keep them engaged and functional on a planet that was harsh and dense. With this in mind, imagine that each one of us incarnated with a body code – sort of like a combination lock – with a certain number of digits. Perhaps more spiritually evolved people have ten or fifteen digits in their body code, whereas the newer souls may have five or six digits. What if our ascension affects the codes and, by doing our spiritual work, we constantly change the combination to unlock more and more of our abilities, insights, and even joyful experiences? With so many digits, think of the number of combinations we have access to! During those spiritual highs, it may even feel like we have an infinite number of combinations we can experience and expand within. Yet, the lows persist when we realize our limitations; our inability to manifest easily, our denser body issues and ailments . Within a numbering system, even the most ancient souls – who may have dozens of digits – don’t have access to a truly infinite number of combinations because those digits are restricted to the numbers zero through nine. Numbers – in and of themselves – are limited! Now imagine how a “body code” restrained by numbers would limit one’s abilities and expressions! What if we could “reset the codes” in our physical bodies to align with the higher consciousness attained by our spiritual bodies? Here is a simple meditation technique; an intention/visualization to "reset" your own body codes:
When our bodies are out of alignment, sometimes it takes several healing sessions to get them back into a healthier state; this is true for an energetic pattern that has been misaligned, as well. Repetition of this meditation/visualization technique will support your intention and help realign the energies; work with it until you feel complete with the exercise. As the planet shifts to resound with clearer, more loving energy fields, we can shift to resonate with them as well. And, when our bodies are aligned with our pure, spiritual selves in these frequencies of Love, Oneness and Infinity, we gain access to effortless manifestation on all levels, including the physical embodiment of our spiritual ascension. ![]() One of the challenges of a highly spiritual human being is to live within the realms of both “heaven” and earth at the same time. For example, we may observe our ego’s personal issues, have profound insights about the “laws of the universe” – thus feel complete trust about Divine order within our soul – and still not have the everyday “answers” to our dilemmas which can cause frustration and doubt. “How is it that I can commune so clearly with Source and still not be able to (insert challenge here)?” Crazier still, we are continuously receiving more insights and “upgrades” in our spiritual systems and can feel a lack of connection to the information we receive. If we imagine the “downloads” we receive as a flowing river that just increased its volume greatly, and our human minds as intellectual data collectors trying to categorize every drop and organism within the river, we can see that this is both an impossible task and a ridiculous pastime. Perhaps we learn to simply allow the river to flow and not try to catch or understand a thing. Perhaps we practice our meditation and return to the trust living within the soul. Regardless of the “why’s” things can be challenging, it is particularly important to remember our divinity. We are here to live joyfully and to bring truth, light and love to our planet as it shifts into the “New Age.” This is the foundation we must build upon for our own sake and for the benefit of our world. As the world changes and old patterns integrate, our own issues will continue to rise to the surface to be changed and integrated as well. Fortunately, the incidents of major challenges – for those walking a highly spiritual path – are becoming fewer and farther between simply because the “heavenly downloads” and our deep inner work have supported our growth and given us tools to keep our faith and ride through them. Plus, thinking back over the past several years, most of us have already been through the ringer and are finally hanging out to dry... thank goodness! Inherent to Divine order is Divine timing. In the flowing river, we can paddle vigorously to try to move along more quickly, but we'll tire out quickly, too. But we don’t have to work that hard; instead, we can choose to relax, go with the flow and navigate with the oars only as necessary. It is also helpful to remember that when the water rises, the river flows faster which means we will reach our destination even sooner. (And, yes, those paddling skills we've learned along the way do come in handy!) Though we may not see the manifestations of the inner, spiritual work we are doing during those moments of frustration and doubt, and what may feel like a rough ride, when we relax and breathe we clearly know that our spiritual essence is quite profound. In the words of Rumi: “Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.” ![]() Our bodies are naturally in tune with the energies of the earth, including our seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are moving beautifully through Spring, and can likely feel her pull to emerge, open and grow. There is an inner sense it is time to spring forward. If, for some reason, we feel stuck in old behaviors, habits or patterns, spending time outdoors allowing the essence of freshly fallen rain, melting snow, bright daffodils, pink blossoms and lush green grasses to remind our souls of their own nature can help us get back in sync. Unfortunately, we can lose contact with our own inner rhythm if much of our time is spent indoors, driving in our cars, and rushing through our days. We can easily fall prey to life’s “manufactured” cycles of work, lunch break, more work, dinner, mindless TV, email check, one more to do, and sleep, if we are not careful. Moreover, this unnatural cycle creates a disconnect from the inherently natural beings that we are, leaving us feeling fatigued, bored, and – yes – stuck in the old us. Don’t let yourself miss the beckoning sights, scents, sounds and stirrings of nature’s call. Whether you pull a few weeds from your garden, walk your dog in the rain, or adventure to an outdoor activity often reserved for summer, you can allow nature to infuse you with her wisdom of change and renewal. Fun or not, you can even begin with the notion of spring cleaning, which often includes beautifying. Clear out your cupboards, closet, and car, if you simply have to feel productive. Journal – let your mind release all of its over-thinking and worries, then start dreaming on paper... why not? Bring nature indoors with a freshly picked – or bought – bouquet; then, when that one expires, bring in another... and another. The key is to get back in sync with letting go of the old and allowing the new to emerge, hopefully with joy and beauty. Whatever you choose to do this spring, make an intention to tune into what needs renewal in your own life. Listen deeply to your heart and you’ll know what’s necessary to dig up and compost, as well as what’s desiring to be planted. And, when you allow yourself to get really close to Spring, you're sure to catch spring fever! "It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain ![]() When we listen to Source and act upon what we receive, our lives flow more gracefully. Generally speaking, we spend much of our time doing things the "old" way. The familiar patterns of living, feeling and thinking have kept us wrapped within our lives in ways that aren't always comfortable, or even in our best interest. Our egos drive us to independence and we're darned if we're not going to stay independent! Yet, we can remain autonomous and still connect to the Divine. It is possible to live our lives as ordinary beings and receive Divine Grace. So, what does it mean to connect with the Divine, God/dess or Source? For one thing, it means to release our stronghold on doing things "our way;" to listen, to receive. As we move from a state of mundane living into actualizing our Grander selves in this incarnation, we are finding that our older, more familiar ways are not only uncomfortable, but simply aren't working anymore. We can no longer rely on pure "logic" or "practicality" for their own sakes. We must now seek something Grander within us, and live more authentic lives. That Grandness within us is our connection to Source. Some may feel comfortable with prayer, others with meditation, but it's wise to note there are a multitude of methods to connect with the Divine. The key is Presence. When we bring Presence to our hearts, to our awareness, to our consciousness and everyday tasks, we are present with God. It is in these moments that we open ourselves to receive. We allow love, light, information, guidance and heaven itself into our beings when we connect to Source. Auditory people might "hear" words or sounds. Visual people may see images or have visions play out like a movie. Some just "know" or "feel" what they receive. How we receive doesn't matter. What matters is that we allow ourselves to accept it. When we stop judging what we think God sounds like, or discount the ways in which we obtain our information, we open the lines of communication. We open ourselves to receive Divine Grace. Ah, but listening alone is not enough. The next step is to take action. When we act upon what has been given to us, we live more aligned and authentic lives. It is through receiving and acting, we allow Divine Grace to flow through us into our everyday lives. ![]() I have tried to seek balance most of my life. Er... I'm a Libra. An astrologer once told me, "Most people think Librans are balanced. That is actually not the case! Librans spent most of their lives swinging the pendulum from one extreme to the other trying to find balance." Or, perhaps I am an extremely diverse person with lots of interests and intentions. Regardless, balance in my daily life and mind looks somewhat mundane, yet peaceful and simple. In my heart, balance means living in joy without my day's or mind's parameters. Ah, yes! That is what I seek! A life filled with joy without limitations! If there were no tasks to get done, no schedule to adhere to, no places to be, or no outward obligations, then perhaps I could float from one joy to another without worry of seeking balance. I so look forward to the collapsing of time. The mind has created this funny thing called time. Although it helps keep things "in order," it has become a ball and chain we allow ourselves to drag around and believe in its necessity. Again and again, I have contemplated on how to release this ball and chain. Ah, meditation! In the quietude of my soul, I have escaped the sands of time into the nothingness of bliss and eternity. Dreamland also allows my soul to fly free and clear into other realms and dimensions. Some, in this three dimensional, masculine, doing-oriented world might call me "lazy" or "dreamy" or far too idealistic. Yes. Though I believe in the value of work, I know in my heart the value of play... joyful, imaginative, creative, pointless, expressive, boundless play! Yes, by being incarnated onto this earth, in this day and age, we have agreed to the "rules of the game." We follow the "laws" of gravity, time, space, and have bought into the "reality" of duality. And, as a new age unfolds, we are beginning to break those laws. Or, perhaps more accurately, we are allowing our minds to release the perception of these laws and bring the reality of who we are into three dimensional focus for all to see... and - more importantly - for us to enjoy! ![]() There is a Zen saying, “Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” What is the spiritual value of chopping wood and carrying water? When we rely on our own will, our ability to create and do something with our hands, we tap into the fundamental energies available to us by living here on earth. These primary energies support us in many ways; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is essential, in fact, to connect with these energies to gain full enlightenment. Although we have made incredible industrial and technological advancements as humans, our over-dependence on the multitude of modern conveniences has restricted our ability to receive the gifts of these elemental forces. Our spiritual ascension into higher realms of consciousness is deeply linked to how we live on earth. We can spend a majority of our time meditating, reading spiritual books, and attending church, but this is only a fraction of our work. As whole beings, we are most in alignment when we actively bring love and consciousness to all areas of our lives. Living mindfully into the basic and mundane aspects of life is an important part of our awakening. When we look at the greater spiritual picture, right now many of us are experiencing challenges in the areas represented by our lowest chakras – our primal connections to living on earth in human form. Money, our need and ability to work, our connection to earth and our “survival” are areas of focus in this phase of our evolutionary process. We are “cleaning house” so to speak and this, more often than not, can be uncomfortably messy and hard to do. The primary intention of our current “downturn” is to bring our attention down – away from our heads – to the foundations of who we are and how we live. Our task, therefore, is to reevaluate our ways of living, doing and being, and – hopefully – make adjustments beyond mere “survival” (or fearful thoughts about survival); it is time to awaken all parts of our lives. When we release our dependence on all things “convenient”, roll up our sleeves and dig into the basic doing-ness of daily life in its simplest forms, we connect with an authenticity that transcends the task itself. By following an end product, or chore, to its source, time and time again, we live into the practice of finding our own Source. Then, by generating something from "r-a-w" matter we, in turn, can learn to form ourselves from "really-all-what" matters as well – we understand how to create from Source. Whether we attend to a simple task, craft an object with our hands, or rebuild our lives with our hearts, we always have the opportunity to connect with the essential nature of our work. In doing so, we learn that we can create anything with love and mindfulness. And, as the creator, we can use resources that we have carefully selected. Chopping wood and carrying water have very practical benefits as well. We claim our power and gain autonomy with self-reliance. If your region of the world were to experience a catastrophe, and all modern conveniences were not available to you, would you be able to take care of your basic needs? Do you even own an axe or a bucket? These questions are not meant to frighten or alarm, but rather to ask you to take an insightful look on your reliance on life’s conveniences versus your ability to depend on your own means. If you are one of those individuals who is being “called” to clear and align your lower chakras, then perhaps it is time for you to learn to chop wood, carry water, plant a garden, can your food, knit your own socks, use cash rather than credit cards, ride your bike and and rely on your own forces. In your morning meditations, bring these fundamental living ideas into your heart and let them unfold. In quietude, ask your Higher Self, or Source, “What is my basic task for today?” “How can I connect with the earthly energies available to me?” “What does it mean to be self-reliant?” As we cultivate a deeper relationship with our Source and connect with the primary energies of earthly living, we will not only awaken our lower chakras with love and consciousness, we will activate grounded and authentic living into our bodies. The energy, discipline and sense of satisfaction we receive from cleaning house will be well worth our hoarded time. Additionally, if or when the energies of chaos hit your neck of the woods, you will have first hand experiences of chopping wood, carrying water and creating what you truly need... from Source. “…though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to (a person) but through his toil bestowed on the plot of ground which is given him to till.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Self Reliance ![]() As the days grow shorter, we may feel rushed to get things done by sundown. The summer days are long and slow and offer plenty of time to do our daily duties in addition to enjoying sunshiny outings here and there. Fall, however, can be a confusing push and pull of our energies. Namely, Nature – including our own inner rhythm – begins to call us inward and to slow down while the rest of our activities ask us to continue at a heightened pace, or even require more from us, like going back to school. Perhaps Nature’s beckoning us to fall back into her rhythm. It is responsible to honor our obligations, but it is imperative that we learn to listen to Nature’s call and ease up on the throttle if we are to feel connected to ourselves, Source, and – yes – Nature herself. Of course, we can always squeeze in time for ourselves, a daily prayer or brief meditation, or a short hike, but in so doing we will likely feel the intensity of that constant squeezing action (also known as a contraction), not to mention the impressions it leaves on us. When we spend much of our energies hurrying and scurrying, squeezing and pushing, efforting and going, going, going, we often squeeze out some of the fundamental properties of living joyful, healthy lives. For example, how deeply does one breathe when contracting or pushing? Is it a deep, calming, rhythmic breath? (Not usually.) How does one listen to Nature’s rhythm and harmonize with fall? Perhaps you begin your fall with a journal. Take a few minutes each evening (or in the morning before anyone else is awake) and just write. You can purge your thoughts and emotions, create wish lists, or simply doodle – whatever inspires you. This small act can cultivate inward time for yourself, offer you profound insights, as well as help you break away from the faster pace of the outside world. Fall is the perfect time to nurture your home and hearth. Spend a little time recreating your sanctuary along with the yard or property on which it resides. Tending to your home, hearth and garden is very grounding. Moreover, it helps you reset your inner time clock to coincide with autumn. Throughout the day, take time to observe Nature and connect with the natural world. Whether you collect fall leaves to decorate your dinner table, sit affectionately with your pet, listen to the birds sing before you begin your day, or stargaze at night, bringing consciousness to what Nature is doing, saying and offering will not only help you harmonize with her, it will also open your heart to receive her gifts. When you let yourself fall back into Nature’s rhythm, breathing fully and rhythmically will come easier, too, because you will be easing up on the constant contractions and distractions of life on the go. By taking on even one of these tasks this fall – with mindfulness and intent – we will more easily align with Nature. With less daylight, time may seem likes it’s running out, especially when we change those clocks to make them fall back! Yet, regardless of what mean time your clock is supposed to be set for – daylight saving time or standard time – autumn offers you an opportunity to set your inner time clock to the optimal time: WRM Time (a.k.a. time for what really matters). ![]() When most of us think of meditation, we think about sitting in quiet stillness and emptying our mind of all thoughts. Yet, meditation can be as fluid as life itself. One way to engage in meditation is through movement. Yoga, for example, can be a form of moving meditation. Ideally, meditation allows us to bring our body, heart, mind and soul in alignment. If the thought of sitting perfectly still for 20 minutes is too daunting, or if you've been meditating for years and would like to get off your tush for a change, you may want to try a moving meditation. Moving meditation is an easy mediation method because it allows us to break free from the rules and rigidity of traditional meditation practices. Unlike yoga or certain types of dance, which have specific asanas, moves or steps, a moving meditation can be completely your own creation. The idea is to give yourself permission to "go with the flow." With your intention, you can allow yourself to tune in with Spirit, your divinity or even a particular deity and move your body accordingly. Moving meditation can free us of the constriction of a sitting meditation and help us feel connected to all parts of ourselves as well as the Divine. Begin your moving meditation on a yoga mat or throw blanket. Create a sacred space for yourself. For example, you can dim the lights, light some candles or incense, smudge yourself with sage, turn of the phone and put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door. Wear comfortable clothing; pick something easy to move in and/or something that makes you feel good. Play or create a CD that inspires you; perhaps you choose one song for each chakra. Relax your jaw and belly. As you move, focus your attention on each chakra, or on the deity or intention you want to tune into during your meditation. Release judgment; this is your time to simply move the way you choose to move. Here is a moving meditation you can try for yourself, including a song list (with album and artist, of course!). Remember, these are simply suggestions, not rules. As your transition from the hustle and bustle of earthly living during the daytime toward the dreamy spiritual realms in the evening, this would be a good meditation to wind down your day. It begins at your root chakra and moves upward to your crown. Or, you may choose to reverse the order to begin your day, starting with the crown and moving down to the root.
There are many ways to meditate, and many of them have rules about meditation to follow. Yet, the beauty of moving meditation is that it is an easy meditation method which anyone can practice. It can be both contemplative and enjoyable while bringing your body and soul into alignment. Maybe you are ready to allow yourself to reach a heightened level of spiritual - and body - awareness with your own creative moving meditation. ![]() It is easy to forget the gift of giving in times of economical uncertainty. In scarcer times, we all tend to worry a bit about our own ability to get through the challenges with “enough.” Many of us have trimmed our grocery lists, extra curricular activities and a myriad of other things we consider “extras.” Even if we are in somewhat stable jobs, we have likely tightened our budgets “just in case.” As reports on the economy rise, fall and fall some more, we may be inclined to “give less” until we are more sure of its overall recovery. What does it mean to give anyway? Charitable giving is usually defined as giving money to those less fortunate than ourselves. We often do this in exchange for nothing more than the good feeling we get when we support someone or something that we find valuable or worthy. Most people make donations with their “extra” income, rather than use the money that is marked for “necessities.” Some, on the other hand, practice tithing, which means that they give ten percent (or other amount) of their income to their church, community or a combination of other organizations, and then live within the means of what’s left. Giving, however, is not limited to money, as we all know. We can give material objects, food, time, service and so much more. We can give from the heart. In fact, the urge to give is our essence. Whether we chose to tithe, offer food to a homeless person, or spend time and attention with someone in need, giving makes us feel valued and helpful. It regenerates our soul and creates good will in the world. This is the gift of giving for ourselves, but the gifts we bestow upon others are truly priceless. When the stressors of your personal economy begin to squeeze you, perhaps you look around at all you have and breathe in gratitude. Sure there are those who have more, but unfortunately there are far too many with significantly less. While breathing in gratitude, you will feel more centered and abundant. Allow yourself to see all the “extras” in your life. Notice all you can spare and choose to give freely, not from guilt, but from your heart. Gift yourself the gift of giving. Here are a few ways to give that respect your budget:
![]() According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of truth is "sincerity in action." Therefore, when you know who you are, all your actions are rooted in sincerity. From a spiritual perspective, truth is the ability to know who you are. (In Oneness, there is no such thing as who you are not.) Truth is allowing the essence of who you are to open your heart to you. Truth is “expansiveness”, it is “opening,” it is energy. And yet, it is nothing; it is no thing. And, of course, truth is in everything. Trying to find the “right” way, or even the “highest” way, to explain or understand truth is like trying to find the “right” or “highest” expression of God (or The Great Mystery or Source). There is no “highest” expression. God/Source simply IS. Truth simply IS. At the core or center of God is truth. Yet truth is not judgmental, even though the word implies an opposite. There is no opposite of God or truth. No polarity; just Oneness. The truth of who we are is we are divine human beings. We are perfect in our “imperfections.” Wise in our ignorance. Glorious in our shame. Centered in our chaos. We cannot change or alter truth. We can't even hide from it. We can simply pretend we don't know it... and play with that pretending. The definition of truth is less important than knowing you are truth in action. Call it a spiritual truth, if you wish, but you are nothing short of the truth. Are you ready to know this? "We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards us from the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future. We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come. And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom. It is part of what we must learn in this age, namely, to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence - trust in the ever-present help of the spiritual world. Truly, nothing else will do if our courage is not to fail us. Therefore, let us discipline our will and let us seek the awakening from within ourselves, every morning and every evening." ~Rudolf Steiner ![]() Fear can be sparked by anything; money, natural disasters, illness, and – interestingly enough – thoughts of the future. Where some might respond with fear, others may be mildly entertained, have no reaction at all, or have an entirely different reaction. Yet, there are common responses to life’s challenges (or perceived dangers), and fear tends to be a typical one. When people respond to circumstances with fear, it can leave a deep impression in their soul. This impression can be so embedded, they can become fearful about things that might happen. Rather than looking to the future with hope, or even neutrality, they look to the future with fear. In these times, as the economy continues to plunge, Mother Earth helplessly bleeds oil, and wars rage on, fears can certainly arise for all of us. Many wonder, “How am I going to get through all this? What’s going to happen to my money/life/our planet? What does our future hold for us?” Perhaps these trying times are trying to help us work through our fears. Or maybe its time to release fear altogether. Whether its money, the earth or some other issue that hangs heavy on our hearts, we are experiencing a shake up of our foundations, our primary sources of security. Thus, we can be consumed by fear. In this state, we may not remember all the times we landed on our feet, were taken care of by Spirit, or how things turned out fine. We begin to believe that we are truly in danger. Realistically, the chances of your survival are actually pretty good. Likely, you’re not going to die soon, or even end up impoverished on the streets. Although most of us survive hardships, many of us still fear the future and the unknown. Living with fear is not good for the body, mind or soul. It does not need to be part of our lives. What if – instead of living with fear – we learned “to live out of pure trust”? Imagine living your life with “trust in the ever-present help of the spiritual world.” This does not mean that life won’t have its down times once you learn to trust. It simply means that you learn to trust in the flow of life knowing there are both down and up times and you don’t have to control, fight or fear them. Trust does take courage: the strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. In fact, “courage” has its Latin (“cor”) and French (“coeur”) roots in the word for “heart.” By tuning into our heart, we can connect with our courage. And, when fears arise, we can discipline our will by bringing ourselves back to our heart center, again and again, as needed. One simple exercise you can try is to place your hand on our heart and breathe deeply into your heart center. Feel it, notice any fears, and take a few more deep breaths. Be mindful of the present moment, releasing all thoughts of the past or future. Activate each of your senses: with eyes closed, notice what your inner vision sees in your heart; with each breath, take note of the scents in the air, and so on. Recite a prayer of trust or surrender, such as The Serenity Prayer or a heart-felt spontaneous prayer of your own. To develop trust takes willingness as well as discipline. If you are ready to “eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards us from the future,” this simple exercise is just one way to begin. By connecting to your own heart, by awakening from within yourself, you will begin to feel the trust that resides there. And, if you are willing, you can do it “every morning and every evening.” ![]() Wanting is not a bad thing. In fact, our souls wanted to be incarnated, and so we came into existence. Many of us wanted to create or be a part of something bigger in these incarnations; we wanted to make a difference or bring an intention to planet Earth. Yet, wanting can lead us down a path of more wanting. We can feel empty and unsatisfied with what we have or where we are in our lives. Our desires can feel like insatiable dragons always needing more. Do we need more? At this time in our lives, we do need more. We need more simplicity, more time for ourselves, more nothingness to feel the void (not fill it) so we can experience the essence of who we are. Our souls are calling for us to become who we really are… now. How do we become more of who we are? One way to connect with who we really are is to rid ourselves of what we think we want or need; we can practice non-attachment. When we release our desires for having more, we have more opportunities to experience who we are and where we are in our lives (good or bad). We become more present with what is… now. How do we release our desires for more? As a consumer-driven society, our entire environment is bombarded with pressures to do, have and be more. We do our best to keep up, acquire and become who we think we are supposed to be. Unfortunately, we often fall short of societal and self-approval. “MORE!” We press onward in our desire to feel better about ourselves and our lives. Though not an exhausted list, here are a few suggestions for taming the dragon of desire:
My day is growing tired.
The fullness of the week rested over the weekend, yet the tiredness is ready for a good night's sleep. The tiredness is utterly human. My spirit never tires - it always moves with expansions and contractions into eternity. Always. Resting is relative, I suppose. But the body is subject to tiredness and needs rest and renewal. Rest and renewal... rest and renewal. Each and every night the same, though the amount of rest and renewal can vary. My body may demand a certain amount, but it doesn't always get what it wants. I do have to give in to the tiredness though. No such thing as skipping sleep. Putting it off, perhaps, but sleeping must come. And then sleeping wears off, and a new day begins. Always a new day. Always more time for waking so I can see, interact and be in Life. I guess I could choose not to interact, but that would require more effort than it implies. So during my waking hours I try to create a Life of Joy, Love and Purpose. My purpose. What do I want to do with my time that fills me up with Life? I fill, I do, I Love. Then it is time for rest and renewal. ![]() Why is simplicity so difficult? We live in a culture that thrives on doing and accumulating. Removing ourselves from this reality is not easy. Choosing simplicity is counter-cultural. First, we are social beings and like to feel connected to others. When others are engaged in faster-paced lifestyles it can be hard to disconnect; we can feel isolated. Time can feel like an enemy of simplicity, as well. With all the to do's in our lives, there doesn't ever seem to be enough time. Our entire human-created schedule puts work at the forefront of how we spend most of our days with a tiny slice left to do everything else; we get the bonus of a couple of days "off." Another obstacle in releasing our hold on the cultural demands is money. We all need it (hence those five devotional days to the god called Work). Even if we minimize what we must have to a trunk load of essentials, we still need a place to rest that trunk (and ourselves, of course) and food to keep us alive. Simplicity, however, can be something we strive toward. It can make room for more joyful social connections as well as bring mindfulness to how we spend our time and money. Simplicity begins with choices. We constantly make choices, but rarely do we infuse them with consciousness. We usually move through the day with the same doings of the day before and thus end up with the same life. Many of us complain about it, but don't take the time to change what we do. Simplicity can be a matter of deciding what we don't want in our lives and slowly eliminating them. Begin with a purge of material objects that no longer serve you. Take an extra trunk load to the nearest thrift store, or donate it to a women and children's shelter. Getting rid of things that you no longer need is good practice for releasing relationships that are toxic. This is simpler than it seems. Stop sending Christmas cards to everyone, forget a few birthdays here and there and start screening all of your calls. This may sound cold, but is a toxic relationship good for anyone? The bottom line is that relationships that are not healthy actually drain our time, sometimes our money and add a heavy weight on our souls. When we release the "extra" relationships in our lives that aren't serving us, we make room for more heart centered relationships with the people we love. We also create space for new, healthy relationships to grow. Take time back! Remember how you spend your time is ultimately up to you. It is your choice to feel guilty about what you do or don't do with your time. How do you want to spend each day? Whether you choose to work less or eliminate expenses, both can lead to a simpler, more fulfilling life. What if you created a list of essentials? Real essentials. When you think of essentials, think of your essence. What aligns with the essence of who you are? Do you need to have 235 channels to watch? Do you need the big SUV with its trunk load of expenses? Do you really need your credit cards? For that matter, do you need to pay them off so you can keep your good credit? Do you need good credit? Choices. Letting go can feel frightening, but can also be a great relief. Can you hear your heart sigh? Detachment certainly takes practice, so start small and work your way toward the "biggies." Know there are no have to's in cultivating a life of simplicity. Only choices. And, believe it or not, choosing simplicity can be simpler than you think. ![]() "When am I going to get there?", I wonder. I have always been a "futurizer." Since I was young, I have looked ahead, longed for what was to come, lived in the future. My husband, on the other hand, has reminisced, regretted and spent much of his time living in the past. Why is living in the present so difficult? Is it so uncomfortable, or painful, or boring to simply be here now? Ah, such strange behaviors we have taken on as adults. And although many children talk about what they are going to be when they grow up, or relive precious memories, most of them are well planted in the present moment. "What did you do at school today?" we ask at the dinner table. The very young child can scarcely remember the activities of the schoolday; that was many, many moments ago. "Do we have school tomorrow?" the mid-youth asks. The concept of weekends verses weekdays gets confusing, even though it has been consistent for us adults. We often dredge through, make note of hump day, and rejoice with "Thank God it's Friday!" But as children grow, the past or future become something to long for as the heaviness of responsibility and duty, right and wrong, and other cultural influences set in. Do they have to set in? Does growing up have to mean longing for not being in the moment? The moment... the simple, evasive slice of time (which doesn't actually exist). We can grasp it, make it last, or make it disappear. Although it is evasive, it is truly all that exists in time... the one and only moment; the now. So, as I look to the future with high hopes or worry, or while my husband dwells on the past, we are always welcomed to the moment by our children. A present that is everlasting and precious indeed. It's in these spaces of confusion and uncertainty that I try to seek "meaning."
What I'm I "supposed to" do?, I wonder. What do you want to do?, I hear. Want? I want the world! My mind spins in and around wish lists that have been forming since I was a child. Sure, I have outgrown some of the things I wanted in my youth, but there are certainly some things that have never changed. I want to live in opulence, contentment and joy! So, why don't you? I wish I could! So, why don't you? The frustration grows as my mind grasps at the other list... the one with all the reasons why I can't have those dear, sweet experiences in my life. I don't have enough time or money! are the two things my mind has clumped together and turned into the greatest obstacle in the world. Oh, I see. I know I need more excuses! Sure, time and money are the biggies, but this didn't seem to be a good enough reason for lack, longing and such... so my mind digs deeper. It searches, but all the other excuses seem piddly and really do tie into the two biggies. I just can't! Life's not fair!, I insist. Although I am alone, I feel the overwhelming desire to cross my arms, stomp my foot and plop down in a funk on the couch. I hate being conscious enough to know I can no longer fool even myself. Yet, the confusion reigns. I am utterly wrapped into my mood of stubborn despair. How can I live in opulence, contentment and joy with little or no time or money? I hear laughter... a sweet laughter, I admit. My heart knows I have already been doing so. I whole-heartedly understand that opulence, contentment and joy are matters of perception. I also know, though I try to avoid this truth at times, that time and money are also matters of perception. All of these energies can be perceived, shifted and created into whatever I choose. Yet, I am also clear that there is a mass consciousness that - like the stubborn, forgetful me - believes otherwise. This belief is so thick and sticky, it has gotten hold of many of us. It has trapped us into a way of life and often results in suffering. Ah, suffering. I am not a stranger to suffering. There are times I don't want to suffer, and life is simply hard. Yes, life can be very hard. I am reassured that my perceptions aren't completely invalid. I take a quiet, deep breath... a sigh of surrender, really. I feel my shoulders drop a bit; my jaw softens. The frown remains, but I am not as anxious to fight. What I realize is that my mind is still clenching the list of desires. I still do want to have more time and money... especially the money because I believe it will buy me more time. I can be such a noble martyr. My mind searches for the stories. I have many to choose from; I can dare anyone to pick a theme and I could offer a rich, real story likely to put theirs to shame. This game is getting old, however. I'm bored to tears with my stories, though I do use them, as needed. You know, those times that drama is the icing on the cake and your sweet tooth has become a craving out of control. Yeah, those moments still happen. I hear myself laughing now. My reasonable mind simply wants an A to Z answer. How can I make more time and money? Spirit can't seem to reason with my irrational mind at this point. It is caught in the sticky goo, trying to figure it all out. In fact, it assures me, if it figures it all out, it can sell it to others and then make lots of money off the answer! My heart simply smiles. It patiently waits for the conscious, wise me to return... to once again be centered in my heart where opulence, contentment and joy have been living all along. I hear more sweet laughter. I have this funny feeling that my heart knows that time and money are living there, too. A weary mother of four, including two year old twins, lays quietly in her bed. It is early. None of the children are up yet. Should she sleep a few more minutes? Should she sneak quietly into the shower and get a jump start on her morning before the demands of little people fill her time? How about a book? Maybe she can reach for a book and squeeze in some pages of romance or self improvement. With gentleness she rolls onto her back and rests her neck comfortably on her pillow. She inhales a few slow, deep breath and begins a simple, self-guided chakras meditation. ![]() Finding time to meditate can indeed be tricky. Yet, there is always a moment to breathe. A slow, deep breath will do wonders when a "real" meditation can't be afforded. There are also simple methods to bring meditation into your daily routine that don't involve much more than creating a small time frame while doing what you are already doing. The time frame doesn't always mean stopping what you are doing, it can also mean being fully present with what you are doing - being mindful. One meditation method you can do is lead yourself through a simple visualization through each of your chakras before you rise from your bed in the morning. It literally can take 7 minutes or less. Begin by laying on your back with your arms and feet straight, yet relaxed. Allow your pillow to support your head or neck. Take three or more slow deep breaths, then imagine each color of the rainbow as you focus your attention on each of your seven major chakras. You can first try to perceive the color that is emanating from each area, then offer the corresponding color as sort of an "alignment":
The specifics about where you focus your attention or what color you imagine don't really matter. What does matter is that you've taken a small amount of precious time just for you. To be still, to breathe, and - yes - to meditate. More info: As infinite beings, we have an infinite number of chakras. One is often referred to as the "Sacred Heart Chakra." It is located between the "Heart" and the "Throat Chakra" and is often imagined as a turquoise color. This, of course, can be added to your morning chakras meditation. ![]() “O, the month of May, the merry month of May, So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green!” As we move into the merry month of May, we may notice that Mother Earth is “so green, so green, so green.” Perhaps your yard is blossoming with new growth; that which you have planted and nurtured, or maybe that which you refer to as weeds. What have you observed?
For a moment, or maybe longer if you wish, take a walk through the greens of your yard or neighborhood. Allow the gifts of May to awaken your senses. Notice the trees, the gay new blossoms, the bees. Observe the many shades of green nature offers in just one yard. Allow your feet to touch the real earth; feel her coolness, her warmth. Breathe in the scents of lavender, rosemary, or the sweetness of your roses. Listen to the frolicking frogs, the rustling leaves. Taste the mint, or even a blade of grass; taste the green! The beauty of sacred living is that it is available in every moment, every experience. It is usually a matter of noticing the sacred in the ordinary. At least once this month allow yourself to be fully present in your yard or garden. No need to pull weeds, water grass, or prune anything. Simply experience and observe. Maybe you will notice the frolic, the gay, the green of May - the merry month of May* - in your own backyard. *Thomas Dekker wrote "The Shoemaker's Holiday" which included his poem "The Merry Month of May." Waking... waking... waking...
How can one awaken if in reality there is only the awakened state? Sometimes I feel myself as a huge being of light with infinite wisdom. Other times I am a struggling mother with a flabby belly and a messy home. Of course, I know I am both... all. Yet, the reality is that this reality is a tricky one. It is so full of potential, that somehow I have created an entire story and made it real. Wow! Now that is powerful. Yet, the truth is, I don't exactly remember how I did this. Oh, yes, I know people claim to know the "secret," but I don't. Well, I only have a vague memory of the plan, the workings, the so-called truth. I have chosen to stay asleep to this, however, and I yearn to awaken. Or do I? Isn't this the glorious experience? To know, but forget you know, and then try to remember? In the meantime, I am learning to cherish the forgetfulness. To laugh, to play, to be perfectly human. Sometimes the mommy struggles, sometimes she soars. Sometimes the belly squeezes itself into a tight pair of jeans, sometimes it is caressed with love and kindness. Sometimes the house is messy and chaotic, sometimes it is the center of the Universe, filled with love and life and everything outside it disappears completely. Hm.... a strange, yet fascinating experience full of air, water, earth and fire. The elements of life itself. Am I awakening? Maybe I have awakened. I seem to know the basics. Perhaps this is good enough. Listen... listen closely to your heart. What is it saying? What does it desire most? Busyness (sometimes business) can keep us from hearing that which sings so loudly in our being. We can get caught up in the busyness of Life... working, teaching, giving, doing, earning, and so on.
In the stillness, we can make room for listening. Quietude in an option, too. On the to do's of your day, perhaps you make a tiny space for quietude. Then simply LISTEN. Perhaps one day you will begin to hear the song of your own heart. |
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